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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278

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Orchard mapping and mobile robot localisation using on-board camera

and laser scanner data fusion Part B: Mapping and localisation
Nagham Shalal a,b,c,, Tobias Low a,b, Cheryl McCarthy b, Nigel Hancock a,b
Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Control and Systems Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accurate mobile robot localisation in orchards relies on precise orchard maps which help the mobile
Received 17 April 2015 robot to efficiently estimate its position and orientation while moving between tree rows. This paper pre-
Received in revised form 16 September sents a new method for constructing a local orchard map based on tree trunk detection using camera and
laser scanner data fusion. The final orchard map consists of the positions of the trees and non-tree objects
Accepted 26 September 2015
Available online 27 October 2015
(e.g. posts and tree supports) in the tree rows. The map of the individual trees is used as an a priori map to
localise the mobile robot in the orchard. A data fusion algorithm based on an Extended Kalman Filter is
used for position estimation. Experimental tests were conducted with a small robot platform in a real
Mobile robot
orchard environment to evaluate the performance of orchard mapping and mobile robot localisation.
Mapping The mapping method successfully localised all the trees and non-tree objects of the tested tree rows in
Localisation the orchard. The mapping results indicate that the constructed orchard map can be reliably used for
Orchard mobile robot localisation and navigation. The localisation algorithm was evaluated against the logged
Computer vision RTK-GPS positions for different paths and headland turns. The average of the root mean square of the
Laser scanner Euclidean distance between the ground truth and the estimated position for different paths was
0.103 m, whilst the average of the root mean square of the heading error was 3.32.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The successful navigation of mobile robots in orchard environ-

ments consists of feature extraction, mapping, localisation, path
In recent years, the use of agricultural robots has increased sig- planning and obstacle avoidance. A mobile robot with its on-
nificantly in many indoor and outdoor agricultural environments. board sensors can sense the surroundings and build a map of the
Automated agricultural robots save labour costs, provide an alter- orchard, and continuously update the map to incorporate, for
native to people performing certain tedious, repetitive or high-risk example, fallen branches or other new obstacles. Precise orchard
operations, and increase productivity (Griepentrog et al., 2009). maps are essential for agricultural robots path planning, localisa-
The rapid advancement in sensors and computing technologies tion and navigation when detailed inspection (e.g. flowers, fruit,
has provided important progress in the field of agricultural auton- diseases) is to be undertaken. The integration of different sensors
omous robot systems. for feature extraction and orchard mapping can improve the
The problem of feature selection and detection is more chal- robustness of the map (Shalal et al., 2013).
lenging in outdoor environments. In most typical semi-structured Localisation is the process of accurately determining the mobile
outdoor environments such as orchards and parks, tree trunks robots pose (position and orientation) relative to a given map of
are relatively stable, regular and naturally occurring features that the environment using the data acquired from the mobile robot
can provide very useful information for mobile robot localisation sensors (Auat Cheein and Carelli, 2013). The core of the localisation
and navigation (Zhang et al., 2008). problem is the reliable acquisition or extraction of sensor informa-
tion and the automatic correlation or correspondence of this infor-
mation with the environment map (Zhang et al., 2008).
Corresponding author at: Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, Univer- Localisation is a critical issue in mobile robot navigation, and par-
sity of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. ticularly so in an agricultural environment where, unlike a factory
E-mail address: (N. Shalal). environment, a level ground surface cannot be presumed. The
0168-1699/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
268 N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278

