Innovation Management

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KIMEP University

Bang College of Business (BCB)

Fall 2013
Course Syllabus for: MGT3208 Innovation Management

1. Basic Information
Course Code and Title: MGT3208 Innovation Management
Course Meeting Time and Place: Hall #9 (Valikhanov Building), MW 10:00 11:15
Course Credit: Three (3) credits
Instructor Information: Alma Alpeissova, MA.
Office: Room #342 Dostyk (Administrative) Building
Phone: 270 44 40 Ext. 2143
Prerequisite: MGT2201 Principles of Management

2. Instructor Availability
Office Hours: W 11:30 to 13:00, Tue 17:30 to 19:00 or by appointment
Location: Room #342 Dostyk (Administrative) Building
Teaching Assistant Information: TBD

3. Instructional Resources
Required Textbook
Ahmed, P. and Shepherd, C. Innovation Management: Context, Strategies, Systems, and
Processes. New York, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall. 2010.

Paul Trott. Innovation Management and New Product Development. 3rd Ed. 2008.
Joe Tidd and John Bessant. Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market, and
Organizational Change. 4th Ed. 2009.
Any other related books and materials.
Cases and Additional Readings: Available on L-Drive.

4. Course Description/Overview
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the main issues in the management of
innovation. A study of the most recent trends and ideas in management and their practical application
is carried out. Although the economic power of the geographic regions, nations, and organizations is
built by the continuous development of its intellectual, technical, and scientific talent realized
through their innovation efforts, the innovation management is one of the most challenging tasks as
many of the innovative ideas fail to be commercialized. Therefore, the course aims to equip students
with relevant skills, tools and techniques necessary to manage innovation at strategic and operational

5. Learning objectives
At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following:

KNOWLEDGE: Students will have an understanding of

Understand major concepts of innovation
Understand the process of innovation
Recognize major innovation models
Use and recognize innovation management tools and techniques

SKILLS: Students will learnt to

Adapt innovation management tools and techniques to different people and situations
Learn how to evaluate different options and formulate and develop strategy
Diagnose, analyze, interpret and articulate managerial challenges

APPLICATION ABILITIES: Students will be able to

Develop strategic plans to enhance innovations within organization
Articulate and systematize innovation processes
Think globally and act locally to resolve organizations challenges related to innovation
Develop and lead groups to achieve goals and objectives

VALUES AND ATTITUDES: Students practice

KIMEP Core Values
Academic honesty
Respect for peers and instructors

6. Teaching Methodology
The format of the course is basically lectures but also includes the following:
Class discussions, homework assignments, case studies
Group project, presentations

7. Assessment Scheme
Continuous Assessment 60%
2 Mid-term Exams 20%
Presentation 10%
Home assignments & Attendance 10%
Group project 20%
Final Assessment 40%
Examination 40%
TOTAL 100%

Organizational Note: For group assignments and the group project, you
should form groups of three-five students.

(10%) Home Assignments & Attendance

Every class has an agenda and a purpose, so that the time that we spend together is used effectively
and efficiently. Some classes will have assigned tasks detailed in the classroom. Homework assigned
must be turned in at the beginning of the class.
There are two factors that will determine your grade for class participation:
Quality, based on how effectively you move the discussion forward and the extent you show
mastery of assigned material.
Quantity, as a denominator and control threshold, so that all students are active and involved.
(50%) Other Continuous Assessment
This part of assessment will include both group and individual components, as follows:

(20%) Two mid-term exams, 10% each, to assess mastering of the course material. Theory
based essay type questions and/or short case analysis report. No multiple-choice questions will be
in the tests.
(20%) Group project. TBA on Wednesday, September 11, 2013.
(10%) Presentation (2 students in each group). TBA by instructor.

(40%) Final Examination

Comprehensive, case based exam.

8. Grading Scale
Letter grades for the course will follow the same standards as specified in the Catalog. See the
following table for grading scale:

Letter grade Numerical scale or

A+ 90-100
A 85-89
A- 80-84
B+ 77-79
B 73-76
B- 70-72
C+ 67-69
C 63-66
C- 60-62
D+ 57-59
D 53-56
D- 50-52
F Below 50

9. Course Policies and Instructors expectations of students

Students must attend 80% of the classes and those who are more than 10 minutes late will not be
allowed to enter the class.
Academic honesty: We have a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty. Check the catalog for
Cell phones: should be turned off at the beginning of the class, or put it on vibrate or silent mode (in
case of emergency).
Information dissemination: Information regarding this course and assignments will be given by the
instructor during the class or can be found on the L-drive.
No checking E-mails or surfing the Internet during the class.
Students are also expected to check their Umails.
Enrollment in the course constitutes an agreement with the terms and requirements in this syllabus.

10. Period-by-period Schedule (Tentative)



1st Innovation Management: Introduction. Ch.1

2nd Innovation Management: Introduction. Ch. 2, Ch.5
The context of innovation and the role of the
3rd The context of innovation and the role of the Ch. 2, Ch.5
state. Managing intellectual property.

4th Building the innovative organization. Ch.3, Ch.7

5th Sources of innovation. Ch.3, Ch.7

6th Innovation networks. Ch.3, Ch.7

7th Decision making under uncertainty TBA (L Drive)

8th Developing an innovation strategy. TBA (L Drive)

9th Managing organizational knowledge. Ch.6, Ch.8, Ch.9

10th Management of R&D. Ch.6, Ch.8, Ch.9

Managing R&D projects.
11th Managing the new product development team. Ch.11-13
12 Group project presentations

13th Group project presentations

14th Exploiting new ventures. Ch. 9

15th Capturing the benefits of innovation. TBA (L Drive)

Review Lecture.

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