Terror Management Perspective On The Persuasiveness of Fear Appeals

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Copyright O 2005, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

A Terror Management Perspective

on the Persuasiveness of Fear Appeals
Omar Shehryar
Montana State University

David M. Hunt
University of Wyoming

We use terror management theory (TMT) to show that the nature of the threatening conse-
quences included in fear-appeal communications influences the responses to the messages pro-
moted in such communications. On the basis of differences between death-related conse-
quences and non-death-related consequences, they provide an explanation for maladaptive
responses to fear appeals. Results from 2 experiments indicate that participants who were
highly committed to a worldview of drinking alcohol rejected socially acceptable attitudes to-
ward drinking and driving when the message containing such attitudes was accompanied by a
fear appeal that contained death as a consequence, but not when fear appeals contained the fear
of arrest or serious injury. Participants perceived their level of experienced fear to be the same
across the experimental conditions. The results have implications for considering the qualita-
tive nature of the threatening consequence in fear-appeal research and for using TMT to under-
stand maladaptive responses to fear-appeal communications.

The dominant paradigm in fear-appeal research asserts that fails. Witte (1992) suggested that a thorough understanding
differences in level of fear lead to differences in the persua- of fear appeals can be achieved only by studying cases in
siveness of the communication (Keller & Block, 1996; Rog- which fear appeals work as well as cases in which fear ap-
ers, 1985; Witte, 1994). However, researchers have raised peals d o not achieve their desired objectives.
concerns about using level of fear as a stand-alone measure In this research, we address the concern over the unex-
of the efficacy of fear-appeal communications (LaTour & pected failure of high-fear appeals. We draw on terror man-
Rotfeld, 1997). Results observed in high-fear conditions in agement theory (TMT; Greenberg, Pyszczynski, & Solomon,
past studies complicate the debate on the level-of-fear con- 1986) to propose that the qualitative nature of a perceived
struct. Specifically, reacting to a high-fear-arousing commu- threat influences the elicited response to the advocated mes-
nication, some message recipients exhibit increased levels of sage accompanying the threat. We distinguish messages that
risky behavior, a response opposite to the intent of the mes- use death as a threatening consequence from messages that
sage (Rippetoe & Rogers, 1987; Rogers, 1983; Witte, 1994). use threats of nonfatal consequences. We use this distinction
Evidence that high-fear messages can result in increased to explain and predict increases in maladaptive responses to
risky behavior poses a serious threat to the efficacy of fear-appeal communications. We suggest that a TMT per-
fear-appeal communications. Unfortunately, such maladap- spective allows for a meaningful comparison of fear-appeal
tive responses have not generated sufficient research. efficacy on a dimension other than level of fear. Moreover, a
Pechmann, Zhao, Goldberg, and Reibiing (2003) acknowl- TMT approach augments our current understanding of mal-
edged that researchers have focused on factors that adaptive responses to fear-appeal communications. Based on
strengthen intentions to refrain from risky behavior at the ex- theoretical distinctions between the psychodynamics evoked
pense of understanding when fear-arousing communication by a fear of death versus those evoked by non-death-related
fears, a TMT perspective helps explain and predict maladap-
Requests for reprints should be sent to Omar Shehryar, College of Busi- tive responses to fear appeals.
ness, Montana State University, 449 Reid Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717. Our approach to differentiate fear appeals on the basis of
E-mail: omar@montana.edu the nature of the threatening consequence deviates from the

dominant paradigm that differentiates fear appeals on the ba- mitted beliefs about the nature of reality shared by groups of
sis of the level of evoked fear (Block & Keller, 1998; individuals" (Greenberg, Solomon, & Pyszczynski, 1997,
Hovland, Janis, & Kelley, 1953; Rogers, 1983; Witte, 1992). p. 65).
However, we demonstrate that this alternative theoretical One important function of cultural worldviews is to con-
perspective has the potential to supplement existing theory tribute to self-esteem by providing the satisfaction of adher-
and provide a new direction for research on fear appeals. ing to and upholding the shared values of one's society. In
this manner, cultural worldviews act as anxiety buffers by
weaving a web of order and meaning, by providing standards
BACKGROUND of value, and by offering symbolic death transcendence to
those who strive to meet these standards (Greenberg et al.,
Fear-appeal communications are predominantly used to curb 1997). Cultural worldviews vary across cultures and individ-
undesirable social behaviors such as smoking, drug use, and uals and may include religious and social values, political
drinking and driving. Recently, fear appeals have also been and nationalistic beliefs, and moral codes (Greenberg et al.,
used to sell insurance, safety devices, over-the-counter diet 1997). However, worldviews are not restricted to these major
programs, and prescription drugs, to name just a few exam- life domains. Mundane tasks such as evaluating a work of art
ples. The sustained interest in the use of fear as a persuasive or playing a game of tennis do not necessarily constitute
tool has fueled substantial research in the area of fear-appeal worldviews. However, if a person derives self-esteem from
communication. Three theories-(a) drive theory (Janis & the belief that he or she is a connoisseur of art or a skilled ten-
Feshbach, 1953), (b) protection motivation theory (PMT; nis player, then such beliefs do constitute worldviews.
Rogers, 1983), and (c) parallel response theory (Tanner, TMT posits that reminders of mortality increase the need
Hunt, & Eppright, 1991)-have guided much of the extant to defend and strengthen one's worldview to sustain its anxi-
research on fear appeals. More recently, fear-appeal re- ety-buffering function. Support for this hypothesis exists in
searchers have favored PMT because of its comprehensive more than 175 empirical studies (Arndt, Solomon, Kasser, &
nature (Pechmann et al., 2003), and in some cases research- Sheldon, 2004). Findings show that belief in one's
ers have extended PMT to improve its explanatory power worldviews is stronger following mortality-salient manipula-
(Block & Keller, 1998; Rogers, 1983; Tanner et al., 1991; tions than following non-mortality-salient manipulations
Witte, 1994; Witte & Allen, 2000). (Pyszczynski et al., 1996; Rosenblatt, Greenberg, Solomon,
Despite these theoretical advances, the extant research has Pyszczynski, & Lyon, 1989). Treatments considered equally
been criticized for its inability to explain or predict when fear noxious, such as threatening someone with serious injury, or
appeals will not work (Witte, 1994; Witte & Allen, 2000). In intense pain, do not evoke mortality salience and do not lead
some fear-appeal studies, message recipients who were ex- to a defense of cultural worldviews (Greenberg, Pyszczynski,
posed to high-fear-arousing messages exhibited more favor- Solomon, Simon, & Breus, 1994). Moreover, the salience of
able attitudes toward the undesirable behaviors, a response dental pain, a common threat used in fear-appeal research.
that is opposite to the intent of the message (Amett, 2000). does not replicate the results obtained from the salience of
Keller (1999) and Keller and Block (1996) suggested that mortality (McGregor et al., 1998).
high-fear messages are more likely to be resisted because of
motivated reasoning and message discounting. Although this
explanation accounts for the avoidance of a message, it re- TERROR MANAGEMENT
mains unclear why resistance to high-fear messages is some- AND FEAR APPEALS
times followed by greater affinity for the behavior that the
message intends to curb. A discussion of TMT offers insight The distinction between individuals' response to the fear of
into this issue. death versus their response to other noxious outcomes has
important implications for fear-appeal research. If
fear-appeal communications that threaten audiences with
TMT death make mortality salient, then it is likely that message re-
cipients will invest in their worldviews to assuage the fear
TMT is based on the notion that human beings' understand- aroused by a reminder of their mortality. Past research has
ing of their impending death combined with the instinctive found that the specific worldview used to buffer the fear of
drive for self-preservation engenders a tremendous potential death is the worldview made salient by the context
for terror. Without a mechanism to cognitively manage the (Wischusen, Nelson, & Pollini, 2003). According to TMT,
understanding of our own mortality, the resulting terror can following mortality salience, if a message's advocated
be debilitating. The theory posits that cultural worldviews worldview admonishes the worldview held by a message re-
are effective in protecting an individual from existential ter- cipient, the message recipient will reject the advocated
ror evoked by awareness of one's finitude (Greenberg et a]., worldview and defend the preexisting worldview relevant to
1986). Cultural worldviews are "humanly created and trans- the context. Moreover, a message recipient is likely to defend

