Reflex Lab 2 2

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Title: Reflex Arc Lab

Purpose: To have a better understanding of what a reflex arc is.

Background: A reflex is a rapid, involuntary responses to stimuli which are mediated over simple nerve
pathways called reflex arcs. involuntary reflexes are very fast, traveling in milliseconds. There are 5 essential
components; the receptor, sensory neuron, integration center, motor neuron and effector. The receptor is at the
end of a sensory neuron that reacts to a stimulus. The sensory neuron conducts nerve impulses along an
afferent pathway towards the central nervous system. The integration center consists of one or more synapses
in the central nervous system. The motor neuron conducts a nerve impulse along an efferent pathway from the
integration center to an effector. Lastly, the effector responds to the efferent impulses by contracting or secreting
a product.
Procedure: See attachment

Hypothesis: I believe that athletes are not going to respond as much as people who don't play sports will.
Reflex Arc Lab: Analysis and Conclusion Information

Analysis: Answer the questions

1. What is a normal reaction for the patellar re9lex?

2. What is a normal response for the achilles re9lex?

3. What is a normal response for the Babinski (plantar) re9lex?

4. Use your text to draw and label a typical re9lex arc, labeling the 5 components:

Fill-in each statement with the correct term from the lab.

5. In infants, the _____ response is normal when testing the Babinski (plantar) re9lex.

6. When testing the Babinski (plantar) re9lex in an adult, extension of the toes may indicate
damage to the _____.

7. In a _____ re9lex, a muscle contracts when the load increases.

8. The center of the patellar re9lex is in the _____.

9.The _____________ conducts nerve impulses along an afferent pathway towards the CNS

10. A ______ conducts a nerve impulse along an efferent pathway from the integration center
to an effector.

11. If the Achilles (calcaneal) tendon is tapped, one would expect the result to be_____.

12. Damage to the ________ produces Babinski's sign

Conclusion: In essay form, answer the following questions:

a. Did you accomplish the purpose of the lab? Give evidence to support your statement.

b. Did your data show normal or abnormal reflex responses? Give evidence to support your

c. If you were to do further investigating on the topic of Reflex Arc, what would you do?

Conclusion: I believe that I did accomplish the purpose of the lab because I comprehended the information,
like in the data above. I preformed the lab on all of my partners and was able to tell whether they had a reflex
or not and was able to do the different types of reflex exercises. All the data showed normal reflex responses
except for my left patella tendon. For some reason my right knee has a reflex but my left knee doesn't. If I
would do further investigating on the topic I would investigate if it's okay for one knee to have a reflex and the
other to not. I would find it very interesting to see if other people had the same dilemma I do.

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