mobile robot cannot effectively plan its path, locate objects and 2. Related work
navigate to the target unless it knows its position in the environ-
ment (Bloss, 2008). Studies in the literature have typically developed autonomous
In some orchards, GPS cannot be effectively used for localisation navigation systems for tractors or large agricultural vehicles
and navigation since the agricultural robots frequently move under (Barawid et al., 2007; Andersen et al., 2010; Hansen et al., 2011).
the tree canopy blocking the satellite signals from the GPS receiver In this present study, a small robot platform is used rather than
(Li et al., 2009). In addition, using precise GPS system such as Real traditional (manually-driven) agricultural vehicles. A robot of
Time Kinematic RTK-GPS is an expensive solution for position esti- small size operating autonomously has the potential to meet the
mation. For these reasons, this study aims to develop localisation major requirements of routine orchard inspection tasks which
system for mobile robot in orchard without using GPS as the pri- are labour intensive, especially in large orchards. The small size
mary sensor for localisation. Furthermore, odometer is a very com- and light weight are important as they imply easy accessibility of
mon sensor for position measurement that has been widely used tree rows, lower power consumption, less soil compaction and less
due to its simplicity and low cost. However, this assumption is potential damage for trees and other objects in the orchard (such
not always correct because of the wheel slippage on different sur- as irrigation infrastructure).
faces which generate errors that accumulated over distance espe- The literature offers several methods for the construction of a
cially in outdoor environments. For this the mobile robot cannot map of the orchard to be used later as an a priori map for mobile
rely only on the odometer to determine its position. All these chal- robot localisation and navigation. In some orchards, the trees are
lenges have motivated the development of a localisation system closely spaced in rows with branches spanning the area between
based on data fusion from different on-board sensors to provide the trees in the row or the tree trunks have small diameters with
accurate pose estimation of the mobile robot. The Extended Kal- branches hanging low to the ground. Therefore, the best option is
man Filter (EKF) provides a robust mathematical method for to estimate the position of the tree rows rather than the individual
multi-sensor data fusion in real time. It has been adopted to solve trees (Andersen et al., 2010). Hansen et al. (2011) and Andersen
the problem of position estimation of nonlinear mobile robot sys- et al. (2010) developed a simple map of the orchard containing
tems (Thrun et al., 2005). starting and ending points of the rows in the orchard. The map
The tree inspection and individual tree growth monitoring tasks was formed in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordi-
require the mobile robot to have a map of the individual trees in nate system. From this map, straight line representation of the
the orchard. This facilitates the mobile robot to navigate to a speci- orchard rows can be obtained for localisation and navigation.
fic tree to implement these tasks. Hence, this arises the need of According to the localisation algorithm developed by Andersen
constructing a local map of the individual trees in the orchard. et al. (2010), the localisation error, laterally, when driving between
The constructed map is essential for mobile robot localisation since rows has a standard deviation of 10.3 cm, and at the row ends a
the mobile robot need to know its position relative to these trees in standard deviation of 16.7 cm longitudinally. In the work reported
the row. The mobile robot needs to execute different paths such as by Libby and Kantor (2011), an a priori map was developed which
moving midway between tree rows, close to the row and between consists of line features formed by rows of trees in the orchard and
trees in the row to implement different tree inspection tasks. In point features consisting of reflective tape placed at the ends of the
addition, the movement of the mobile robot from one row to rows. This map was used for localisation by detecting both the row
another requires executing either semi-circle turns or right angle line and the row ends.
turns. Therefore, the developed localisation algorithm is required The literature demonstrates the effective use of EKF to estimate
to be capable of determining the mobile robot position for all these the pose (position and orientation) of the agricultural vehicles once
paths and turns. appropriate models of the vehicle and the sensors are defined
This work presents a method for local-scale orchard mapping (Libby and Kantor, 2011; Subramanian et al., 2009). EKF provides
based on tree trunk detection using low cost vision and laser scan- a theoretical framework for multi-sensor data fusion. In the study
ning technologies. Details of this tree trunk detection are presented presented by Libby and Kantor (2011), the EKF used two types of
in Shalal et al. (2015). The fusion of data from the sensors improves laser-based correction steps. The first used point features (ends
tree trunk detection because the laser scanner can provide accurate of rows) while the second used line features (tree rows). To
ranges, angles and widths of the tree trunks and objects, whilst the improve the performance of EKF, it is often combined with differ-
vision system can distinguish between tree trunks and other ent optimisation techniques and control strategies. Subramanian
objects. The map obtained consists of the 2D position of the indi- et al. (2009) developed a fuzzy logic enhanced KF for sensor fusion
vidual trees and non-tree objects in the orchard. In this study, trees for guiding an autonomous vehicle in the orchard. The guidance
are used as landmarks for localisation, together with the con- system was then tested in citrus grove alleyways, and average
structed map of the individual trees and the measurements from errors of 7.6 cm at 3.1 m/s speed and 9.1 cm at 1.8 m/s speed were
mobile robot on-board sensors (camera, laser scanner, odometer observed. Mastrogiovanni et al. (2005) suggested a self-localisation
and IMU). The camera and the laser scanner are used to detect of an autonomous mobile robot within a dynamic environment
and measure the distances between the mobile robot and the trees using EKF and 2D laser rangefinder for indoor environment. The
which are necessary for the EKF algorithm to estimate the position robot managed to localise itself almost continuously in the lab with
and orientation of the mobile robot. The estimated positions were a maximum translational error of roughly 20 cm and a rotational
evaluated against the RTK-GPS position measurements to deter- one comparable to 5.
mine the position accuracy based on the root mean square (RMS) Particle Filter (PF) is also used to solve the localisation problem.
of the Euclidean distance between the RTK-GPS position measure- Unlike the EKF, the PF is not restricted to Gaussian processes and it
ments and the estimated positions. has a better managing of non-linearities associated with the esti-
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 highlights some mation process, but the real time implementation of the PF is still
recent studies published in the field related to this work. Section 3 limited (Auat Cheein et al., 2011). Gonzlez et al. (2009) developed
explains the proposed method for orchard map construction whilst a mobile robot localisation using Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) range
Section 4 describes the localisation algorithm using EKF. Section 5 measurements and PF. The position of a mobile transceiver is
presents the experimental results and discussion. Finally, conclu- determined from the distances to a set of fixed, well-localised bea-
sions are presented in Section 6. cons. The overall positioning errors (x; y) are of 0.2 m, while the
N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278 269

