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Reptile -
a reptile is a cold-blooded animal.

B. Mammal -
a mammal is a warm-blooded animal.

C. Amphibian -
an amphibian can live both on land and in water.

D. Bird -
a bird is a creature with wings and feathers and can usually fly.

A. Rattan-

has a long thin stem.

B. Cactus-

Has no stem.

C. Banana-
has a thick stem.

D. Rose-

has a short thin stem.

A. Bark -
the outer covering of a tree.

B. Twig -
a small very thin branch that grows out of a larger branch on a bush or tree.

C. Thorn -
a small sharp pointed part of some plants.

D. Skin -
the outer covering of a fruit.

Ladle -
used to scoop soup or gravy.
Conductor -
conducts a band of musicians.

Surgeon -
A surgeon is a doctor who has been specially trained to operate on patients.

. Lavatory -
another name for a toilet.

Warehouse -
a place where large quantities of goods are stored.

Garage -
A place where cars are kept.

A. Hat -
a covering worn on the head.
B. Veil -
a thin piece of material worn to cover the face.

C. Scarf -
a piece of cloth worn on the head to cover the hair.

D. Shawl -
a rectangular piece of material to wrap around the shoulders to keep it warm.

(ID:1455543084829 )Boat-

it is water transport. Usually using an engine to move.

B. Ferry-

it is a water transport which carries a large number of passengers. It needs a powerful

engine to moves.

C. Yacht-

yacht is a boat without engine and uses a sail to move using the power of a strong
D. Hovercraft-

is a transport that can travel both on land and water.

Lettuce -
the lettuce is a leafy vegetable and usually served as garnishing.

B. Spinach -
the spinach is served cooked and not as garnishing.

C. Mushroom -
the mushroom is usually served cooked.

D. Okra -
the okra is always served cooked and not as garnishing.

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