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International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919

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Modulation of regulatory T cells by intranasal allergen immunotherapy in

an experimental rat model of airway allergy

Saibal Moitra a,1, Ankur Datta a,b,1, Somnath Mondal a,b, Iman Hazra a, Sk Md Omar Faruk a, Prasanta K. Das a,
Anjan K. Basu c, Santanu K. Tripathi b, Swapna Chaudhuri a,
Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Tropical Medicine, 108 C. R. Avenue, Kolkata 700073, West Bengal, India
Department of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology, School of Tropical Medicine, 108 C. R. Avenue, Kolkata 700073, West Bengal, India
Department of Biochemistry & Medical Biotechnology, School of Tropical Medicine, 108 C. R. Avenue, Kolkata 700073, West Bengal, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Allergic airway diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis are increasing in prevalence worldwide. The theory
Received 11 December 2016 of an altered Th1/Th2 balance in allergic diathesis has recently been termed a procrustean paradigm as it failed
Received in revised form 2 March 2017 to explain many preclinical ndings. Regulatory T cells (Treg) have now been shown to be critical in T-cell ho-
Accepted 20 March 2017
meostasis and in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance to allergens. Allergen specic immunotherapy (SIT)
Available online xxxx
has been shown to induce regulatory T cells in allergic patients. Among various types of SIT, intranasal immuno-
therapy had not been studied in detail for the treatment of allergic airway diseases. So, there was a need to study
Regulatory T cells the contribution of regulatory T cells and their mechanistic pathways following intranasal immunotherapy in-
Intranasal immunotherapy vivo. It had been previously shown that intranasal allergen immunotherapy using Alstonia scholaris pollen extract
Foxp3 abrogates allergic airway inammation with decline in IgE and Th2 cytokine levels. The present study for the rst
GITR time offers a multi-targeted approach towards attenuation of airway allergy by the generation of CD4 + CD25
OX40 + Foxp3 + T cells and other subsets of Treg cells like Tr1 cells, Th3 cells, CTLA4 + Treg cells, and also modulation
CTLA 4 of various Treg cell surface molecules like GITR, OX40, CD39 and CD73 by intranasal immunotherapy in the same
animal model. This animal experiment will thus help to chart out newer molecular targets for treating allergic
asthma or rhinitis.
2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction cells have been shown to express a variety of cell surface molecules that
include CD25, CD45RBlow, CD62L, CTLA-4, GITR, OX-40 and most specif-
Allergic asthma is a Th-2 mediated disorder which is characterized ically the transcription factor Foxp3. Foxp3 functions as a master switch
by production of allergen-specic IgE, reversible airow obstruction, gene in the development and function of Treg cells [5]. The develop-
airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) to a wide variety of specic or ment of an allergic response to common inhaled allergens has been pos-
non-specic stimuli, chronic airway inammation and airway remodel- tulated to occur as a consequence of impairment in the numbers,
ing [1,2]. This abnormal behavior of airway cells is due to dysregulated function, or both of allergen specic Treg cells [68].
immune homeostasis in the airways [3]. There exists compelling evi- Allergen-specic immunotherapy (SIT) has been shown to improve
dences that regulatory T cells (Tregs) are essential in the maintenance allergen dysfunction and redirect the immune system away from aller-
of immune homeostasis in the airways [4]. Subsets of Treg cells include gic response and this has been shown to be associated with increased or
naturally occurring, thymic derived CD4 + CD25 + Treg cells, inducible restored Treg functions [9,10]. But the various pathways of Treg mediat-
CD4 + CD25 + Tcells, IL-10 producing Treg cells (Tr1 cells), and TGF ed suppression of allergic inammation in SIT needs further elucidation.
producing Th3 type Treg cells. Naturally occurring CD4 + CD25 + Treg In our previous study, we have developed a therapeutic intranasal
immunotherapy rat model using Alstonia scholaris pollen and have
Corresponding author.
shown that it effectively attenuates allergic airway inammation [11].
E-mail address: (S. Chaudhuri). In the present work, we have studied the effect of intranasal immuno-
Equal Contributors. therapy on Foxp3 expression in CD4 + CD25+ regulatory (Treg) cells
1567-5769/ 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.
10 S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919