his or her worldview, even if it is distorted and delinquent der to mitigate the danger posed by an imminent threat
(Arndt, Goldenberg, Greenberg, Pyszczynski, & Solomon, (Witte, 1994). On the surface, a distal defense seems identi-
2000). cal to a danger-control process; however, if one's salient
Those who are highly committed to a worldview, and thus worldview is distorted, then a distal defense to the fear of
derive self-esteem from that commitment, are labeled here as death that includes adherence to such a worldview will likely
having a high precommitment to that worldview. In contrast, lead to message rejection. In contrast, the predicted outcome
individuals who do not derive self-esteem from commitment from a danger-control process would be message acceptance.
to a specific worldview are labeled here as having low pre- Thus, maladaptive responses that persist even after suppres-
commitment to that worldview. We predicted that when indi- sion has been accounted for pose a challenge to fear-appeal
viduals with high precommitment to a worldview are ex- research.
posed to a message that conflicts with that worldview and We suggest that by introducing a delay before measuring
uses the threat of death as a consequence, they will reject the participants' responses to fear appeals, initial suppression
recommendation of the message. We also predicted that mes- can be mitigated. Past research indicates that two parallel
sage rejection will not be observed when a message using the processes ensue when a thought is suppressed. One process
threat of death is targeted to individuals with low precom- attempts to suppress the thought, and a second process at-
mitment to a worldview. Moreover, consistent with past re- tempts to remember what needs to be suppressed (Wegner &
search, we expected that fear appeals that do not make mor- Erber, 1992). Hence, a suppressed message is still processed
tality salient will be equally effective for audiences with high subconsciously. In one study, Arndt et al. (1997) exposed
or low precommitment to a specific worldview. Hypothesis 1 participants to a threat but imposed a cognitive load soon af-
is based on this discussion. ter exposure to the threat. The presence of the cognitive load
prevented suppression and resulted in conscious processing
HI: The qualitative nature of a threatening consequence instead of defensive avoidance. We predicted that by intro-
will moderate the relation between degree of pre- ducing a delay before measuring the audience's response to
commitment to an undesirable behavior and persua- viewing a fear appeal, it is possible to capture the distal re-
siveness of a message such that the following may oc- sponse to the fear of death. We expected that, if responses are
cur: measured both with and without a delay, a distal defense,
HI a: When mortality is salient, high precommitment to an characteristic of terror management functions, will be ob-
undesirable behavior will lead to message rejection, served after the delay but will not be observed immediately
but low precommitment will lead to message accep- following the threat. Such a defense will be evoked only in
tance. response to a fear of death resulting in message rejection by
Hlb: When mortality is not salient, both high and low individuals with a high precommitment to an undesirable be-
precommitment to an undesirable behavior will lead havior. In contrast, danger-control processes that encourage
to message acceptance. message acceptance will also ensue after a delay but only if
the threatening consequence is of a nonfatal nature. Thus, in-
TMT offers a second distinction between responses to a dividuals with a high precommitment to an undesirable be-
fear of death and responses to other types of fears. Spe- havior are more likely to accept a recommended message
cifically, TMT research outlines two kinds of defensive re- when their response to a nonfatal consequence is measured
sponses to mortality salience: (a) proximal and (b) distal after a delay as opposed to immediately following a threat.
(Arndt, Greenberg, Solomon, Pyszczynski, & Simon, 1997). Hypotheses 2 and 3 are based on this discussion.
A proximal defense involves suppression or defensive avoid-
ance of a message and thus mirrors fear-control processes H2: When response to a message accompanying a fear ap-
outlined in past fear-appeal research (Witte, 1994; Witte & peal is measured without a delay, individuals with a
Allen, 2000). Fear-control processes involve immediate sup- high precommitment to an undesirable behavior are
pression of a message to avoid the message altogether less likely to be persuaded by the message than indi-
(Keller, 1999; Liberman & Chaiken, 1992). A distal defense, viduals with a low precommitment to an undesirable
however, is unique to the contemplation of mortality. A distal behavior.
defense is used after the proximal defense has been invoked. H3: When response to a message accompanying a fear ap-
TMT suggests that it is the distal defense that encourages ad- peal is measured with a delay, individuals with a high
herence to a salient worldview, thereby restoring its anxi- precommitment to an undesirable behavior are more
ety-buffering function and assuaging the fear aroused by likely to reject a message if the accompanying fear
thoughts of one's mortality (Arndt et al., 1997). Analogous to appeal is death related than if it is not death related.
the distal defense suggested by TMT, fear-appeal research
suggests that once a fear-control process such as suppression In Study 1, we tested HI. In Study 2, we tested H2 and H3.
is accounted for, a danger-control process is activated. Dan- Together, results from the two experiments provide converg-
ger-control processes encourage message acceptance in or- ing evidence for the TMT perspective on fear appeals.