mean heading error is 10. However, this method was only tested
in indoor environment. In the study presented by Kurashiki et al.
(2010), a self-localisation algorithm consisting of a 2D laser sensor
and a PF to handle the sensing uncertainties caused by unexpected
objects was developed. Experimental results were obtained for
traveling through a real orchard and the standard deviation of
the control error in the lateral direction was less than 15 cm.
Hiremath et al. (2014) presented a PF based navigation algorithm
for autonomous navigation in a maize field using 2D rangefinder.
The algorithm was designed and tested in various field conditions
with crop rows, but not specifically for tree rows.
Another approach is carried out by implementing a simultane-
ous localisation and mapping (SLAM) algorithm which is used to
build up a map within an unknown environment, while at the
same time using this map to localise the mobile robot current loca-
tion. SLAM can be implemented using different types of filters
reported in the literature. For example, Extended Information Filter Fig. 1. Principle of the determination of the range and the angle of the trees centre
EIF-SLAM implemented by Auat Cheein et al. (2011), in which the position.
error in x or y coordinates of the robots position does not exceeds
0.5 m. Guivant et al. (2002) and Christiansen (2011) implemented
EKF-SLAM using 2D laser scanner. EKF-SLAM has disadvantages in r1
rc 1
processing time and computational requirements (Bailey and cosD2/
Durrant-Whyte, 2006). However, recent studies are seeking to D/
/c /1  2
address these issues (Christiansen, 2011). 2
In this study, the constructed map is used as an a priori map to
where r 1 and r 2 are the ranges at the edge points of the tree trunk,
implement the localisation of a small robot platform in an orchard
/1 and /2 are the tree trunk angles at r 1 and r 2 respectively and D/
environment using EKF, since the information gained from the
represents the difference between /1 and /2 (Shalal et al., 2015).
recent literature indicates that this method could provide good
The tree trunk coordinates X tree ; Y tree for each image-laser scan
results for the scenarios in this study. The main contributions of
pair are determined from Fig. 2 as follows:
this study are:
X tree x r c cos/c h 3
 Develop a local orchard map of the individual trees and non- Y tree y r c sin/c h 4
tree objects rather than a map that considers the whole row
as a line. This allows the mobile robot to navigate to a specific where h is the heading angle of the mobile robot and (x; y) repre-
tree in the orchard to perform specific task such as tree inspec- sent the mobile robot coordinates in the orchard environment.
tion, pruning and harvesting. The position of the mobile robot in the orchard is determined with
 Improve the precision of in-row localisation by using the posi- respect to a selected reference point X orchard ; Y orchard = (0, 0) as
tions of the individual trees in the correction step of EKF rather shown in Fig. 2. The position of the mobile robot in the orchard is
than correcting with the whole row as a line. obtained from the RTK-GPS data. The RTK-GPS provides x and y
 Improve the localisation accuracy for different paths (midway position data in UTM coordinates which need to be converted to
between rows, close to the rows and moving around trees in the orchard map reference coordinates X orchard ; Y orchard . Therefore,
the row) and different turns (semi-circle turns and right angle the x and y position data in UTM coordinates have been compen-
turns). The localisation algorithm was capable of executing sated for the starting position of the mobile robot to match the
these paths with RMS Euclidean distance of 0.103 m and RMS orchard map reference coordinates. The heading angle of the mobile
heading error of 3.32. robot is obtained from the IMU. Fig. 3 shows the flowchart of the
 Develop a localisation algorithm that does not rely on GPS posi- orchard mapping procedure.
tions and depends only on the on-board sensors of the mobile The coordinates of each individual tree trunk (X mean ; Y mean ) are
robot without adding any artificial landmarks, reflective tapes determined by calculating the mean of X tree and Y tree for all the
or tags to the trees. image-laser scan pairs of the same tree trunk. It was observed that
each tree trunk was detected in a number of image-laser scan pairs
ranging from 22 to 26. The same procedure is used to determine
3. Orchard map construction the position of the non-tree objects found in the tree rows. The
final map consists of the 2D coordinates of the trees and non-
The map construction process is achieved by moving the mobile tree objects in the orchard. Another map m, which contains the
robot from a known starting position midway between each two 2D coordinates of the individual trees only, was extracted from
tree rows in the orchard. The image-laser scan pairs are acquired the final map and stored in the on-board computer of the mobile
at different predetermined positions measured by the RTK-GPS robot to be used for subsequent mobile robot localisation and
along the way between the two rows to implement tree trunk navigation.
detection and mapping algorithm.
The mapping algorithm typically requires accurate detection of 4. Mobile robot localisation
the tree trunks and estimation of their centre positions Oc in laser
data. The tree trunks are detected using Detection Algorithm B pre- This study presents a mobile robot localisation solution that
sented in Shalal et al. (2015). Subsequently, the range r c and angle does not rely on GPS position. The movement of the mobile robot
/c , which represent the laser range and bearing angle between the in the orchard includes moving in straight lines along the tree rows
laser position on the mobile robot and the tree trunk centres, are and turning from one row to another in the headland. The
determined from Fig. 1 using the following equations: estimated position accuracy required for the mobile robot when
270 N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278