and other surface molecules on Treg cells as a mechanism for achieving with Alstonia scholaris pollen extract (0.6 g/g) in 50 l of saline as de-
peripheral T-cell tolerance using the same animal model of Alstonia tailed before [11].
scholaris pollen allergy.
2.4. In situ-immunouorescence analysis
2. Materials and methods
The lungs were dissected out from the rat and xed in 10% formalin
2.1. Reagents and chemicals and embedded in parafn for in situ immunouorescence. Five-mi-
crometer parafn sections were cut on poly-L-lysine coated slides and
DAPI, fetal bovine serum, poly-L-lysine, RPMI-1640, 5-bromo-4- incubated overnight at 37 C. The slides were deparafnised with xylene
chloro-3-indolyl phosphate p-toluidine salt (BCIP) and Histopaque- (2 3 min) after which it was passed thrice through dehydration steps
1077 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, USA. Monoclonal primary with 100%, 95%, 70%, and 50% ethanol each for 5 min. The slides were
antibodies specic to anti-CD25 (SC 664), anti-Foxp3 (SC 31738), anti- then washed with ddH2O until they were ready for antigen retrieval.
TGF (SC 146), anti-GITR (SC 34906), anti-OX40 (SC 10943), anti- After this step, the slides were dipped in the antigen retrieval buffer
CTLA4 (SC 70894), anti-CD39 (SC 18771), anti-CD73 (SC 14684) and (1% trypsin, 0.5 M calcium chloride, pH 7.8) [11]. They are were then
-actin (SC 47778) were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, washed with ice-cold PBS and then the sections were dipped in the
Santa Cruz, California, USA and monoclonal primary antibodies specic blocking solution for 2 h at room temperature (2% BSA in PBS) followed
to anti-IL10 (555083), anti-CD4 (554835) was purchased from BD Bio- by overnight incubation at 4 C in anti-FOXP3 primary antibody solution
sciences. All other chemicals were purchased from local suppliers and (1:200 dilutions in PBS with 1% BSA) in a humidied chamber. This is
were of the highest purity grade. followed by washing of tissue sections thrice (15 min per wash) with
510 ml of PBS followed by incubation with TRITC uorescence-conju-
gated secondary antibody solution (dilution range 1:400 in TBS contain-
2.2. Preparation of Alstonia scholaris pollen extract ing 1% BSA) for 2 h at room temperature in darkness.
The sections were again washed thrice (15 min per wash) with PBS
Fresh pollen samples were collected from the owering plants of for removal of excess antibody from the slide with PBS. Excess buffer
Alstonia scholaris during the owering season (September to Novem- was blotted from the slide with an absorbent wipe. The cover slips
ber). The pollens were then dried in hot air oven (3540 C) and extract- were mounted on slides using 2 l of mounting media with DAPI to vi-
ed in phosphate buffered saline as described previously [11]. The sualize the nuclei. Immunouorescent images were captured with a
protein content of pollen extract was determined following Lowry's Nikon Trinocular phase-contrast microscope Model E-200 tted with a
method. DPI digital camera and appropriate uorescence lters. The acquisition
software used was NIS Elements (Nikon) [11].
2.3. Animals and animal grouping
2.5. Isolation of splenic lymphocyte
Albino Wistar rats of same age group, and body weight 100120 g
was obtained from a recognized laboratory animal breeder. Rats were Briey, the whole spleen were dissected out from the rat, then it was
housed in polypropylene cages at an ambient temperature of 2530 C mechanically minced and passed through an 80-gauge wire mesh and
and 4555% relative humidity with a 12 h each of dark and light cycle. incubated in petri dishes with PBS for 1 h at 37 C in 4% CO2 environ-
All the rats were given a 15 day period of acclimatization before starting ment. The non-adherent cells were collected and washed with PBS.
the experiment. Rats were fed pellet diet and water ad libitum. Animal Resulting cell suspensions were layered on Histopaque 1077 density
housing, care and the conduct of experimental procedures were done gradient and subjected to density gradient centrifugation for 20 min at
in accordance with Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervi- 17001800 rpm. Lymphocyte layers were carefully removed from the
sion on Experiments on Animals guidelines in India. buffy layer interface. Cells from this layer were washed thrice and
The animals were grouped into four groups, as detailed in our previ- suspended in RPMI-1640 for further analysis. Purity of isolated lympho-
ous study [11]. To summarize: cytes was characterized by identifying CD3 marker on the cells in the
Sensitization phase isolated populations by ow cytometry [11,12].
Group-I (normal group/vehicle control group): Three consecutive
i.p. injections of saline (1 ml) at 0, 7 and 14 day intervals. 2.6. Labeling and gating of cells for the owcytometric analysis
Group-II (alum group/adjuvant control group): Three consecutive
i.p. injections of aluminium hydroxide (20 g/g) in 1 ml of saline at 0, Multiple staining was done for the owcytometric analysis. Isolated
7 and 14 day intervals. splenic lymphocytes were washed and resuspended in PBS. For analyz-
Group III (Alstonia group): Three consecutive i.p. injections of ing cell surface protein expression on T-cells, 1 107 cells/ml were incu-
Alstonia scholaris pollen extract (1 g/g) and aluminium hydroxide (20 bated with 5 l of diluted (1:250) primary monoclonal antibodies i.e.
g/g) in 1 ml of saline were administered at 0, 7 and 14 day intervals. anti-CD4. The cells were centrifuged, washed, resuspended in PBS, and
Challenge phase then incubated with secondary FITC-conjugated secondary antibody
On day 50, 72 and 48 h before the sacrice, rats from Group III were for 30 min in the dark. Then the cells were incubated with 5 l of diluted
given intranasal (i.n.) challenges with Alstonia scholaris pollen extract (1:250) primary monoclonal antibodies anti-CD25. The cells were again
(0.6 g/g) in 50 l of saline. Groups I and II received 50 l of intra nasal centrifuged, washed, resuspended in PBS, and then incubated with PE-
saline challenge [11]. conjugated secondary antibody for 30 min in the dark. After this step,
Immunotherapy protocol cells were treated with paraformaldehyde (0.3% in PBS) at 4 C for
Group IV (intranasal immunotherapy group): Three consecutive i.p. 45 min. Then, the cell suspension was washed with cold PBS and perme-
injections of Alstonia scholars pollen extract (1 g/g) and aluminium hy- abilized with Triton X-100 (0.5%) for 1 h at 4 C. After centrifugation, the
droxide (20 g/g) in 1 ml of saline were administered at 0, 7 and 14 day pellet was washed twice with cold PBS and resuspended in 200 ml PBS.
intervals. These rats further received immunotherapy on days 19, 22, 26, After permeabilization cells were then incubated with 5 l of diluted
33, 36 and 40 with the following increasing dose of Alstonia scholaris (1:250) monoclonal anti-Foxp3 at a concentration of 1:250 for 30 min
pollen extract (0.04 g/g, 0.2 g/g, 1 g/g, 5 g/g, 25 g/g, 40 g/g and at 4 C. Finally, the cells were again centrifuged, washed, resuspended
40 g/g) in 1 ml of saline via intranasal route and then on day 50, 72 in PBS, and then incubated with secondary PerCP-conjugated secondary
and 48 h before the sacrice, rats were given intranasal (i.n.) challenges antibody for 30 min in the dark. Similar tagging procedure was followed
S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919 11