STUDY 1 use the threat of death as a consequence evoke mortality sa-

lience. TMT researchers have evoked mortality salience
Sample through both conscious and subconscious manipulations. For
instance, Rosenblatt et al. (1989) evoked mortality salience
We tested H1 in a drinking-and-driving context, for several
by having participants write a short essay about their own
reasons. For convenience in regard to data collection, we in-
death. In contrast, Pyszczynski et al. (1996) measured the
tended to recruit college students for our sample. The rele-
mortality salience of pedestrians who had just walked past a
vance of drinking and driving for college-age adults im-
funeral home. Results of a standard measure of mortality sa-
proves the internal validity and the external generalizability
lience indicated that both approaches evoked mortality sa-
of the design. Evidence for relevance of drinking and driving
lience among participants. On the basis of studies that have
to college students comes from several studies that have
evoked mortality salience through normal, everyday remind-
noted the prevalence of alcohol-related problems on college
ers of death (e.g., walking past a funeral home), we expected
campuses (Engs, Diebold, & Hanson, 1996; Wechsler, Kuh,
that threats of death-related consequences in fear-appeal ad-
& Davenport, 1996). Converging evidence from secondary
vertisements also will evoke mortality salience. To verify
data indicates that the highest intoxication rates in fatal
this, we conducted a pretest of the stimuli. Forty-nine under-
crashes in 2003 were recorded for drivers aged 21 to 24
graduate students in a marketing class in a U.S. university
(39%; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
participated in the study for course credit. The average age of
2003). Furthermore, the drinking-and-driving context is es-
the participants was 21 years and 7 months. Seventy-five per-
pecially suitable for research on message rejection because
cent were female.
message rejection is prevalent among young adults (Arnett,
Fear appeals for the pretest consisted of two types of
2000). Studies show that despite being aware of the ill effects
anti-drinking-and-driving ads. Participants were randomly
of excessive alcohol consumption, college-age adults indulge
assigned to the two conditions (mortality salience vs. fear of
in binge drinking (Engs & Hanson, 1988; Substance Abuse
arrest). The ad for the mortality salience condition showed a
and Mental Health Service Administration, 2002; Wechsler,
family around a casket with statistics on drunk driving deaths
Davenport, Dowdall, Moeykens, & Castillo, 1994).
and the persuasive slogan "Don't let this be the occasion for
Because we are studying responses to threatening conse-
your next family gathering: Do not drink and drive." The
quences in the context of worldview defense, it is important to
fear-of-arrest condition showed a person being handcuffed
first establish that drinking alcohol is considered a worldview
by a police officer, and statistics including threats such as at-
among college students. According to TMT, to be considered a
torney fees, license revocation, and fines, along with the
worldview a behavior should be shared, and it should provide
same slogan, presented in the mortality salience condition.
self-esteem to buffer anxiety in the event of areminder of one's
Statistics used in the advertisements contained actual figures
death (Rosenblatt et al., 1989). Past research provides substan-
taken from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administra-
tial evidence that alcohol consumption among college stu-
tion (2003).
dents fulfills both conditions. College students are dispropor-
There were 25 participants in the fear-of-death condition
tionately involved in drinking and, as such, they represent a
and 24 in the fear-of-arrest condition. Each group of partici-
population within which alarge number of people share homo-
pants was brought into a room equipped with an overhead
geneous beliefs regarding alcohol consumption. Wechsler et
projection device used to show the print advertisement. A
al. (1994; Wechsler, Molnar, Davenport, & Baer, Sample
questionnaire titled "Advertising Appeals Survey" was dis-
1999) reported that 44% of college students were classified as
tributed among the participants. Participants were instructed
binge drinkers and that binge drinkers consumed 68% of all al-
to give their opinions on an advertisement projected onto the
cohol consumed by college students. Indeed, a variety of re-
screen. The ad was displayed for 20 sec.
search suggests that college students engage in drinking to en-
To test the notion that mere exposure to ads makes mortal-
hance their self-worth and strengthen their sense of belonging
ity salient, we asked participants to fill out a word fragment
(Glindemann, Geller, & Fortney, 1999; McCormack, Lay-
completion task. This instrument has been used in previous
bold, Dickerson-Nelson, & Budd, 1993; Workman & Beer,
TMT studies to test for mortality salience (Bassili & Smith,
1989). A sample of college students is likely to provide arepre-
1986; Greenberg et al., 1994). The task requires participants
sentative cross-section of levels of precommitment to alcohol
to fill in blanks to complete 25 incomplete words. Five of the
consumption, thereby allowing us to capture a variety of re-
25 word fragments are such that they can be completed by ei-
sponses to different types of threatening consequences. There-
ther death-related words or by neutral words. For example,
fore, using a college student sample in a drinking-and-driving
"d e - -" can be completed as dead, desk, or debt. Similarly
context is both pragmatic and theoretically justified.
"g r a - -" can be completed as grave, grace, or grape, and
"ki - - e d" may be completed as kissed or killed. The two
other fragments that could be completed as death-related or
To test TMT hypotheses in a fear-appeal domain, it is impor- neutral words were "bur - - d" and "coff - -." Word frag-
tant to determine whether fear-appeal advertisements that ments that cannot be completed with death-related words