nates, along with its heading h. Therefore, the state estimate vector
is represented by xt x; y; hT . The EKF localisation algorithm in
this study consists of the two main steps described in Sections
4.1 and 4.2.

4.1. Prediction step

This step starts by placing the mobile robot in a known starting

pose in the orchard which is used as initial pose in the prediction
step of EKF. This step relays on the motion model of the mobile
robot and the control inputs (linear velocity and angular velocity).
In this study, the linear velocity is computed using the odometer
data, while the angular velocity is obtained from the IMU measure-
ments. Only the angular velocity in yaw from IMU was used in
implementing the localisation algorithm.
The prediction step is responsible for projecting the current
pose and error covariance estimates ahead in time from time step
t  1 to step t. It predicts the pose forward in time ^
t using the esti-
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of the positions of the trees with respect to the ^
mated pose xt1 and the control input ut1 in the motion model f.
mobile robot in the orchard environment. The pose prediction step is presented in Eq. (5). Eqs. (5) and (7)
are based on Welch and Bishop (2006):
^xt f ^xt1 ; ut1 5
Implementation of the prediction step of the mobile robot localisa-
tion using EKF requires identifying the motion model of the mobile
robot. The motion model describes the general movement of the
mobile robot platform to predict the next pose of the robot using
the current pose and control inputs. The motion model used in this
study assumes that the robot can be controlled through two vari-
ables, a linear velocity v and an angular velocity x. The positive
angular velocities x induce a counterclockwise rotation (left turns)
while positive linear velocities v correspond to forward motion as
shown in Fig. 4. Hence, the control input vector is represented by
ut v ; xT .
The motion model used in this study is based on Dudek and
Jenkin (2010) and it is represented in Eq. (6):
2 3 2 3 2 3
xt xt1 v t cosht1 Dt
6 7 6 7 6 7
4 yt 5 4 yt1 5 4 v t sinht1 Dt 5 6
ht ht1 x t Dt
where Dt is the time difference between time steps t and t  1. The
error covariance matrix Pt in the prediction step is calculated using
Eq. (7)

Pt At Pt1 ATt W t Q t W Tt 7

Fig. 3. The developed orchard mapping algorithm.

moving between the tree rows to implement tree inspection tasks

based on Euclidean distance is approximately 0.2 m, while not
exceeding 0.3 m in the headland turns.
As the feature based EKF provides an effective method for
mobile robot pose estimation, it was adopted in this study for
mobile robot localisation in the orchard. The multiple measure-
ments gathered from the robots sensors, containing random noise
are combined mathematically to generate the robots pose esti-
mates at that time instant.
The pose of the mobile robot operating in the orchard comprises
its x and y coordinates relative to the orchard environment coordi- Fig. 4. Graphic representation of the mobile robot used in this work.
N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278 271