for other cell surface proteins like IL10, TGF, GITR, OX40, CTLA4, CD39 Bands were developed by alkaline phosphatase methods (substrate
and CD73. buffer: 100 mMTrisHCl, pH 9.5; 100 mM NaCl; 5 mM MgCl2, BCIP
For analysis, desired cell population on dot plot SSC versus FSC were staining solution: 20 mg/ml in 100% di-methyl formamide and NBT
gated and analyzed for CD4 and CD25 co-expression. Double positive staining solution: 50 mg/ml in 70% di-methyl formamide). For each
cells from dot plot CD4 + FITC (FL1) versus CD25 + PE (FL2) were staining solution procedure used the substrate buffer containing 80 l
again gated and analyzed for Foxp3 expression in the next dot plot i.e. BCIP solution and 60 l NBT solution per 10 ml is mixed freshly for
SSC versus Foxp3 conjugated with PerCP (FL3). The population of cells each staining. Band detection and pixel intensity count were done by
in the lower right quadrant was the desired population i.e. CD4 using ImageJ 1.50b (NIH, USA) software. Bar graphs are provided adja-
+ CD25 + Foxp3+ Cells. cent to immunoblot gures.
Similarly, for CD4 + CD25 + IL10+ Cells, double positive cells from
dot plot CD4 + FITC (FL1) versus CD25 + PE (FL2) were again gated and
analyzed for IL10 expression in the next dot plot i.e. SSC versus IL10 con- 2.8. Statistical analysis
jugated with PerCP (FL3). The population of cells in the lower right
quadrant was the desired population i.e. CD4 + CD25 + IL10+ Cells. Data of protein expression level by owcytometry and Immunoblot
For CD4 + CD25 + TGF + Cells, double positive cells from dot plot were analyzed using factorial one-way ANOVA. Benferroni's post-hoc
CD4 + FITC (FL1) versus CD25 + PE (FL2) were again gated and ana- test was applied to the data: a value of p b 0.001 following this post-
lyzed for TGF + expression in the next dot plot i.e. SSC versus TGF hoc procedure was considered statistically signicant. All results were
+ conjugated with PerCP (FL3). The population of cells in the lower evaluated statistically by applying the GraphPad Prism software
right quadrant was the desired population i.e. CD4 + CD25 + TGF (Prism 4 for Windows, Version 4.03).
+ Cells.
For CD4 + Foxp3 + GITR+ Cells, double positive cells from dot plot
CD4 + FITC (FL1) versus Foxp3+ PerCP (FL3) were again gated and an- 3. Results
alyzed for GITR expression in the next dot plot i.e. SSC versus GITR con-
jugated with PE (FL2). The population of cells in the lower right 3.1. Allergen sensitization-challenge attenuates Foxp3 + regulatory T cells
quadrant was the desired population i.e. CD4 + Foxp3 + GITR+ Cells. which is increased following intranasal immunotherapy
For CD4 + CD25 + OX40+ Cells, double positive cells from dot plot
CD4 + FITC (FL1) versus CD25 + PE (FL2) were again gated and ana- CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3+ regulatory T cells have been shown to play a
lyzed for OX40 expression in the next dot plot i.e. SSC versus OX40 con- critical role in control of immune responses [14]. Various studies have
jugated with PerCP (FL3). The population of cells in the lower right shown that subcutaneous immunotherapy (SIT) increases CD4
quadrant was the desired population i.e. CD4 + CD25 + OX40+ Cells. + CD25 + Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) both locally [15] and sys-
For CD4 + CD25 + CTLA+ Cells, double positive cells from dot plot temically [16].
CD4 + FITC (FL1) versus CD25 + PE (FL2) were again gated and ana- Flowcytometric analysis [F(3,20)=251.47] revealed (Fig. 1A) a
lyzed for CTLA4 expression in the next dot plot i.e. SSC versus CTLA4 signicant decrease (p b 0.001) in CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 + Treg cells
conjugated with PerCP (FL3). The population of cells in the lower right after A scholaris sensitization and challenge (9.925 0.244) as