included "t r - -," "-- o k," and "f 1- w - r." The number of measures designed to disguise the intent of the questionnaire
death-related words completed by each participant is and reduce potential demand effects. The main stimulus was
summed, and the means are compared across the experimen- one of the anti-drinking-and-driving advertisements or the
tal conditions. Higher means suggest greater accessibility of Jell-0 advertisement. It was preceded by a page from a life-
death-related words and provide evidence for mortality sa- style and entertainment magazine as well as a full-page tiller
lience. In the pretest, the mean number of death-related advertisement for a hybrid gasoline4ectric automobile. The
words completed in the mortality-salience condition was 2.3, questionnaire measured level of fear arousal, perceived sus-
compared with 1.3 for the fear-of-arrest condition. This dif- ceptibility to the threat, mortality salience evoked by the
ference was significant, t(47) = 2.94, p = .005, providing evi- stimuli, acceptance or rejection of the promoted attitude to-
dence that a mere 20-sec exposure to an advertisement can ward drinking and driving, and demographic variables.
evoke mortality salience.
Manipulation Check: Mortality Salience
Experimental Design
To assess mortality salience and distinguish it from other nox-
After ensuring that mere exposure to an advertisement can ious fears, we had participants fill out the word fragment
make mortality salient, we tested HI in an experiment in- completion task used in the pretest. The mean number of
volving 178 students enrolled in a U.S. university. The study death-related words was calculated and compared across the
had a 4 x 2 between-subjects design and included three types experimental conditions. Higher accessibility of death-related
of fear appeals and a control condition (fear of arrest, fear of words provides evidence for mortality salience.
death, fear of serious injury, and control with no fear) and
two levels of precommitment (high and low).
Independent Variable:
The condition involving fear of serious injury was added
Precommitment to Drinking
because of a concern regarding the qualitative nature of the
consequences used in the pretest. Death is a physical danger, To measure precommitment to drinking alcohol, we asked
whereas arrest, as used in the pretest, is a social threat. Re- participants to complete a scale adapted from Neese and Tay-
search empirically supports the distinction between social lor (1994). Participants were asked to indicate their agree-
and physical threats and the responses that each evokes (Ho, ment on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to
1998). Schoenbachler and Whittler (1996) found that social 7 (strongly agree; a = .80) with such items as "Others view
threats that warned teenagers of negative consequences of me favorably because I drink alcohol," "When I have a cou-
drug use were more effective than physical threats. Their ple of drinks with my friends, I feel that I can express the real
findings are consistent with the ordered protection motiva- me," "I like being known as a person who drinks alcohol," "I
tion model (Tanner et al., 1991), which suggests that, like being known as a person who has a high tolerance for al-
following fear appeals, rather than choosing a response that cohol,'' and "Drinking alcohol is an important part of who I
minimizes the threat, recipients may choose a suggested al- am." To reduce potential demand effects, we collected data
ternative that maximizes social acceptance. If this is the case, on precommitment to drinking alcohol 1 month before the
then it is no surprise that the threat of arrest, which evokes main data collection in the guise of a personality survey. Two
embarrassment, will likely lead to greater message accep- hundred participants completed this stage. Because of attri-
tance than the threat of death. Unless responses to tion 178 participants took part in the main study. There were
death-related consequences are established as qualitatively 101 women (56.7%) in the final sample. The average age of
different from responses to both social consequences and the participants was 22.0 years (SD = 2.23).
other physical consequences, we cannot conclusively assert
that death-related consequences are unique in the responses
Dependent Variable: Message
they evoke. Therefore, to test a purely physical threat we in-
Acceptance and Rejection
cluded an advertisement involving threat of serious injury.
As a control, we also included a condition involving no threat Participants rated their agreement with the following items
at all. In the serious-injury advertisement, a young man was on 7-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7
shown in a wheelchair with statistics regarding serious inju- (strongly agree; reverse coded; a = 3 5 ) to assess their atti-
ries due to drinking and driving. The control condition fea- tudes toward drinking and driving: "I think more time and ef-
tured an advertisement for J e l l - 0 8 brand dessert. The adver- fort should be spent patrolling for drunk drivers," "I think
tisements for fear of death and fear of arrest were the same as drunk driving is a very serious problem," "I think people who
those used in the pretest. drink and drive have very low moral standards," "I think pen-
Participants were randomly assigned to one of four alties for drunk driving should be stiffened," and "I think
fear-appeal conditions. Each participant was given a booklet drunk driving is made out to be a bigger problem than it is."
containing dependent measures, control measures, and the The advocated message in both conditions recommended
stimuli. The booklet included distraction tasks and filler that participants not drink and drive. Thus, a high score on the

