Phasing, Phase Filter and Phase: Phase) Means That You Will See The Complete Work in The Phases

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Phasing, Phase Filter and Phase

Here is my attempt to explain Phasing and Phase Filters.. a very

complicated thing to try and explain and this is a primer to help you
understand it better.
When encountering a project with existing construction I write a
description of the 3 Phases we need for any Project, namely an existing
phase for the existing base conditions and a demolition phases for
modification to existing and construction/renovation for any changes
after. The description will help explain each phase of

If were just doing New Construction (all in one phase) the other phases are

If your doing New Construction in multiple Phases you can add it here such
as New construction Phase 1, New construction Phase 2 etc...

Then I add to the Phase Filter Names to make them easier to understand.

By adding "In Current Phase" to the "Filter Names" to remind you what you
are looking at, for example: Show Previous + Demo (In Current
Phase) means that you will see the complete work in the phases
preceding the active well as demolition in this active phase.
More on this latter...

I then override the Cut Line Graphics of the Demolished Phase so it shows
up bold.

This imitates standard Architectural convention.

Currently the default is to be grayed out.

This allows me to clearly show what part of the building has been
demolished in each view.

Close this dialog box and go to your floor view.

Now you can add more Phases of New Construction, as mentioned above,
as required. You can also add more Phase Filters but we have found that
given the 7 combinations that Revit gives you is more than adequate.

Now that we have established the Project Phase it's time to look at how to
apply them to our views.

If you are doing a Renovation/Addition project you'll need to create

multiple Duplicate Views. We do this so we can easily represent each
phase (Existing, Demolition and New Construction) on each view.

We also need to set the Phasing for each view.

Here is an example of how the View and the Phase

Filters and Phase selections are used.

Existing View

With any Renovation/Addition project you need to know

what Existing Building you are dealing with, in this View you'll draw the
existing building.

Your Existing View Phasing should be set as follows.

Phase Filter will be set to Show New, only because there is no previous
The Phase is Existing because that's what your currently creating, so an
existing building in the real world is "New Construction" in "Existing"
Phase....confusing I know!

Existing View show the existing building.

Once you have the existing building modeled, Duplicate the view and
rename it toDemolition.

Demolition View

This view you'll use the little hammer icon on the Phasing panel on the
Manage Tab and hit the stuff that is to be demolished. Duh!

Notice that if your demolishing an existing wall that has doors or windows
you will have to demolish those as well (if they're being demolished as
well that is).

Your Demolition View Phasing should be set as follows.

Phase Filter will be set to Show Previous + Demo, as you want to show the
Previous phase which is Existing and the Demolition occurring in the active
"Demolition" phase.
The Phase is Demolition because that's what your currently creating.
Demolition View show the existing building and any components of the
existing building that are to be Demolished.
Once you have the Demolished view created duplicate the view and
rename it to New Construction.

New Construction View

This view you'll start placing walls and components that are part of the
projects New Construction.

Your New Construction View Phasing should be set as follows.

Phase Filter will be set to Show Previous + New, as you want to show the
Previous phase which is what will be remaining of
the Existing Building minus the Demolition as well as the New

What is shown in "Show Previous" is the "Completed work" for all phases
preceding the current phase. So what we are looking at is Existing
(completed) and Demolition (completed) plus New Construction.

The Phase is New Construction because that's what your currently

New Construction View should clearly show the New construction as well
as the existing building after demolition has occurred.

Note: Any model objects you create while in a specific Phase will be part
of that Phase, thus controlled by the Phase filters.

Filters not only apply to Plan Views but also too your other views including
Sections, Elevations and also 3D Views.
When you Shade the view the Material assigned to the Phase Status now
comes into to play.

If you look Under Materials you'll find phase materials for each Phase.
These Materialshave colour shading assigned to them to clearly show each
Also... Thanks Adam for reviewing this document for me and adding your
thoughts. I felt it to be such a difficult subject to document, I
appreciate Adams input.

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