quadrant was the desired population i.e. CD4 + CD25 + CTLA+ Cells. compared to normal group (13.511 0.336) and adjuvant (alum)
For CD4 + Foxp3 + CD39+ Cells, double positive cells from dot plot group (11.433 0.318). Intranasal immunotherapy with A scholaris
CD4 + FITC (FL1) versus Foxp3+ PerCP (FL3) were again gated and an- pollen extract signicantly increased (p b 0.001) the frequency of
alyzed for CD39 expression in the next dot plot i.e. SSC versus CD39 con- CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 + Treg cells as compared to the Alstonia
jugated with PE (FL2). The population of cells in the lower right group (14.446 0.318).
quadrant was the desired population i.e. CD4 + Foxp3 + CD39+ Cells. Immunouorescence imaging studies corroborated with the data of
For CD4 + Foxp3 + CD73+ Cells, double positive cells from dot plot owcytometry. The Alstonia group exhibiting much lower expression of
CD4 + FITC (FL1) versus Foxp3+ PerCP (FL3) were again gated and an- Foxp3 than the normal or the adjuvant (alum) group as is evident from
alyzed for CD73expression in the next dot plot i.e. SSC versus CD73 con- the low uorescence intensity observed. In contrast specic allergen im-
jugated with PE (FL2). The population of cells in the lower right munotherapy via intranasal route caused increased expression of Foxp3
quadrant was the desired population i.e. CD4 + Foxp3 + CD73+ Cells. in splenic lymphocytes as is shown by marked increase in intensity of
The percent expression of each protein was owcytometrically uorescence (Fig. 1C).
assessed in FACS Calibur Instrument (BD Biosciences, USA) using Cell Similar results from immunoblot experiments (Fig. 1B) [F(3,20)=
Quest Pro software. For each sample, 40,000 events were acquired and 3081.3] further strengthened our nding that there was signicant
analyzed. decrease (p b 0.001) in Foxp3 expression in Alstonia group (6.435
0.056) as compared to normal group (34.425 0.056) and adjuvant
2.7. Immunoblot analysis (alum) group (24.901 0.056) while intranasal immunotherapy signif-
icantly increased Foxp3 expression (33.933 0.058).
Splenic lymphocytes were isolated on Histopaque 1077 and were
lysed in NP-40 lysis buffer (mM MgCl2, 4 mM CaCl2, 10mMTris,
pH 7.5, and 0.4% NP-40 with protease inhibitors). Briey, 100 g of pro- 3.2. Intranasal allergen immunotherapy increases CD4 + CD25 + IL10+
tein was loaded on to each well and were separated on 10% polyacryl- Tr1 cells
amide gels and transferred to PVDF membranes (millipore) in blot
buffer (192 mM glycine; 25 mM Tris-base; 20% (v/v) methanol; 0.04% Apart from CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 + Treg cells, interleukin-10 (IL 10)
SDS). Membranes were incubated in 5% nonfat skimmed milk in TBST producing Type 1 regulatory T cells (Tr 1) also play important role in the
blocking solution (20 mM TrisHCl, pH 7.5; 150 mM NaCl; 5% (w/v) control of allergic inammation [17]. IL10 expression in CD4 + CD25+
skimmed milk powder; 0.02% sodium azide; 0.1% Tween 20) for 1 h T cells by owcytometric analysis (Fig. 2) [F(3,20)=2445.7] revealed a
followed by incubation with monoclonal anti-Foxp3 (1:5000), on a signicant decrease (p b 0.001) in Alstonia group (1.876 0.054) as
rocking platform overnight at 4 C [13]. Membranes were washed thrice compared to normal group (2.716 0.058) and adjuvant (alum)
in TBST washing solution (20 mMTrisHCl, pH 7.5; 150 mM NaCl; 0.1% group (2.566 0.067). Intranasal immunotherapy with A scholaris pol-
Tween 20) and then incubated with AP conjugated secondary antibody len extract signicantly increased (p b 0.001) the IL10 expression in CD4
(1:15,000). + CD25+ T cells as compared to the Alstonia group (4.765 0.064).
12 S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919
S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919 13