scale indicates that participants agreed with the recommen- were given a word search task, to introduce a time delay be-
dation, resulting in message acceptance. tween the stimulus and participants' responses. By
introducing a time delay after message exposure we at-
tempted to rule out immediate suppression or defensive
Confound Check
avoidance that may otherwise influence the results. The word
To support our argument that the nature of the threatening search task itself consisted of a search for neutral words re-
consequence contained in a fear-arousing message influ- lated to television viewing, such as soap opera, actor, and
ences the elicited response to that message, it is necessary to drama. Next, participants completed the word fragment
account for the level of fear evoked by the four stimulus ads. completion task and the items to measure level of fear and an-
We measured level of fear using adjectives describing fearful swered questions measuring perceived susceptibility to
states. The adjectives were selected from the Positive and threat and message acceptance or rejection. Finally, partici-
Negative Affect Schedule (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, pants recorded their thoughts on the purpose of the study.
1988), and participants were instructed to rate their feelings None of the participants were able to guess the intent of the
directly in response to the stimulus advertisements. The study.
scales included such adjectives as frightened, interested, in-
spired, excited, and nervous, among others and were rated on
Analysis and Results
a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7
(strongly agree). Several past studies have used identical or Manipulation check. To test whether the advertise-
similar adjectives when measuring fear arousal (see Block & ment that threatened participants with death as a conse-
Keller, 1998; Gleicher & Petty, 1992; Keller & Block, 1996; quence made mortality salient, it is important to determine
Maddux & Rogers, 1983). The complete Positive and Nega- whether participants in the mortality-salient condition com-
tive Affect Schedule consists of 22 positive and negative pleted more death-related words on the word fragment com-
states. We used principal-component analysis to arrive at a pletion task than participants in the other conditions. A
factor labeled Level of Fear, which included the affective one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that the ef-
states labeled distressed, frightened, afraid, upset, anxious, fect of nature of threatening consequence was significant,
scared, and nervous ( a = 39). F(3, 177) = 31.8, p < ,001. A post hoc comparison with
A second potential confound could arise if participants do Bonferroni correction indicated that participants who viewed
not consider themselves susceptible to the consequences de- the funeral advertisement completed more death-related
picted in the stimulus advertisements. In fact, one explana- word fragments than participants in any other condition.
tion for message rejection is that young adults do not con- Means are as follows: death, M = 2.45 (SD = 0.59); serious
sider themselves vulnerable to the consequences depicted in injury, M = 1.22 (SD = 0.94); arrest, M = 1.35 (SD = 0.70);
fear-arousing communications (Pechmann & Shih, 1999). If, and control, M = 0.95 (SD = 0.81). All paired comparisons
despite random assignment, participants are not homoge- testing the difference in mean numbers of death-related
neous in terms of perceived susceptibility to threat, then words completed in the mortality-salient condition versus the
highly susceptible participants could exhibit greater message other conditions were statistically significant (p < .001). The
acceptance, and vice versa. To account for this, we measured same post hoc Bonferroni test showed that paired compari-
participants' perceived susceptibility to the depicted threat sons testing the difference in numbers of death-related words
with the following two questions: "How likely is it that you among the other three conditions were not significantly dif-
will be involved in a drunk driving accident that is your ferent at p < . l . Thus, the mortality-salience manipulation
fault?'and "How likely is it that you could be involved in an was successful. We used a median split to create the low and
alcohol-related traffic violation?" The responses were scored high conditions for precommitment to consuming alcohol
on a 6-point scale ranging from 1 (impossible), 2 (highly un- (median value of 3.0 on a 7-point scale; M = 2.57, minimum
likely), 3 (unlikely), 4 (likely), 5 (highly likely), to 6 (inevita- = 1.O, maximum = 6.6).
ble; a = 36).
Confound check. It is critical to test for any difference
in level of fear between the mortality-salience condition and
the other three conditions. Unless the level of fear is similar,
Participants were instructed to look through the booklet as results cannot be confidently attributed to the nature of
they would normally look through a magazine. We screened threatening consequences in the advertisement. Means for
all filler material and found no content that could potentially level of fear are as follows: death, M = 3.95 (SD = 1.42); seri-
confound the study. Participants answered questions about ous injury, M = 3.62 (SD = 1.77); and arrest, M = 3.27 (SD =
the filler advertisement for the hybrid automobile as well as 1.41). An ANOVA comparing the participants' self-rated
the issue of protecting the environment. A page containing level of fear across the three fear appeals was not significant,
the fear appeal or Jell-0 advertisement followed these ques- F(2, 133) = 2.14. Planned contrasts confirmed that there was
tions. Immediately following the main stimulus, participants no significant difference in participants' self-rated level of

