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Student Name: PREET KAMAL Regd No: 101409025

Branch: MTX Faculty Supervisor: Mr.N
Host Organization & Address
Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Sector 8, Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana

Industry Mentor with email and contact number:

Mr. Kamal Kant, , 9953256979

A. As a result of completing this component, please take some time

to reflect and highlight below three areas (mention at least three)
of new learning or insight for you, including references for further
reading cited?
Note to student: A1+A2+A3 together should be a minimum of 500 words. Enter
word count here- 517
Student Input Faculty
I have been deputed in assembly shop of plant C.
Here I am dealing with the maintenance department.
I am given the tasks to maintain smooth operation of
various assembly lines. As our assembly line consists
of variety of sensors, I am given the project on sensors,
in which I have to first of all study various sensors used
in production line and then apply fundamental knowledge
of sensors to modify existing technique. There are a number
of spare sensors placed in the store for backup which just add
to extra cost. I will work on increasing the efficiency and
lifetime of the sensors in industry such that the spare sensors
amount is reduced and one sensor can be used in different
perspectives in many forms to consume less amount of sensors.

The other project I have been discussing with my industrial
mentor is of line balancing. The strategy is to make the
production line flexible enough to absorb external and
internal irregularities. For this task, there are a number
of calculations involved which will be carried out. The Takt
Time should be optimized. In this project, the leveling of
Workload across all processes in a line will be done to remove
Bottlenecks and excess capacity. Line balancing is a
manufacturing-engineering function in which whole collection
of production-line tasks are divided into equal portions.
Well-balanced lines avoid labour idealness and improve

The third project I will be doing is of brake oil filling module.
The brake oil filling is the most complex modules in the
industry. There is always some possibility of leaks during
the brake oil filling due to some irregularities in the filling gun,
which corresponds to reduction in quality of filling and
the effects braking. We will modify existing technique of brake
filling to check leakage and give alternate for that.

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