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Political Prisoner Profile


PRISONER: Khun Dee De @ Ar Di
GENDER: Male Ethnicity: Kayaw
DATE OF BIRTH: 1983 Age: 25 in 2008
PARENTS NAME: U Michel and Daw Eh jelina
EDUCATION: 2nd year Law Student
OCCUPATION: Executive Committee Member of Kayah State Youth (KSY) Kayan New Generation
LAST ADDRESS: Loikaw Township, Kayah state Youth
PHOTO 15 May 09
SECTION OF LAW: 17/1, 5/b, 13/2
NAME OF PRISON: Transferred to Mandalay prison from Loikaw prison


On 28 July 2009 it was reported Khun Dee De had been transferred from Loikaw prison to Mandalay
prison. . (RFA 28072009) His family were not properly informed of the prison transfer by authorities.
They only found out about the transfer when they went to Loikaw prison for a routine monthly prison
visit and found out their son had been moved and Kayan New Generation Youth, July 2009).

Khun Dee De is an Executive Committee Member of Kayah State Youth (KSY) which was founded in
2008. He was a very active member, and focused particularly on organizing youth and spreading
knowledge about human rights to local people. He was arrested on 10 May 2008, for taking part in the
movement to encourage people to vote “No” against the military regime’s constitutional referendum,
which was held on 10 May 2008.

On 27 April 2008, in Loikaw and Demo Soe towns in Kayan State, and Phekkon and Mobye towns in
Shan State, along with 17 other villages, a movement began against the regime’s constitutional
referendum. The symbol of “No”, “X” and “Vote No” were sprayed on government signposts, on the
streets, walls and pamphlets were distributed. Copies of the lavish wedding ceremony of General Than
Shwe’s daughter, the 2007 Saffron Revolution and the “Power of Non-violence” CDs were also freely
and widely distributed in the regions among the local residents.

In the early morning of 30 April 2008 a group of youth sprayed a symbol of “X” on a signpost which
had been erected the day before, situated in front of the City-Hall. The signpost stated “To be a
prosperous and developed nation, let’s support the referendum.” On the same day, the youth made small
rafts from banana trees and bathing cups, with small cloth flags with “Vote No”, “X” or the symbol of“
No” written on them, and floated them down the Beluchoung River, the river that flows through Loikaw
City, the state capital of Karenni.

On 8 May 2008, in Loikaw and Phekkhon Towns, balloons were released with pieces of paper attached
stating “To free from dictatorship, let’s vote NO.” Fireworks were set off and pamphlets spread through

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the towns.

Shortly after these events, the authority enforced tight security and a curfew was issued. No one was
allowed outside after 8:00pm except police and soldiers. Union Solidarity and Development Association
(USDA), a social organization closely affiliated with the military regime, the fire-brigade and military
intelligence officers were also deployed as security in the two towns.

On 10 May 2008, the youth divided into several groups to watch and collect the results from the ballots.
A meeting of the youth members was arranged at 7:00pm the evening of the referendum at a house in
Loikaw. Following suspicions the authorities entered the house, and the group was found with
computers, cameras, and documents containing information and photos about youth activities.

On 10 May 2008 Khun Bedu aka Lwee Zee Nyein, Khun Kawrio aka Mariyo, Khun Dee De aka Ar Di
and Mu Evelin were arrested. Mu Evelin was released shortly after arrest.

The group were interrogated for 15 days at an unknown location, after which they were transferred to
Loikaw jail, and Mu Evelin was allowed to go back home under surveillance. Khun Bedu, Khun Dee De
and Khun Kawriyo were all tortured during their 15 days of interrogation, according to Mu Evelin who
witnessed the torture while she was detained at the police station. She has told KNGY members that
they were beaten with sticks, made to kneel on stones and kicked and plastic tape put over their mouths
while being hit in the body. In addition, plastic bags were put over their heads and then water poured
over them.

Their trial was conducted in the jail by a special military court. Their parents were allowed to meet the
detainees only during their first week of confinement, and then again one month after they were
(Source: Kayan New Generation Youth)

Initially KNGY were unable to verify Khun Dee De’s whereabouts for roughly two months. It was only
after a relative of his bribed prison authorities, was it made known to them where he had been sent.
Since his transfer to Mandalay prison he has been visited twice by his mother. (KNGY February 2010)

A message from the group was sent via a relative out from Loikaw prison to KNGY members prior to
their separation and transfers:
“Actually, we miss you all. We don’t know what we should suggest you to do the best regard to politics
on organization. We are daunted and ashamed by arrested. We longing for free from here. Many idea in
our head though we are bounding by wall. Just to encourage you try your best, alright? May be a good
suggestion for you; be brave to married and raise child. If you got sentence like us 37 years, you won’t
worry about your generation.”(AAPP interview February 2010)

Khun Dee De was indicted for 5 counts and sentenced to 35 years imprisonment by the Special Military
Court under the following sections:
Section 33 of The Electronic Transactions Law - 15 years imprisonment
Section 17 (1) of The Unlawful Association Act (1908) - 3 years imprisonment
Section 17 (2) of The Unlawful Association Act (1908) - 5 years imprisonment
Section 13 (1) of the Myanmar Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act 1947 - 5 years imprisonment
Section 51 of Tax Law - 7 years imprisonment

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Khun Bedu aka Lwee Zee Nyein and Khun Kawrio aka Mariyo were both also charged under Section
505 (B) of The Penal Code and sentenced to a further 2 years imprisonment. They now face a total of
37 years imprisonment.
(Source: Kayan New Generation Youth)

*Profile prepared by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) on 28 September 2009.*
Updated on 02 February 2010

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