3.3. CD4 + CD25 + TGF + Tcells are attenuated following Alstonia in Alstonia group (4.11 0.014) as compared to normal group (1.103
scholaris sensitization and challenge which is reversed by intranasal aller- 0.010) and adjuvant (alum) group (2.16 0.037). Intranasal immuno-
gen immunotherapy therapy signicantly decreases (p b 0.001) the OX40 expression in CD4
+ CD25+ T cells as compared to the Alstonia group (1.423 0.010).
Transforming growth factor (TGF) is a suppressive cytokine
which is involved in the control of atopic conditions. Experimental stud-
ies have further shown that antigen induced tolerance requires cell-cell 3.7. Inhibitory function of Tregs following intranasal allergen immunother-
contact with TGF + Foxp3 + Tregs [18]. TGF expression in CD4 apy is partly achieved by purinergic mechanisms
+ CD25+ T cells by owcytometric analysis (Fig. 3) [F(3,20)=1589.3]
revealed a signicant decrease (p b 0.001) in Alstonia group (2.216 Accumulation of adenosine in the immediate pericellular zone is a
0.082) as compared to normal group (5.045 0.105) and adjuvant putative mechanism of Treg mediated suppression [25]. The generation
(alum) group (3.78 0.090). Intranasal immunotherapy with A of this extracellular adenosine is regulated by ectonucleotidases CD39 &
scholaris pollen extract signicantly increased (p b 0.001) the TGF ex- CD73, and their coexpression is associated with Foxp3 + Treg cells [26].
pression in CD4 + CD25 + T cells as compared to the Alstonia group Flowcytometric analysis revealed (Fig. 7) [F(3,20)=379.09] a signif-
(5.621 0.091). icant decrease (p b 0.001) in Foxp3 + CD39 + Treg cells in Alstonia
group (9.043 0.631) as compared to normal group (18.453
3.4. Treg mediated suppression is partly accomplished by CTLA4 dependent 0.526) and adjuvant (alum) group (14.836 0.526). Intranasal immu-
mechanism following intranasal immunotherapy notherapy signicantly increased (p b 0.001) the frequency of Foxp3
+ CD39 + Treg cells as compared to the Alstonia group (18.371
There are now increasing evidences that cytotoxic T lymphocyte an- 0.628).
tigen 4 (CTLA4) plays a major role in regulating T cell tolerance [19,20]. Similarly, Flowcytometric analysis also revealed (Fig. 8) [F(3,20)=
Treg cells expressing CTLA4 can downregulate CD80 and CD86 on anti- 111.48] a signicant decrease (p b 0.001) in Foxp3 + CD73 + Treg
gen presenting cells and thus prevent unnecessary immune stimulation cells in Alstonia group (11.04 0.635) as compared to normal group
[21]. (15.66 0.548) and adjuvant (alum) group (13.345 0.555), which
Flowcytometric analysis revealed (Fig. 4) [F(3,20)=1134.8] a signif- were signicantly increased (p b 0.001) following intranasal allergen
icant decrease (p b 0.001) in CD4 + CD25 + CTLA4 + T cells after A immunotherapy as compared to the Alstonia group (16.646 0.581).
scholaris sensitization and challenge (1.065 0.098) as compared to
normal group (2.543 0.067) and adjuvant (alum) group (1.768
4. Discussion
0.070). Intranasal immunotherapy with A scholaris pollen extract signif-
icantly increased (p b 0.001) the frequency of CD4 + CD25 + CTLA4 + T
The present study claries the role of Tregs during intranasal immu-
cells as compared to the Alstonia group (3.635 0.079).
notherapy and for the rst time unearths the various mechanisms of
Treg induced immunosuppression following intranasal
3.5. Intranasal immunotherapy increases GITR + Treg cells after its diminu- immunotherapy.
tion in allergic airway disease We have previously established a sensitization-challenge and intra-
nasal immunotherapy rat model of pollen allergy using Alstonia scholaris
Glucocorticoid induced tumor necrosis factor receptor (GITR) is a pollen extract [11]. In our present work we have used this established
crucial marker of which enhances Treg proliferation and thus mediates model to study the modulation of Treg cells by intranasal
immune tolerance [22]. immunotherapy.
Flowcytometric analysis revealed (Fig. 5) [F(3,20)=2519.6] a signif- Previous investigators had shown that Foxp3 protein expression
icant decrease (p b 0.001) in Foxp3 + GITR + Treg cells in Alstonia within Treg cells is signicantly decreased in asthmatic patients [27
group (0.945 0.066) as compared to normal group (2.615 0.044) 29]. So, activation and expansion of CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 + Tregs
and adjuvant (alum) group (1.645 0.061). Intranasal immunotherapy and other subtypes of Treg cells represent a novel approach to induce
signicantly increased (p b 0.001) the frequency of Foxp3 + GITR antigen specic tolerance. Subcutaneous immunotherapy being an in-
+ Treg cells as compared to the Alstonia group (3.973 0.078). vasive method, there has been a longstanding interest in the use of less-
er painful treatment options like intranasal immunotherapy for the
3.6. Allergen sensitization-challenge increases OX40 expression on Treg treatment of pollinosis [3033], but there are paucity of studies which
cells which decreases following intranasal immunotherapy have had investigated the modulation of Treg cells by intranasal aller-
gen specic immunotherapy. We have shown in our study that allergen
OX40 is a recently identied cell surface molecule which is constitu- sensitization and challenge causes reduction in CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3
tively expressed by CD4 + CD25 + Treg cells [23]. Stimulation of OX40 + Treg cells which is brought to normal by intranasal immunotherapy.
causes selective abrogation of Foxp3 + Treg cells by causing marked Though the role of Treg cells in immune tolerance is well known and we
downregulation of Foxp3 gene expression and thus this molecule is a have found similar results in our model, but the mechanism of suppres-
potent negative regulator of Foxp3 + Tregs [24]. sion by these cells still remain contentious despite various postulates
Flowcytometric analysis revealed (Fig. 6) [F(3,20)=24,069] a signif- [34]. We studied the various mechanisms of Treg mediated suppression
icant increase (p b 0.001) in OX40 expression in CD4 + CD25 + T cells following intranasal immunotherapy in our model.

