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APRIL 2012 60102/BPZ1B/


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A (10 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is meant by communication?

uP uh G G?

2. What do you mean by semantic barrier?

z uh G G?

3. Write the short notes on :

(a) Letter head

(b) Enclosures.

] S P.
(A) Piuz u

(B) Cn.
4. What do you mean by stress interview?
AzuzvP |Pn G G?

5. What is circular letter?

_UPU Piu G G?

6. Give any two sources of mistakes giving rise to

P Piu GxuP Pn[P Hu
Cshz uP.

7. What is meant by status enquiry?

uS{ \n G G?

8. What is meant by overdraft?

[Q G G?

9. What are the uses of memo?

S P ?

10. Give any two advantages of written report.

Gumh AUP |P Hu
Csiz uP.

60102/BPZ1B/ 2
11. What do you mean by video conferencing?
i Pu]zu G G?

12. Give any two advantages of e-mail.

g\ |P Hu Csiz uP.

SECTION B (5 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

13. What are the objectives of communication?

uP uh |UP[P ?

14. What are the points to be kept in mind while

drafting an order?
uURk Piu Gx x G SP
{ P sk?

15. Explain the communication model.

uP uh v UP.

16. Explain the characteristics of a good report.

60102/BPZ1B/ 3
17. Ask a firm of furniture dealers to send their price
list and catalogue.

AP , mi
mi A Pmk Piu GxP.

18. How would you send and receive an e-mail?

g\ Au u G
\ Gu GxP.

19. What are the hints for drafting an agency?


P x Szx Piu Gx x G
SP u Gu UP.

SECTION C (3 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

20. Explain the structure of a business letter.

J oPU Piuzv A UP.

60102/BPZ1B/ 4
21. You have received a big order for shocks of various
sizes and colours, but are unable to execute it in
time owing to certain difficulties. You write to the
customer asking for extension of time.
P sn[P A
P. B J ] Pn[P
A EhiP A ix. G
E[Px iUPUS J Piu Gv P
AP\ PmP.

22. Write a letter to general insurance company,

Allahabad, requesting them to settle your claim in
respect of goods destroyed by fire giving full
APzv E xU Pmk {zvS,
mP, w \uhuUS |mh Dk
PUP \zx, [P Ax
Piu GxP.

23. Draft a memorandum to the office staff on how to

conduct themselves while answering for the office
telephone calls.
AP FPUS u] Gi v
Ax Gu Szx AP S
J GxP.

60102/BPZ1B/ 5
24. Draft the minutes of the First Meeting of the
Board of directors of a Joint Stock Company.
J UPmh {zv CUS| A
u PmhzvP {P SP P.

60102/BPZ1B/ 6

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