fear between either the fear-of-death and fear-of-arrest alone did not influence responses because participants with
conditions, t(86) = 1.18, ns, or the fear-of-death and high precommitment were not different from participants
fear-of-serious-injury conditions, t(84) < 1, ns. Thus, level of with low precommitment in message acceptance or rejection
fear can be ruled out as a potential confound. It must be noted in either the serious injury condition (Ms = 5.00 vs. 5.16),
that another ANOVA and a post hoc Scheffk test across all t(44) < 1, ns, or the arrest condition (Ms = 5.19 vs. 5.13),
four conditions, including the control condition, showed that t(46) < 1, ns. As predicted, message rejection occurred only
the mean level of fear in the control condition was signifi- when fear of death was the threatening consequence and a
cantly different from the levels of fear in the three experimen- worldview was challenged, but not when a qualitatively dif-
tal conditions, F(3, 171) = 19.06, p < .001 (control: M = 1.72, ferent threat, the threat of arrest or serious injury, was used. It
SD = 0.7 1). This significant difference is to be expected be- is worth noting that a planned contrast indicated that in the
cause the control advertisement is not a fear-arousing adver- control condition there was a significant difference in mes-
tisement. This further confirms that, unlike a neutral adver- sage acceptance between high- and low-precommitment par-
tisement, all fear appeals indeed aroused fear among ticipants (Ms = 4.79 vs. 5.22), t(38) = 1.94, p = ,054. How-
participants. ever, compared with the mean for message acceptance for
high-precommitment participants in the arrest (M = 5.19) and
Test of hypothesis. We predicted that message accep- serious injury (M = 5.00) conditions, the difference was not
tance or rejection would be influenced by an interaction be- significant, t(168) < 1. This supports the finding that adher-
tween type of threat and precommitment. We conducted an ence to a worldview occurred only when mortality was made
ANOVA with type of threat and precommitment as the two salient for participants with a high precommitment to that
between-subjects factors and message acceptance or rejec- worldview. These results provide support for H 1.
tion as the dependent variable. The omnibus F test was sig-
nificant, F(7, 178) = 6.43, p < .001. The means are presented Perceived susceptibility and message acceptance or
in Figure 1. rejection. To study the role of perceived susceptibility to a
The predicted interaction between type of threat and threatening consequence, we substituted precommitment to
precommitment was statistically significant, F(3, 178) = drinking with perceived susceptibility as an independent
7 . 4 3 , ~< .001. One can observe in Figure 1 that when mortal- variable and conducted another ANOVA with type of threat
ity was salient, participants who had high precommitment re- as the other independent variable and message acceptance or
jected the message, whereas participants who had low rejection as the dependent variable. This analysis can help
precommitment accepted the message. Planned contrasts in- determine whether precommitment provides a vantage point
dicated that the difference between the two groups was statis- that is different than one offered by perceived susceptibility.
tically significant (Ms = 4.01 vs. 5.23), t(42) = 5 . 0 2 , <
~ .001. The omnibus F test was not significant, F(7, 178) = 1.13. The
Planned contrasts also indicated that high precommitment main effect of susceptibility on message acceptance or rejec-
tion also was not significant, F(1, 177) < 1. Finally, the inter-
action between perceived susceptibility and type of fear also
did not achieve statistical significance, F(3, 177) < 1. Over-
all, perceived susceptibility did not affect persuasion. This
suggests that when studying responses to fear appeals, pre-
commitment to an undesirable behavior manifests itself dif-
ferently than perceived susceptibility to a threat. From a
TMT perspective, precommitment to a behavior is a gauge of
self-esteem that accrues when one engages in that behavior
under the duress of an imminent threat of death. In contrast,
susceptibility to a threat neither offers death transcendence
nor protects one from the lingering anxiety of annihilation.
Hence, it is important to distinguish between the role of sus-
ceptibility and precommitment and to recognize the signifi-
cance of precommitment when extending TMT into the
fear-appeal domain.
Arrest Death Injury Control
Type of Threat
El Low Pre-Commitment H High Pre-Commitment
We proposed that the qualitative nature of the threatening
consequence of a fear-appeal message influences the elicited
FIGURE 1 Message acceptance or rejection as a function of type response to that message. We used TMT to explain message
of threat and precommitment to drinking alcohol. rejection and predicted that message rejection would be ob-
served if the threat consisted of death as a consequence but prevention (i.e., target recipients are not a priori committed to
not if the threat consisted of a qualitatively different type of the focal behavior) or behavior cessation (i.e., target recipi-
consequence, such as physical harm or social embarrass- ents are already committed to the focal behavior). It should
ment. Finally, we proposed that it is possible to predict mes- be noted that a classification of individuals based on our no-
sage rejection by using the target audience's level of tion of precommitment to a self-esteem-enhancing behavior
precommitment to a specific worldview as a segmentation is essentially different than a classification based on behav-
variable. We predicted that death-related fear appeals would ioral labels such as unconverted and adherents as defined by
be persuasive only when precommitment to consuming alco- Keller (1999). According to Keller, the unconverted are those
hol is low, whereas non-death-related fear appeals would be who partake in the undesirable behavior. The unconverted are
equally persuasive when precommitment is low or high. Our persuaded by low-fear-arousing messages because they tend
data support this hypothesis. not to discount such messages, whereas they suppress
In the control condition, high-precommitment partici- high-fear-arousing messages (Keller, 1999; Liberman &
pants exhibited significantly lower message acceptance than Chaiken, 1992). We found that if initial suppression is ac-
did low-precommitment participants. This suggests that in counted for by a delay, then unconverted individuals indeed
the absence of any threat, people with a greater affinity for an accept fear-arousing messages. However, the converted-un-
undesirable behavior are predisposed to weaker intentions of converted dichotomy does not explain why after a delay only
giving up that behavior. This finding is consistent with results mortality salience results in message rejection. This result is
of past research (Keller, 1999). However, in our study we consistent with the TMT explanation that precommitment to
found that even when individuals are highly precommitted to a worldview does not lead to worldview defense unless mor-
behaviors that are socially undesirable, compliance with an tality is made salient.
advocated message can occur if the threatening conse- Study 1 was designed to test the central hypothesis that the
quences are nonfatal. It is this finding that differentiates our qualitative nature of the fear appeals influences the responses
research from past research on fear appeals. We discuss this they evoke among audiences with low and high precom-
finding in detail next, and we explain when message rejection mitment to an undesirable behavior. In Study 2 we addressed
may occur by showing that threat of fatality will elicit stron- the notion that responses measured with a delay are different
ger adherence to undesirable behaviors among audience than responses measured without a delay. Testing audience
members who derive self-esteem from the focal behavior. response both with and without a delay can provide converg-
ing evidence for the results of Study 1 and test the premise
Nature of fear versus level of fear. According to TMT, that the psychodynamics of coping with the fear of death are
reminders of mortality elicit different responses than remind- different than those of coping with non-death-related fears.
ers of equally noxious but non-death-related consequences. In Study 1, we used the word completion task as a manip-
It may be argued that death is the ultimate consequence and is ulation check for mortality salience. It is probable that while
