Packet Tracer - Configuring Port Forwarding On A Linksys Router Instructions

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Packet Tracer Configuring Port Forwarding on a Linksys Router


Addressing Table

Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask



Part 1: Configure Port Forwarding
Part 2: Verify Remote Connectivity to ServerA

Your friend wants to play a game with you on your server. Both of you are at your respective homes,
connected to the Internet. You need to configure your SOHO (Small Office, Home Office) router to port
forward HTTP requests to your server so that your friend can access the game lobby web page.

Part 1: Configure Port Forwarding

a. From the web browser on LaptopA, access LA by entering the LAN IP address, The
username is admin and the password is cisco123.
b. ClickApplications & Gaming. In the first dropdown on the left, choose HTTP andthen enter
in the To IP Address column. This configures LA to forward port 80 to Check the Enabled
box next to the address column.
c. Scroll to the bottom and click Save Settings.

Part 2: Verify Remote Connectivity to ServerA

From the web browser onPCA, enter the Internet IP address for LA. The game server web page should

Answer :

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public. Page 1 of 2
Packet Tracer Configuring Port Forwarding on a Linksys Router

Teman Anda ingin bermain game dengan Anda di server Anda. Anda berdua berada di rumah
masing-masing, terhubung ke Internet. Anda perlu mengkonfigurasi router SOHO (Kantor Kecil,
Rumah Tangga) untuk meneruskan permintaan HTTP ke server Anda sehingga teman Anda dapat
mengakses halaman web lobi permainan.

A. Sebuah. Dari web browser di LaptopA, akses LA dengan memasukkan alamat IP LAN, Usernamenya adalah admin dan passwordnya adalah cisco123.
B. ClickApplications & Gaming. Pada dropdown pertama di sebelah kiri, pilih HTTP dan kemudian
masukkan di kolom "To IP Address". Ini mengonfigurasi LA untuk meneruskan port 80
ke Centang kotak Enabled di sebelah kolom alamat.
C. Gulir ke bawah dan klik Save Settings

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public. Page 2 of 2

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