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Cellular Respiration

Glycolysis (sugar-breaking)

First set of reactions in cellular respiration

1 glucose (6-carbon compound)

2 ATP (to start a process)

two 3-carbon compound

2 NAD+ 4 ATP (2 net ATP)

2 NADH (carry electron)

2 pyruvic acid

Preparatory Reaction

Pyruvic acid pass through the membranes into matrix

1 carbon from each pyruvic acid become part of CO2

CO2 is released

other 2 carbon atoms rearrange and form acetic acid

joined with coenzyme A

Acetyl-CoA (2 carbon atoms + 1 oxygen atom + 3 hydrogen atom)

Krebs Cycle (Citric acid cycle)

Acetyl-CoA adds the 2-carbon acetyl group to a 4-carbon acetyl group

Citric acid

break down into 4-carbon molecule (CO2 is release)

electrons transfer > NADH

Energy released by the breaking and rearranging of carbon bonds (ATP)


all NADH are sent to Electron Transport Chain


NADH and FADH2 passed their high energy electrons from carrier to carrier down the
electron transport chain

water is formed when oxygen accepts the electrons in combination with hydrogen ions

energy generated by the electron transport chain is is used to move hydrogen ions across
the mitochondrial membrane into the inter membrane space

32 ATP

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