Fig. 1. Effect of Alstonia scholaris pollen sensitization-challenge and intranasal immunotherapy on Foxp3 expression in splenic lymphocytes: (A) Flow cytometric analysis of Foxp3 and its
percent positive cells is represented in bar diagrams. Percentage of the expression refers to the positive cells out of 40,000 cells analyzed. Results demonstrated that there was a signicant
(*) decrease in Foxp3 expression in Tregs in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant control (p b 0.001). Foxp3 expression in Tregs increased signicantly (#)
following intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD (animal n = 6 per group). (B) Expression of Foxp3 protein was analyzed by immunoblotting using
anti-Foxp3 antibody. Beta-actin was used as loading control. Bands were analyzed densitometrically and pixel intensities of each band are displayed. Results demonstrated that there
was a signicant (*) decrease in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant control (p b 0.001). Foxp3 expression increased signicantly (#) following
intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD (animal n = 6 per group). (C) Study of Foxp3 expression by in-situ immunouorescent technique shows
representative immunouorescent stained photomicrographs with TRITC tagged Foxp3 (Red) and DAPI stained nuclei which appears blue in normal, alum, Alstonia and
immunotherapy parafn embedded lung tissue. In their Alstonia group there is marked down regulation of Foxp3 in lung lymphocytes compared to normal and adjuvant control
group. After intranasal immunotherapy there is marked up-regulation of Foxp3. Magnication 40. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
14 S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919