inherently more fear arousing than any other threat. How- working on this task, participants in the experimental condi-
ever, getting arrested and being put in jail for drinking and tions, including the mortality-salient condition, may fill out
driving poses a significant threat because of potentially em- death-related words by chance alone and in doing so evoke
barrassing and troublesome consequences. In fact, fear of ar- mortality salience. To rule out this potential confound, par-
rest may be a more realistic threat to young adults than fear of ticipants' responses must also be recorded without the
death because young adults consider themselves invulnera- death-related word completion task. The design of Study 2
ble to potential physical harm (Arnett, 2000; Pechmann & addressed this concern.
Shih, 1999). The fact that we did not find any differences in
level of fear across the three types of threat supports this no-
tion and suggests that young adults felt equally threatened by
all three consequences. However, the nature of the threat was
different because participants completed more death-related
Experimental Design
words in the mortality-salience condition than in all other
conditions. The second study involved 240 undergraduate students en-
rolled in business courses in a U.S. university. Similar to the
Mortality salience and message rejection. We pre- method adopted in Study 1, precommitment to consuming al-
dicted and found that participants rejected the persuasive cohol as a source of self-esteem was measured l month be-
message when death was the threatening consequence but fore the main study. Because of attrition, 236 participants re-
not when arrest or physical harm constituted the threat. This mained in the main study. The measures and stimuli were
finding has implications for classification of fear appeals identical to the ones used in Study 1, with the exception of
based on the purpose of the communication. Specifically, the two notable changes. First, to address the issue of immediate
nature of the threatening consequence is critical to consider suppression following a threat, the Study 1 design was sup-
depending on whether the intent of the message is behavior plemented with a third factor, called delay between stimulus
and response (delay), with two levels: (a) delay and (b) no pairwise comparisons. Painvise comparisons indicated that
delay. Thus, the study had a 4 x 2 x 2 between-subjects de- in the no-delay condition there was a significant difference in
sign with four types of advertisements, including three types persuasion between high- and low-precommitment partici-
of threat and a Jell-0 advertisement as control, two levels of pants in the control, arrest, and serious injury conditions but
precommitment, and two levels of delay. To manipulate the not in the death condition; high-precommitment participants
delay factor, the neutral word search task requiring a televi- had significantly lower message acceptance than low-pre-
sion-related word search was retained in the delay condition commitment participants in the control condition, t(28) =
but removed from the no-delay condition. 3.46,~ < .05 (Ms = 5.78 for low precommitment and 4.85 for
high precommitment); the fear-of-arrest condition, t(28) =
2.00, p = .054 (Ms = 5.57 for low precommitment and 4.96
Analysis and Results
for high precomrnitment); and the serious-injury condition,
Confound check. We conducted an ANOVA to test t(34) = 2.75, p = .006 (Ms = 5.20 for low precommitment and
whether there were any significant differences in the level of 4.57 for high precommitment). For the threat of death, how-
fear perceived across the four types of advertisements and the ever, when measured in the no-delay condition, there was no
delay conditions. A Nature of Threat x Delay interaction, significant difference in message acceptance or rejection be-
with level of fear as the dependent variable, was not signifi- tween participants with high and low precommitment to con-
cant, F(3,236) = 1.52. The main effect of delay was not sig- suming alcohol, t(22) < 1, ns (Ms = 5.23 for low pre-
nificant either, F(1, 236) < 1. Therefore, the main effect of commitment and 4.93 for high precommitment). This is
type of fear was analyzed next. Results of an ANOVA indi- counter to the expectation that respondents with high pre-
cated that there was a significant difference in the level of commitment will show less persuasion compared with the re-
fear experienced across the conditions, F(3,236) = 92.40, p < spondents with low precommitment. However, a post hoc
,001. A post hoc test with Bonferroni correction indicated contrast showed that when means of message acceptance
that the level of fear experienced in the control condition was were compared only among the high-precommitment partici-
significantly lower than that experienced across the other pants, the mean in the mortality-salience condition was not
conditions. Because a fear appeal was not used in the control significantly different than the means in the other three con-
condition, this result is expected. The paired comparisons for ditions, t(l68) < 1, ns. Thus, if suppression occurred immedi-
the level of fear between the control condition and each of the ately after a delay, all respondents with high precommitment
three fear-appeal conditions were statistically significant O,< toward drinking alcohol expressed it at a statistically similar
.001). More important, paired comparisons indicated no sig- level across the three types of fear appeals. Overall, as ex-
nificant difference in the self-reported level of experienced pected, in the no-delay condition the means for persuasion in
fear among participants exposed to the death, serious injury, the high precommitment conditions were lower than the
and arrest advertisements. Means for level of fear are as fol- means for persuasion in the low precommitment conditions,
lows: death, M = 3.99 (SD = 1.34); serious injury, M = 4.19 indicating that participants with high precommitment were
(SD = 1.36); arrest, M = 4.21 (SD = 1.29); and control, M = more likely to suppress the message than were those with low
1.19 (SD = 0.28). Thus, level of fear can be ruled out as a po- precommitment. The means are presented in Figure 2.
tential confound. Hypothesis 3 predicted that when responses are measured
with a delay a distal response will be evoked and the message
Test of hypotheses. We conducted an ANOVA with will be rejected by participants with high precommitment,
type of threat, precommitment, and delay as the three be- but only when mortality is made salient. In contrast, when the
tween-subjects factors and message acceptance or rejection threat is not death related and responses are measured with a
as the dependent variable. The omnibus F test was signifi- delay, a danger-control mechanism will be engaged and the
cant, F(15, 237) = 6.08, p < ,001. The three-way interaction message will be accepted even if the respondents have high
among the factors was statistically significant, F(3, 237) = precommitment to the undesirable behavior. To test H3, we
2.66, p < .05. A two-way interaction between nature of fear compared the means for message acceptance or rejection for
and delay also was statistically significant, F(3, 237) = 3.12, respondents with high precommitment to drinking alcohol
p < .05. We predicted in H2 that if an audience's responses to between the delay and no-delay conditions across the three
fear appeals are measured without a delay, then participants fear appeals. Planned contrasts indicated that for
with a high precommitment to an undesirable behavior are high-precommitment participants in the arrest condition
likely to exhibit lower levels of persuasion than those with a there was no significant difference in message acceptance
low precommitment to an undesirable behavior. A planned between the delay and no-delay condition, t(30) < 1. How-
contrast in the no-delay condition indicated that there was a ever, the means for message acceptance or rejection were in a
marginally significant difference in message acceptance or direction consistent with the prediction in H3. When mes-
rejection between the low- and high-precommitment condi- sage acceptance or rejection was measured with a delay, the
tions across the three fear appeals, F(1,221) = 2 . 8 7 , =
~ .092. mean was higher than in the no-delay condition (arrest: Ms =
To pinpoint the source of this effect, we carried out specific 5.22 in the delay condition vs. 4.96 in the no-delay condi-

