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F1 - Help

F2 - To flip from text screen to Graphic screen or vice versa

F3 - To turn Object snap ON/ OFF

F4 - To turn Tablet ON/ OFF

F5 - To turn Isoplane Top/Left/ Right

F6 - To turn co-ordinates ON/ OFF

F7 - To turn Grid ON/ OFF

F8 - To turn Ortho ON/ OFF

F9 - To turn Snap ON/ OFF


The line command allows you to draw straight lines. You can enter 2D or 3D
coordinates, or a combination. If you enter 2D coordinates, AutoCAD uses the
current elevation as the Z component of the point. If you respond with a u,
then it erases the most recent segment and continues from the end of
previous segment. If the sequence of lines forms a closed polygon, you can
give C to draw the final line segment automatically. i.e., it draws a line from
the last and first point specified.

Format: Line ( L )

This command creates a point at a required point. The point display i.e., the
appearance of point entities can be controlled by system variables PDMODE
and PDSIZE., which can be set by SETVAR command. The following results
depend on the PDMODE value which ranges from 0 to 4.

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