Fig. 2. Effect of Alstonia scholaris pollen sensitization-challenge and intranasal immunotherapy on Interleukin 10 (IL10) expression in splenic regulatory T cells (Tregs): Flow cytometric
analysis of IL 10 and its percent positive cells is represented in bar diagrams. Percentage of the expression refers to the positive cells out of 40,000 cells analyzed. Results demonstrated that
there was a signicant (*) decrease in IL 10 expression in Tregs in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant control (p b 0.001). IL 10 expression in Tregs
increased signicantly (#) following intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD (animal n = 6 per group).

Apart from the CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 + Treg we have found immunotherapy there is an increase in IL10 producing Treg cells.
decrease in CD4 + CD25 + IL10 + Treg cells following allergen sen- The experimental model result was consistent with low levels of
sitization and challenge in our model and following intranasal IL10 in bronchoalveolar lavage uid of adult asthmatic patients as

Fig. 3. Effect of Alstonia scholaris pollen sensitization-challenge and intranasal immunotherapy on membrane bound TGF expression in splenic regulatory T cells (Tregs): Flow cytometric
analysis of membrane bound TGF and its percent positive cells are represented in bar diagrams. Percentage of the expression refers to the positive cells out of 40,000 cells analyzed.
Results demonstrated that there was a signicant (*) decrease in membrane bound TGF expression in Tregs in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant
control (p b 0.001). Membrane bound TGF expression in Tregs increased signicantly (#) following intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD
(animal n = 6 per group).
S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919 15

Fig. 4. Effect of Alstonia scholaris pollen sensitization-challenge and intranasal immunotherapy on CTLA 4 expression in splenic regulatory T cells: Flow cytometric analysis of CTLA 4 and its
percent positive cells is represented in bar diagrams. Percentage of the expression refers to the positive cells out of 40,000 cells analyzed. Results demonstrated that there was a signicant
(*) decrease in CTLA 4 expression in Tregs in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant control (p b 0.001). CTLA 4 expression in Tregs increased signicantly
(#) following intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD (animal n = 6 per group).

compared with healthy controls [35]. Furthermore, it has been immunotherapy for one year, the intracellular IL10 positive Tcells in-
shown that specic allergen immunotherapy (SIT) induce CD4 creases which was almost exclusively localized to CD4 + CD25 +
+ CD25 + Treg cells and after successful completion of cells [36].

Fig. 5. Effect of Alstonia scholaris pollen sensitization-challenge and intranasal immunotherapy on GITR expression in splenic regulatory T cells: Flow cytometric analysis of GITR and its
percent positive cells is represented in bar diagrams. Percentage of the expression refers to the positive cells out of 40,000 cells analyzed. Results demonstrated that there was a
signicant (*) decrease in GITR expression in Tregs in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant control (p b 0.001). GITR expression in Tregs increased
signicantly (#) following intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD (animal n = 6 per group).
16 S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919

Fig. 6. Effect of Alstonia scholaris pollen sensitization-challenge and intranasal immunotherapy on OX40 expression in splenic regulatory T cells: Flow cytometric analysis of OX40 and its
percent positive cells is represented in bar diagrams. Percentage of the expression refers to the positive cells out of 40,000 cells analyzed. Results demonstrated that there was a signicant
(*) increase in OX40 expression in Tregs in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant control (p b 0.001). OX40 expression in Tregs decreased signicantly (#)
following intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD (animal n = 6 per group).

Similarly to IL10, transforming growth factor (TGF) is also in- sensitization and challenge. As previous experimental work with TGF
volved in the control of atopic state. We have found that there is a re- knock-out mice had shown a greater susceptibility to bronchial hyper-
duction in CD4 + CD25 + TGF + Treg cells Alstonia scholaris pollen reactivity and bronchial inammation resembling asthma [37], so in

Fig. 7. Effect of Alstonia scholaris pollen sensitization-challenge and intranasal immunotherapy on CD 39 expression in splenic regulatory T cells: Flow cytometric analysis of CD 39 and its
percent positive cells is represented in bar diagrams. Percentage of the expression refers to the positive cells out of 40,000 cells analyzed. Results demonstrated that there was a signicant
(*) decrease in CD 39 expression in Tregs in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant control (p b 0.001). CD 39 expression in Tregs increased signicantly (#)
following intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD (animal n = 6 per group).
S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919 17

Fig. 8. Effect of Alstonia scholaris pollen sensitization-challenge and intranasal immunotherapy on CD 73 expression in splenic regulatory T cells: Flow cytometric analysis of CD 73 and its
percent positive cells is represented in bar diagrams. Percentage of the expression refers to the positive cells out of 40,000 cells analyzed. Results demonstrated that there was a signicant
(*) decrease in CD 73 expression in Tregs in the Alstonia group compared with that of normal control and adjuvant control (p b 0.001). CD 73 expression in Tregs increased signicantly (#)
following intranasal immunotherapy. Column values are represented as mean SD (animal n = 6 per group).