@f @f
" # 2 q 3
where At @x and W t @u are the motion model Jacobian matrices r it mj;x  xt 2 mj;y  yt 2 5
for states and noise respectively. Q t is the process noise covariance hxt ; yt ; ht ; mj;x ; mj;y i
/t atan2mj;y  yt ; mj;x  xt  ht
matrix that describes the noise in the linear velocity and angular
velocity. Q t was determined prior the implementation of the algo- 9
rithm and kept the same for all tests.
where mj;x and mj;y are the coordinates of the j-th tree in the local
map m and xt ; yt ; ht represent the estimated position of the mobile
4.2. Correction step
robot. This equation matches the i-th detected tree from the laser
scan to the j-th tree in the map at time t (Thrun et al., 2005).
This step depends on a a priori map, measurement model and
The corrected pose estimate ^ xt is determined based on the
the measurement inputs (range and bearing angle) measured by
difference between the collected actual measurement zt and the
the laser scanner. The correction step is responsible for correcting
estimated measurements that are computed through the measure-
the projected pose and error covariance estimates. The localisation
ment model h as follows:
algorithm uses the trees, which naturally exist in the orchard, as
landmarks to correct the estimated pose. The Kalman gain K t is ^xt ^xt K t zt  h^xt 10
first calculated from Eq. (8). Eqs. (8), (10) and (11) are based on
The final step is to obtain the corrected error covariance estimate P t
Welch and Bishop (2006):
matrix from Eq. (11):
K t Pt HTt Ht Pt HTt V t Rt V Tt 8 Pt I  K t Ht Pt 11
@h @h
where Ht and V t
are the measurement model Jacobian
@u The EKF is a recursive estimation process. The updated pose and
matrices for state and noise respectively. Rt is the measurement error covariance matrix are used to predict the new estimates in
noise covariance matrix that describes the noise in the ranges and the next time step. This recursive nature is one of the very appealing
the bearing angles measured by the laser scanner. Rt was deter- features of the EKF. Fig. 5 represents the flowchart of the localisa-
mined prior the implementation of the algorithm and kept the same tion algorithm developed in this paper.
for all tests.
The next step is to detect the tree trunks in the mobile robots 5. Experimental results and discussion
path and search for the closest tree trunk detected by both camera
and laser scanner. The range r and the bearing angle / of this tree Experimental tests were conducted using the CoroWare
represent the actual measurements zt r; /T that will be used in Explorer platform with its on-board sensors and the persimmon
the correction step. In order to relate these measurements to an orchard described in Shalal et al. (2015) to evaluate the perfor-
actual tree in the orchard, the map m of the tree coordinates was mance of orchard mapping and localisation algorithms. Fig. 6
used from which the robot can look up tree positions when needed shows the CoroWare Explorer platform with its on-board sensors,
in the localisation procedure. The algorithm will then associate the whilst Fig. 7 shows the tree rows and typical non-tree objects
detected tree to the closest tree in the orchard map and return its (posts and tree supports) in the selected persimmon orchard.
coordinates to be used in the measurement model h to determine
the estimated range and bearing angle between the tree and the 5.1. Orchard map construction
mobile robot. The measurement model h used in this study is
based on Thrun et al. (2005) and it is described in Eq. (9): Experimental test was conducted on September 27, 2014 at
9 am to construct the map of the selected area of the orchard.
The orchard map construction was achieved using the procedure

IMU (inside

Laser scanner



Fig. 5. The developed localisation algorithm using EKF. Fig. 6. CoroWare Explorer platform with on-board sensors (June 2014).
272 N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278

Fig. 7. Tree rows in the orchard and typical non-tree objects (late September 2014).

