Bwff2033w Final Exam Question A161

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MATRIC NO.: ____________________


Answer ALL questions in this section in the OMR form provided.
1. Which of the following is a DISADVANTAGE of the sole proprietorship?

A. Unlimited liability
B. No time limit imposed on its existence
C. No legal requirements for starting the business
D. None of the above

2. The true owners of the corporation are the__________.

A. bond holders
B. common stockholders
C. preferred stockholders
D. board of directors of the firm

3. Which of the following categories of owners have limited liability?

A. Sole proprietors
B. General partner
C. Shareholders of the corporation
D. Both B and C

4. What does the agency problem refer to?

A. The conflict that exists between stockholders and investors.

B. The problem associated with financial managers and Internal Revenue agents.
C. The conflict that exists between the board of directors and the employees of the
D. The problem that results from potential conflicts of interest between the
manager of a business and the stockholders.

5. A listed company issuing new shares of common stock would be classified


A. an initial public offering.

B. a money market transaction
C. a primary market transaction
D. a secondary market transaction

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

6. According to the agency problem, __________ represent the principals of a


A. suppliers
B. managers
C. employees
D. shareholders

7. Which of the basic financial statements is best used to answer the question, How
profitable is the business?

A. Balance Sheet
B. Income statement
C. Statement of shareholders equity
D. Accounts receivable aging schedule

8. You are about to determine your corporations taxable income. Which of the
following is NOT a tax-deductible item?

A. Cost of goods sold

B. Dividend payment
C. Depreciation expense
D. General and administrative expense

9. Your firm has the following income statement items: sales of RM50,250,000; income
tax of RM1,744,000; operating expenses of RM10,115,000; cost of goods sold of
RM35,025,000; and interest expense of RM750,000. What is the amount of the
firms earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)?

A. RM4,630,000
B. RM5,110,000
C. RM15,552,000
D. RM58,000,000

10. Your firm has the following balance sheet statement items: total current liabilities of
RM805,000; total assets of RM2,655,000; fixed and other assets of RM1,770,000;
and long-term debt of RM200,000. What is the amount of the firms net working

A. RM25,000
B. RM80,000
C. RM325,000
D. RM770,000

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

11. Operating income is also known as__________.

A. income from capital gains
B. income after financing activities
C. earnings before interest and taxes
D. income from discontinued operations

12. Holding all other variables constant, which of the followings will decrease total
equity? An increase in__________.
A. net income
B. dividends paid
C. interest expense
D. common stock issued

13. Relationships determined from a firm's financial information and used for
comparison purposes are known as__________.

A. financial ratios
B. scenario analysis
C. solvency analysis
D. dimensional analysis

14. On the statement of cash flows, which of the followings are considered financing

I. Interest paid
II. Dividends paid
III. Increase in long-term debt
IV. Decrease in accounts payable

A. I and III only

B. II and III only
C. III and IV only
D. I, III, and IV only

15. The cash coverage ratio directly measures the ability of a firm's revenues to meet
which one of its following obligations?

A. Payment to supplier
B. Payment to employee
C. Payment of interest to a lender
D. Payment of a dividend to a shareholder

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

16. A firm has sales of RM2,190, net income of RM174, net fixed assets of RM1,600,
and current assets of RM720. The firm has RM310 in inventory. What is the
common-size statement value of inventory?

A. 13.36 percent
B. 14.16 percent
C. 19.38 percent
D. 30.42 percent

17. The Glocal Enterprise has RM747,000 in sales. The profit margin is 4.1 percent and
the firm has 7,500 shares of stock outstanding. The market price per share is RM27.
What is the price-earnings ratio?

A. 6.61
B. 8.98
C. 13.15
D. 14.27

18. Langkasuka Toys has a profit margin of 9.6 percent, a total asset turnover of 1.71,
and a return on equity of 21.01 percent. What is the debt-equity ratio?

A. 0.22
B. 0.28
C. 0.46
D. 0.72

19. Financial planning is a process that __________.

A. focuses solely on the short-term outlook for a firm.

B. considers multiple options and scenarios for more than one year.
C. firms employ only when major changes to a firm's operations are anticipated.
D. provides minimal benefits for firms that are highly responsive to economic

20. When utilizing the percentage of sales approach, managers__________.

I. can project net income.

II. consider the current production capacity level.
III. consider only those assets that do not vary directly with sales.
IV. estimate company sales based on a desired level of net income and the profit

A. I and II only.
B. II and III only.
C. III and IV only.
D. I, III, and IV only.

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

21. The plowback ratio is__________.

A. equal to one minus the retention ratio.

B. equal to net income divided by the change in total equity.
C. the change in retained earnings divided by the dividends paid.
D. the percentage of net income available to the firm to fund future growth.

22. Which of the following is used to finance a firm's external financing need?

A. Debt or equity
B. Net income and retained earnings
C. Net working capital and retained earnings
D. Owners' equity, including retained earnings

Use the following information to answer Questions 23 to 25.

Setia Bistari Berhad

Income Statement for the year ended 31 Dec 2015
Net sales 23,600
Cost of goods sold 14,870
Depreciation 2,800
Earnings before interest and taxes 5,930
Interest paid 670
Taxable income 5,260
Taxes 1,840
Net income 3,420
Dividends RM1,368

Setia Bistari Berhad

Balance Sheet for the year ended 31 Dec 2015

Cash 930 Accounts payable 2,470
Accounts receivable 1,720 Long-term debt 8,800
Inventory 3,210 Common stock 10,000
Total current assets 5,860 Retained earnings 4,190
Net fixed assets 19,600
Total assets 25,460 Total liabilities & equity 25,460

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

23. Assume that Setia Bistari Berhad is operating at full capacity. Also assume that
assets, costs, and current liabilities vary directly with sales. The tax rate and dividend
payout ratio are constant. What is the external financing needed (EFN) if sales
increase by 4 percent?