our model the reduction in TGF + Treg cells correlates with the estab- Apart from CTLA-4, CD4 + CD25 + Treg cells are also equipped with
lishment of allergic airway inammation. Intranasal allergen immuno- other cell surface molecules like Glucocorticoid- induced tumor necrosis
therapy caused rise in CD4 + CD25 + TGF + Treg cells showing that factor receptor (GITR) and OX40 which functions as regulator of the
TGF is needed for the maintenance of immune tolerance. This theory suppressive functions of Treg cells [41,46,47].
was proven in an earlier work where immune tolerance was induced Glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor (GITR) is a
by repeated aerosolized OVA exposure caused CD4+ T cells to express cell surface molecule which is expressed highly on naturally occurring
both surface and secreted form of TGF and furthermore the cell surface CD4 + CD25 + Treg cells and activated CD4 + T effector cells [48].
TGF was responsible for the more effective inhibition of allergic re- For the rst time we have shown that there is reduction in Foxp3
sponse [18]. The autocrine action of IL10 and TGF is important in the + GITR + Treg cells in allergic airway inammation which was in-
induction of immune tolerance by allergen immunotherapy and both creased with intranasal allergen immunotherapy. Though some
these cytokines are critical factors in class switching from inammatory workers have shown that conjugation of GITR with GITR-ligand (GITR-
IgE to non-inammatory IgG4 and IgA respectively [38,39]. L) in the presence of IL2 enhances proliferation of Foxp3 + Treg cells
Of the various mechanisms of Treg mediated suppression, one area and also increases their suppressor function with minimal effect on ef-
of research that gathered considerable momentum recently is the Treg fector T cells [22], others have shown that stimulation of CD4 + CD25
mediated suppression of Antigen presenting cells (APC). A prominent + Tregs through GITR breaks immunological tolerance [48,49]. Thus,
phenotypic characteristic of natural Treg cells is that they constitutively GITR activation may have varied effects on Treg cells.
express high levels of CTLA 4 which interacts with CD80/CD86 on APCs Similar to GITR, another member of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) re-
and causes their downregulation [40]. We have shown that in the set- ceptor superfamily protein which is constitutively expressed on regula-
ting of allergic airway inammation there is abatement of CD4 tory T cells is OX40 (also called CD134)-a new costimulatory molecule
+ CD25 + CTLA4 + Treg cells. Intranasal allergen immunotherapy [50]. T effector cells also can readily express OX40 upon activation
causes rise in CD4 + CD25 + CTLA4 + Treg cells. Work from the [50]. Interestingly, we have found in our model that allergen sensitiza-
Sakaguchi group showed that Treg cells downregulate CD80 and CD86 tion and challenge increased CD4 + CD25 + OX40 + Treg cells and
in an adhesion dependent manner [41]; and this downregulation was this rise was abrogated following intranasal immunotherapy. The recent
annulled if Treg cells were decient in CTLA-4 [42]. Another study by nding that deliberate stimulation of OX40 in-vivo can break tolerance
Pietruczuk et al. [43] have shown that Treg cells in allergic asthma of peptide antigens [51] is in line with our results and it suggests that
shows reduced expression of Foxp3 and CTLA4 which causes initiation the effect of OX40 signaling on a regulatory type of immune response
and perpetuation of allergic airway inammation [43]. Experimental is likely to be profound. It has been demonstrated that OX40 is a potent
studies involving epicutaneous immunotherapy in peanut sensitized negative regulator of Foxp3 + Tregs and stimulation of OX40 on CD4
mice has shown that there is increase in the number of CTLA 4 + + Foxp3 + Tregs consistently abolished their suppressor activities in-
Tregs following immunotherapy [44]. Schneider et al. [45] have now vitro [51].
conclusively shown that CTLA-4 upregulates Lymphocyte function-as- Suppression by CD4 + CD25 + Treg cells is also accomplished by
sociated antigen-1 (LFA-1) mediated cell-adhesion and clustering, extra and/or immediate pericellular accumulation of adenosine, which
which contributes to Treg mediated suppression via interacting with plays a critical and autonomous role in inhibiting effector Tcells through
CD80/CD86 and ICAM-1 expressed on DCs [45]. several type 1 purinergic (adenosine) receptors [52]. This extracellular
18 S. Moitra et al. / International Immunopharmacology 47 (2017) 919

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