described in Section 3. The tree trunks and non-tree objects in the The mobile robot was placed in a known starting pose which is
selected area of the orchard were detected using Detection Algo- used as initial pose for EKF algorithm. The starting position of the
rithm B based on camera and laser scanner data fusion presented mobile robot is known by relating the robot position to the devel-
in Shalal et al. (2015). The detailed results of the correctly identi- oped orchard map. The linear velocity of the mobile robot was set
fied and incorrectly identified tree trunks and non-tree objects to approximately 0.6 m/s for straight line movement along the row
were summarised in Table 1 and their 2D coordinates were calcu- and 0.3 m/s for the headland turn. The mobile robot knows its posi-
lated. Fig. 8 shows the constructed map of the positions of the trees tion in the orchard while moving, by relating its estimated x and y
and non-tree objects in the selected area of the orchard. The con- positions to the map. Extra information regarding the row number
structed map was shown to be consistent with the real orchard and the closest tree to the robot position could be obtained from
environment. The 2D coordinates of the tree trunks in the orchard the x and y positions of the mobile robot. The x-coordinate of the
map were extracted and saved in a map file to be used by the local- robot position relates to the row number, whilst the y-coordinate
isation algorithm using EKF. relates the robot position to the closest tree in the row. Each of
The RTK-GPS and on-board sensors (camera, laser scanner and the above three paths were repeated using either semi-circle or
IMU) have been used to generate the map; and the map is subse- right angle headland turns. The estimated positions of the above
quently used as a ground truth to evaluate the accuracy of the main three paths were determined and compared with the ground
mobile robot localisation. In the absence of other ground truth truth positions acquired from the RTK-GPS to determine the accu-
methods (e.g. measuring of tree position using surveying meth- racy of the localisation algorithm.
ods), the map generated by RTK-GPS and on-board sensors is Heavy tree canopies might weaken and attenuate the RTK-GPS
assumed to be an accurate representation of the orchard and suit- signal over the travel paths. This attenuation can make it difficult
able as a ground truth. for the RTK-GPS receiver to track the signal from the satellites.
Although the selected orchard does not have trees with heavy
canopy, there were RTK-GPS signal dropouts in several locations
5.2. Mobile robot localisation
during the tests which may negatively affect the collection of com-
plete path data. Hence, multiple replicates for each path were car-
The localisation algorithm using EKF was also tested in the
ried out on several days to increase the number of paths available
orchard by moving the mobile robot in different paths between
for analysis and to overcome data loss due to the RTK-GPS signal
the tree rows with different headland turns. The movement of
dropout. Several path replicates were discarded due to the signal
the mobile robot was remotely controlled between the tree rows
dropout and only paths with complete RTK-GPS position data were
to collect the required data. In this study, it is required that the
utilised for evaluating the performance of the localisation algorithm.
mobile robot has the capability of executing different paths which
are necessary to implement different tree inspection tasks. The fol-
lowing are the main executed paths: 5.2.1. Estimated position and heading for different paths
The first test was achieved by moving the mobile robot from a
 Moving midway between tree rows. known starting location in the midway between tree rows and per-
 Moving close to the row. forming a semi-circle turn from one row to another. This path is
 Moving between trees in the row. suited for tree inspection tasks for the trees in the left and right
sides of the mobile robot at the same time. The robot can recognise
the end of the row by comparing its y-coordinate with the
y-coordinate of the last tree in that row. When the mobile robot
Table 1 approaches from the last tree in the row, no more trees are viewed
The detailed results of the detected trees and the non-tree objects. by the camera. Therefore, the last tree in the row is used in the cor-
Object type Tested Correctly Incorrectly rection step until reaching the end of the row and during the semi-
objects identified identified circle turn since this tree is still detected by the laser scanner.
Regular tree trunks 90 88 2 Fig. 9a shows the estimated path and the ground truth logged
Thin tree trunks 6 5 1 using RTK-GPS. The red1 path shows the EKF localisation estimate
Big posts 10 10 0
Small posts 5 4 1 1
Tree supports 8 8 0 For interpretation of color in Fig. 9, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.
N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278 273

Fig. 8. The constructed map of the selected area of the orchard.

of the robot positions, while the blue path shows the corresponding heading for a certain distance such that the last tree in the row
ground truth values. The green dots show the positions of the trees is still covered by the 270 scanning angle of the laser scanner.
in the orchard map. Fig. 9b shows the estimated heading of the Then the robot executes the first sharp right angle turn and moves
mobile robot for the same path. forward with a heading perpendicular to the row heading for a cer-
In the second test, the mobile robot was moved approximately tain distance depending on the inter-row distance. After that, the
1 m laterally from the trees in the row. One advantage of using a robot performs the second sharp right angle turn and continues
small robot platform is that it can navigate close to the row with- moving forward until entering the next row. The previous three
out damaging anything. In addition, moving close to the row is tests were repeated with right angle turns. The estimated path
more helpful for some inspection, pruning and harvesting tasks and heading angle of the mobile robot when moving in the midway
that need the mobile robot to move close to the row. Fig. 10 shows between the tree rows and when turning around trees in the row
the estimated path and heading angle of the mobile robot for this with right angle turns are depicted in Figs. 12 and 13 respectively.
The third test was achieved by moving the mobile robot in 5.2.2. Position and heading errors for different paths
semi-circles between trees in the row. Another benefit of using a To evaluate the performance of the developed localisation algo-
small robot platform is that its small size provides easy maneuver- rithm, the error between the ground truth positions and the esti-
ability around trees in the row. This path is useful for inspecting mated positions was computed at each time step. The ground
the whole tree from different angles and also for pruning and har- truth positions were determined using the RTK-GPS. The position
vesting tasks. Fig. 11 shows the estimated path and heading angle error was calculated through the Euclidean distance (DE ) between
of the robot for this path. the ground truth position (xgt ; ygt ) and the estimated position (x; y)
A further advantage of using a small mobile robot is that it can as following:
execute a sharp right turn easily with less soil damage compared to q
large agricultural vehicles. In addition the right angle turn requires DE xgt  x2 ygt  y2 12
less space than the semi-circle turn. When the mobile robot
reaches the end of the row, it starts executing the right angle turn The estimated heading of the mobile robot was also compared with
(i.e. the headland turning) by moving forward with the current the heading determined from the ground truth position (xgt ; ygt ) to
274 N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278