A. -RM2,147.35
B. -RM1,214.48
C. RM201.16
D. RM525.38

24. What is the internal growth rate of Setia Bistari Berhad assuming the payout ratio
remains constant?

A. 5.20 percent
B. 6.55 percent
C. 7.49 percent
D. 8.77 percent

25. Assume that Setia Bistari Berhad is operating at 88 percent of capacity. All costs and
net working capital vary directly with sales. What is the amount of maximum
capacity of sales?

A. RM19,600
B. RM20,406
C. RM21,500
D. RM26.818

MATRIC NO.: ____________________


Answer ALL questions in this section in the space provided.


a) Calculate the present value of RM89,000 to be received in 15 years, assuming an opportunity

cost of 14 percent.
(3 marks)

b) You have the choice of two equally risky annuities, each paying RM8,000 per year for eight
years. One is an annuity due and the other is an ordinary annuity. Which annuity would you
choose to maximize your wealth? (State the reason for your choice)
(2 marks)

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

c) Indera would like to accumulate RM100,000 by the end of three years from now to buy a
sports car from his friend, Jamaludin. He has RM50,000 now and would like to save equal
annual end-of-year deposits to pay for the car. How much should he deposit at the end of each
year in an account paying 8 percent interest to buy the car?
(5 marks)

d) Haris has opened a retirement fund account which pays 7 percent interest and requires
RM5,000 annual deposits. Haris will retire in 15 years and expects 10 years of retirement life.
What is the maximum end of year annual retirement benefits Haris can get during his
retirement years?
(5 marks)

MATRIC NO.: ____________________


Stock X and Y have risk premiums of 8 percent and 4 percent respectively. Both stocks are in the
same market and the risk-free rate is 6 percent, while the market risk premium is 5 percent.
Based on the given information, answer the following questions.
a) What are the betas of Stocks X and Y?
(3 marks)

b) What are the required rates of return for Stock X and Y?

(3 marks)

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

c) If Stock Xs expected rate of return is 9 percent and Stock Ys expected rate of return is
13 percent, are Stock X and Y fairly valued, undervalued or overvalued? Show your
answer by using security market line (SML) graph.

(6 marks)

d) What is the difference between systematic and nonsystematic risk? Provide an example for
each type of risk.
(3 marks)

MATRIC NO.: ____________________


a) In the preparation of a monthly cash budget, the following revenue and cost information have
been compiled. Prepare a cash budget for the month of October based on the information
given below.
(10 marks)

Month Sales (RM) Purchases (RM)

August (actual) 3,000,000 3,500,000
September (actual) 4,500,000 2,000,000
October (forecast) 1,000,000 500,000

The firm collects 60 percent of monthly sales in cash and 40 percent of sales one month later.
. The firm pays cash for 40 percent of its monthly purchases, and 60 percent in the following
Salaries and wages amount to 15 percent of the previous month's sales.
Sales commission amount to 2 percent of the previous month's sales.
Lease payments of RM100,000 must be made each month.
Depreciation expense each month is RM45,000.
The firm has a beginning cash balance in October of RM100,000 and maintains a minimum
cash balance of RM200,000.

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

b) The XYZ company generally receives 4 checks a month. The check amounts and the
collection delay for each check are shown below. Given this information, what is the
weighted average delay (days), and what is the amount of the average daily float?
Assume every month has 30 days.
(3 marks)

Customer Check amount Collection Delay

A RM20,000 3 days
B RM30,000 2 days
C RM40,000 1 day
D RM50,000 4 days

c) State and explain any TWO (2) motives for corporations to hold cash.
(2 marks)

MATRIC NO.: ____________________


a) Bhuvana Enterprise has a cash-only sales policy. It is considering changing to a credit
policy of net 30 days. Information related to the current and new policies is given in the
table below. The required rate of return is 0.75 percent per month.

Current Policy New Policy

Price per unit (RM) 15.00 15.50
Cost per unit (RM) 8.00 8.40
Unit sales per month 2,000 2,050

i) Perform an analysis to show whether or not Bhuvana Enterprise should adopt the new policy?
(5 marks)

ii) Assuming other factors are constant, what is the minimum needed unit of sales per month
for the adoption of the new policy?

(6 marks)

MATRIC NO.: ____________________

b) Annai Corporation wants to offer credit to customers during the coming festival season.
Resulting additional sales are expected to be 400 units one unit per customer. The
average price and cost per unit are RM400 and RM360 respectively. There is a 10
percent chance that a customer will default. Annai Corporation is considering subscribing
to a credit agency, for a fixed fee of RM500, plus RM10 per individual customer credit
report. The credit report is expected to reduce the customer chance of default to 2
percent. Should Annai Corporation subscribe to the credit agency?

(4 marks)

MATRIC NO.: ____________________


Mahkota Steel Berhad is involved in the production of machinery parts. The company uses
600,000 kg of steel in a year. The purchase cost for the steel is RM2.50 per kg. Carrying cost is
25 percent of the purchase price. Ordering cost is RM1,200 per order. The company intends to
maintain safety stock of 30,000 kg. Based on the given information:

a) Determine the optimum EOQ level.

(5 marks)

b) How many orders need to be made during the year?

(3 marks)

c) What is the average inventory level?

(3 marks)

d) What is the annual total cost of holding the inventory?

(4 marks)



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