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Villas Austria GmbH A-9586 Frnitz, Industriestrae 18

Tel.: +43 (0)4257/2241-0, Fax: +43 (0)4257/2241-2390,

FN 172404k, Landesgericht Klagenfurt, DVR: 0967033, UID: ATU44830000

Icopal Romania
20 George Calinescu, Bl. 19 A, entrance B
ap. 27, zip 011691, district 1
Romania Frnitz, 29.07.2016

to whom it belongs

It is International state of the waterproofing technics for dozens of years that thermo
insulation existing out of XPS boards are suitable for inverted roofs only.

For warm rooms in all the standards it is regulated that the thermo insulation can exist out of
EPS boards, not out of XPS boards

Also the best experiance and best practice of VILLAS is to use VILLASELF SU on to top of
EPS boards, this is used in our PROFIDACH for more than 20 years,

I hope, this statement is a support for you.

with the kindest regards

i.V. DI Werner Ordosch

Head of Sales International
Villas Austria GmbH

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