(a) The estimated path with ground truth values.


Up the row Up the row
Heading (degree)

Right turn Left turn Right turn


Down the row Down the row

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (s)
(b) The estimated heading of the mobile robot.
Fig. 9. The estimated path and heading of the mobile robot for the midway movement between tree rows with semi-circle headland turns.

determine the heading error. Fig. 14a illustrates the DE when the the headland turns. This proves that the localisation algorithm was
mobile robot moves in the midway between tree rows with capable of achieving the demanded accuracy.
semi-circle turns, whilst Fig. 14b depicts the heading error for the Table 2 summarises the RMS of position error based on DE for
same path. From Fig. 14a, it can be seen that the maximum value one run of the three different paths using semi-circle headland
of DE was 0.16 m when moving between tree rows and 0.2 m during turns. From this table, the position error when moving along the
N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278 275


Up the row Up the row


Heading (degree)
Right Left Right
turn turn turn


Down the row Down the row


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)

Fig. 10. Estimated path and heading angle of the mobile robot when moving close to the rows with semi-circle headland turns.

28 180
GPS ground truth
EKF path
26 160

F 140

Heading (degree)

Yorchard (m)

18 D

A 20

4 6 8 10 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
X (m) Time (s)

(a) Estimated path. (b) Estimated heading angle.

Fig. 11. Estimated path and heading angle when moving the mobile robot in semi-circles between trees in the row.

rows is less than the error in the headland turns, which is expected that the performance of the localisation algorithm was similar for
to be due to the high slippage of the wheels in the headland turns. the three replicates of each path.
From the results obtained, it can be observed that the error is
inversely proportional to the turn radius. 5.2.3. General discussion
Each of the three main paths was repeated three times with the The developed localisation algorithm using EKF has been shown
same starting position with semi-circle turns and right angle turns to give sufficient accuracy in localising the mobile robot along the
to verify the performance of the designed algorithm. Table 3 sum- rows and when turning from one row to another. The accuracy of
marises the results of the RMS of DE and heading error for the the EKF localisation algorithm depends on the accuracy of the posi-
whole path of the three replicates. The results in Table 3 indicate tion of the trees in the map, since the EKF algorithm uses the tree
276 N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278



Up the row Up the row



Heading (degree)

Right Right
50 turn turn

Down the row Down the row

0 100 200 300
Time (s)
(a) Estimated path. (b) Estimated heading angle.
Fig. 12. Estimated path and heading angle of the mobile robot when moving between rows with right angle headland turns.

26 200
GPS ground truth A B C D E
EKF path
24 180

22 E
D 120

Heading (degree)

18 100

16 80

A 20

10 0

4 6 8 10 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Xorchard (m)
Time (s)

(a) Estimated path. (b) Estimated heading angle.

Fig. 13. Estimated path and heading angle of the mobile robot when turning around trees with right angle turn.

positions from the map in the correction step to correct the esti- The developed localisation algorithm shows approximately the
mated position of the mobile robot. However, in further more same behaviour for all paths with slight differences in RMS errors
extensive trials, the accuracy might be further analysed if a ground between straight line and turn movements. According to the
truth method other than the generated map is used to assess the results obtained from Table 3, it is obvious that there is no signif-
accuracy of localisation. Localising the mobile robot in the head- icant difference between the results of the RMS of position and
land turns produces a greater error than moving along the row heading error values of the three paths when using semi-circle turn
due to the high wheel slippage during the execution of the turns. or right angle turn. However, the right angle turn is more attractive
The mobile robot was capable of performing the semi-circle and for the navigation task since the right angle turn requires less space
the right angle turn with acceptable error. than the semi-circle turn. The average of the RMS of DE and head-
N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278 277