Arrest Death Injury Control Arrest Death Injury Control

Type of Threat Type of Threat
Low Pre-Commitment W High Pre-Commitment Delay W No Delay

FIGURE 2 Message acceptance or rejection as a function of type FIGURE 3 Message acceptance or rejection for high-precom-
of threat and precommitment to drinking alcohol in the no-delay ~nitmentrespondents as a function of type of threat and delay.

tion). A similar planned contrast for the serious-injury condi- Discussion

tion revealed that message acceptance for high-precom-
We conducted Study 2 to provide converging evidence that,
mitment respondents was significantly higher in the delay
unlike non-death-related threats, the threat of death evokes
condition than the no-delay condition, t(35) = 3.42, p < .001.
unique responses after accounting for initial suppression. In
The mean for message acceptance was higher when mea-
the no-delay condition, suppression of the message did
sured with a delay, indicating that danger-control processes
indeed occur. This finding validates the usefulness of the de-
led to message acceptance after initial suppression was ac-
lay task used in Study 1 to contain initial suppression. As
counted for (serious injury: Ms = 5.33 in the delay condition
expected, when responses were measured after a delay, par-
vs. 4.57 in the no-delay condition). Finally, a planned con-
ticipants with high precommitment rejected the message fol-
trast within the death condition revealed a significant differ-
lowing a mortality-salient fear appeal. This finding is charac-
ence in persuasion between high-precommitment partici- teristic of the "distal defense" mechanism espoused by TMT.
pants in the delay and no-delay conditions, t(22)= -2.79, p = Moreover, message acceptance following a threat of nonfatal
.005. Contrary to the arrest condition and the serious-injury consequences also provides evidence that a danger-control
condition, the direction of the mean difference indicated that mechanism yields a different response than distal defense
the message was rejected in the delay condition, because the and that the nature of the threatening consequence is respon-
mean was significantly lower than the mean in the no-delay sible for this difference. The addition of the delay condition
condition (death: Ms = 4.19 in the delay condition vs. 4.93 in in Study 2 allowed for a comparison between delay and
the no-delay condition). This finding underscores the differ- no-delay conditions, thereby providing converging evidence
ence in cognitive responses to qualitatively different threats. for the presence of unique responses to qualitatively different
Taken together, results from the tests of H2 and H3 indicate threats. Finally, in Study 2 we successfully replicated the re-
that, following fear appeals, the message's recommendation sults of Study 1 without any potential confounding effects of
is suppressed across all types of fears. However, after a delay, the manipulation check involving the death-related word
non-death-related fear appeals result in compliance with the completion task, which was excluded.
message even for participants with high precommitment. On
the other hand, a fear appeal that makes mortality salient re-
sults in the activation of a distal defense that leads to message GENERAL DISCUSSION
rejection and continued maladaptive behavior. The means for
message acceptance for high-precommitment participants We found that messages accompanying fear appeals com-
across the four types of advertisements and the two levels of posed of threats that make mortality salient elicit unique
delay are presented in Figure 3. responses among individuals who derive self-esteem from
participating in the targeted behavior. Specifically, when found that when high-fear messages are ineffective it is be-
threatened with death as a consequence, individuals who re- cause too much elaboration on the harmful consequences
ported deriving self-esteem from drinking alcohol espoused interferes with processing of the recommended change in be-
more maladaptive responses than individuals who did not re- havior. Similarly, Keller (1999) found that people who did
port deriving self-esteem from drinking alcohol. Our results not already follow a message's advocated recommendation
suggest that differentiating fear appeals that use the threat of were more likely to discount the message when the level of
death as a consequence from those that do not is important fear was high than when the level of fear was low. These stud-
for understanding the efficacy of fear-appeal communication ies provide important insights into the reason why different
and predicting when fear appeals do not work. The extant re- levels of fear result in differing degrees of persuasion. How-
search on the efficacy of fear appeals has explored the per- ever, they do not explain why fear-appeal communications
suasiveness of fear-appeal communications in response to sometimes elicit maladaptive responses. Based on the unique
manipulations of the level of fear evoked by a message. Al- psychodynamics evoked by the fear of death, the TMT per-
though recent evidence suggests that high-fear appeals are spective adopted in this study fills this gap by offering an a
more effective than low-fear appeals at persuading audiences priori explanation for when fear-appeal messages may pro-
(Witte & Allen, 2000), research has not shown with certainty duce message rejection. Thus, it is likely that individuals who
what constitutes a high-fear appeal and what differentiates a reject messages may accept them after an initial delay. How-
high-fear appeal from a moderate-fear appeal (Keller, 1999). ever, if the message makes mortality salient, then a delay may
This has led researchers to suggest that levels of fear aroused not render the message effective.
in the laboratory may not mimic levels of fear experienced in Previous studies have demonstrated that a recipient's per-
real life (Keller, 1999). Moreover, LaTour and Rotfeld (1997) ceived susceptibility to a threatening consequence influences
lamented that level of fear is a loosely defined concept, and the persuasiveness of the message. In our research, we ac-
they called it "intuitive" and "ad hoc" (p. 46). We found dif- count for susceptibility to threat. Our results indicate that
ferences in fear appeal persuasiveness by holding constant susceptibility is conceptually different from commitment to a
the level of fear and manipulating the mortality salience worldview. The results provide empirical support for a
evoked by an advertisement. Thus, we provide an alternative TMT-based view suggesting that the differences observed in
approach that avoids relying solely on level of fear as a deter- level of persuasion can be attributed to cognitive mechanisms
minant of the persuasiveness of fear appeals. activated by defense of one's worldview in the wake of mor-
Although our research was designed primarily to supple- tality salience. Current theoretical approaches suggest exam-
ment extant fear appeal research, we also make a contribution ining fear-appeal efficacy along dimensions of level of fear
to TMT. In a TMT domain, Taubman Ben-Ari, Florian, and and converted versus unconverted recipients. Our results sug-
Mikulincer (1999) demonstrated that mortality salience led gest that researchers should add to that list the dimension of
to increased reckless driving among participants who indi- nature of the threatening consequence and distinguish be-
cated that driving was highly relevant to their self-esteem but tween advertisements that evoke mortality salience and those
not among participants who reported that driving was less that do not.
relevant to their self-esteem. Because Taubman Ben-Ari et al.
studied risky behaviors exclusively in a TMT context, they
did not compare salience of death-related consequences to LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSION
non-death-related consequences. In our research, we extend
their work into the fear-appeal domain and explicitly com- Like all scientific research, our study has limitations. Be-
pared qualitatively different types of threatening conse- cause of the sensitive nature of drinking and driving, partici-
quences used in fear appeals. In so doing, we examine a spe- pants who expressed low precommitment may be prone to
cific worldview heretofore unstudied in the TMT domain and expressing inflated estimates of persuasion. By temporally
offer validation for the significance of relatively distorted be- separating the measurement of precommitment from the
liefs in the constitution of cultural worldviews. The issue of measurement of the study's main variables, we attempted to
distorted worldviews is especially relevant to youth. For reduce the influence of this potential bias. Nevertheless, our
youth, the fear aroused by an advertisement's threatening results should be interpreted with this in mind.
consequences may be less threatening than the fear of follow- Alcohol consumption, for some individuals, is an addic-
ing the message's recommendations. Tf their worldview is tive behavior. Our study did not account for the influence of
distorted, the consequence of following the advertisement's alcohol addiction. The relation of precommitment to an ad-
recommendation may include being cast out of a network of dictive behavior is less clear. For instance, an alcoholic per-
peers that offers support and lends meaning to their exis- son likely does not derive self-esteem from her or his addic-
tence. As we found in our study, defense of worldviews oc- tion. In fact, shame inflicted by family and friends may erode
curs even if worldviews are distorted. the self-esteem of an addict. Given the common use of fear
Past research explains why high fear is suppressed in reac- appeals to curb addictive behaviors, it would be interesting to
tion to fear appeals. For instance, Keller and Block (1996) explore which worldview would be used by addicts as an
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