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Miguel Diaz de Leon

AP English
Ronald Reagan Rhetorical analysis

Margaret Thatcher delivered a eulogy in honor of Ronald Reagan to the people of America on
June 11, 2004. In the eulogy, Thatcher utilizes the rhetorical appeals; Ethos, pathos and the
rhetorical device anaphora. She utilizes these appeals and devices to exemplify the importance of
Reagan and the sublime legacy he left behind.

Ethos is identified within lines 54-55, As the Prime Minister, I worked closely with Ronald
Reagan for eight of the most important years of our lives. Thatcher is a credible source and
possess the ability to speak about Reagan, for she has worked with him in the past. Thatcher
executes pathos to convey Reagans virtue to do good. As stated in lines 94-95 Ronald Reagan
carried the American people with him in his great endeavors because there was perfect
symphony between them This line persuades the audience emotionally by revealing how
Reagan cared about the well being of each and every one American. Reagan not only cared about
the American people, but for he also possessed compassion for the welfare of foreign allies.
Lines 30-32 He inspired America and its allies with renewed faith in their mission of freedom.
These lines reveal to the audience how Reagan desired freedom for other countries. The audience
will feel compassion towards Reagan because the lines mentioned constitute how Reagan was
compelled by his virtue to care about everyone, including the audience.

Thatcher utilizes anaphora in several different spots within the eulogy. The beginning lines 1-2,
We have lost a great president, a great American, and a great man uses the word great to
emphasize by merit of how prominent Reagan was to America. Within lines 73-78, Thatcher's
use of the word Yes emphasizes on the unvarnished actions of Reagan that he incited to make
America and the world a better place.

The just man, the incontestable man, the aspiring man, and the compassionate man Thatcher
discusses is not goodman. He is a prominent nobleman who positively impacted the world
around him as stated by Thatcher. Thatchers use of the rhetorical appeals; Ethos, pathos and the
rhetorical device anaphora is what bears Thatcher's statement on this great man Reagan and his
grand legacy.

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