0.25 Table 3
Right Left Right The results of the RMS of DE and heading error of the three replicates of each path.
Turn Turn Turn
0.2 Whole path RMS error
Localisation test type Replicate DE (m) Heading (degree)
Euclidean distance (m)

0.15 Midway between rows with I 0.092 2.25

semi-circle turn
II 0.101 3.06
III 0.097 2.78
Close to the rows with I 0.102 3.16
semi-circle turn
II 0.115 3.65
0 III 0.104 3.2
Up the row Down the row Up the row Down the row Turning around trees with I 0.116 3.78
semi-circle turn
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 II 0.127 4.02
Time (s) III 0.114 3.8

(a) Position error. Midway between rows with I 0.096 2.52

right angle turn
II 0.093 2.34
III 0.103 3.25
8 Right Left Right
Turn Turn Turn Close to the rows with right I 0.107 3.48
6 angle turn
II 0.119 3.75
Heading error (degree)

4 III 0.11 3.28

2 Turning around trees with I 0.122 3.85
right angle turn
0 II 0.115 3.50
III 0.13 4.21
Average 0.103 3.32
Up the row Down the row Up the row Down the row
6 out. Several conducted paths have been neglected due to signal
dropout, whilst only paths with complete RTK-GPS position data
8 were used for evaluating the performance of the localisation algo-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (s) rithm. Other ground truth methods (such as total station survey-
ing techniques) will be considered in future work as these are
(b) Heading error.
likely to be more accurate than RTK-GPS.
Fig. 14. The position and heading errors when the robot moves in the midway For map construction process, the heading of the mobile robot
between rows with semi-circle headland turns. could be determined from the laser scanner data which is expected
to provide more accurate heading. The heading could be also com-
puted from the x and y ground truth positions measured by the
Table 2 RTK-GPS.
The results of the RMS of DE for one run of the three different paths.

RMS of DE (m) 6. Conclusion

Localisation test type Along the row Headland turns Whole path
This work presents an orchard map construction method and
Midway between rows 0.089 0.104 0.092
Close to the rows 0.094 0.132 0.102 mobile robot localisation algorithm based on tree trunk detection
Turning around trees 0.116 0.116 using camera and laser data fusion. The 2D positions of the individ-
ual trees and non-tree objects were determined and saved in a
map. The constructed orchard map has shown to be consistent
ing error of the paths in Table 3 were 0.103 m and 3.32 respec- with the real orchard environment and can be reliably used for
tively, which are acceptable to achieve localisation along the rows mobile robot localisation and navigation. Mapping each individual
and the turns in the orchard. tree in the row, rather than the whole tree row as lines, allows the
The orchard map of the trees and non-tree objects was con- mobile robot to navigate to a specific tree in the orchard to perform
structed prior to the localisation process using the RTK-GPS, IMU, a tree inspection, pruning and harvesting tasks.
camera and laser scanner. This map was constructed only once to A GPS-free mobile robot localisation algorithm using EKF has
be used as an a priori map for localisation. The localisation algo- been implemented to localise the position of the CoroWare
rithm depends on the tree map and the measurements from on- Explorer platform in the persimmon orchard using the trees in
board sensors without the use of the RTK-GPS. In the localisation the orchard as landmarks to correct the pose estimation. The EKF
algorithm, the RTK-GPS was only used for collecting the ground performs well and was able to keep the robot position close to
truth positions to evaluate the performance of the developed local- the ground truth. The algorithm was tested and evaluated through
isation algorithm. extensive tests for different paths and turns. By accurately mod-
The RTK-GPS signal dropout may occur due to heavy canopies elling the noise on the on-board robot sensors using the covariance
over travel paths, which block the signal from satellites. Although matrices Q t and Rt , it was able to maintain a robust position with-
the selected orchard does not have trees with heavy canopy, there out re-tuning any parameters between tests. The RMS Euclidean
were RTK-GPS signal dropouts in several places in the conducted distance and heading error for different paths were 0.103 m and
paths. For this, multiple replicates were carried out in multiple 3.32 respectively. These are acceptable while driving along the
days to overcome data loss associated with RTK-GPS signal drop- rows and when leaving the rows for headland maneuvering. The
278 N. Shalal et al. / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119 (2015) 267278

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