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Graduate School
Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City

6-9 pm, Mondays

Appendix A, B, C, D
of Foundations of Education by Zulueta and Maglaya

Submitted to:


Submitted by:


Article XIV of the RP Constitution of 1987


Article XIV declares the principles of the State on education, language, science and technology, arts and
culture, and sports. On education, the State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education. This article also mandates that education shall be accessible to all. On language, this article
states that Filipino is the national language of the Philippines. Filipino shall be used as a medium of
official communication and as language of instruction in the educational system. Furthermore, Congress
is mandated to establish a national language commission. On science and technology, priority is given on
research and development, incentives are provided to science students, researchers, scientists and
gifted citizens to encourage scientific research. On arts and culture, the State shall promote the
Philippine national culture and shall preserve, and develop the cultures, traditions and institutions of the
indigenous cultural communities. Lastly on sports, the State shall promote physical education and
different sports activities to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence.

Critiques/ omments/Reactions/Suggestions

This provision in the constitution is very important that it envisions to establish quality
education for all which means that every Filipino should be given the chance have formal
Although the article provides a mandatory/compulsory elementary education, I think that
secondary education should also be compulsory. There should also be stricter penalty for
parents who neglect sending their children to school.
On the ownership of private educational institution, it is but proper that they should be owned
by a majority of Filipino citizens.
As to Section 5 of this article, I think that the previous administrations have allocated
inadequate budget in education particularly, Department of Education and the State
Universities. I believe that a bigger share in the budget is necessary for these institutions to
deliver the quality education that should be afforded to Filipinos.
I think a provision under this article that should be considered is that Filipino students should
have the option to study other languages in their curriculum i.e. French, Japanese, Chinese, etc.
as an elective in the tertiary education or college.
On the K12 proposal, I think this is unnecessary. It will only add burden to parents to can hardly
send their children to school let alone have them complete their secondary education. What is
really needed is to have good teachers/instructors. Continuous training, education and
development of teachers should be prioritized.

Laws Governing Students Admission in Public and Private Schools, Colleges, and Universities


A student has the following rights under the new Philippine constitution:
The right to due process of Law;
The right to equal protection of the laws;
The right against unreasonable search and seizure and illegal arrest;
The right to privacy of communication and correspondence;
The freedom of speech and of expression;
The right to peaceably assemble and petition the lawful authorities for redress of grievances;
The right to free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship;
The right to public information;
The right to form organizations or associations;
The right to effective and reasonable participation in matters affecting their welfare and student
The right to academic freedom within the limitations as provided by laws;
The right to suffrage;
The right to health;
The right to quality education;
The right to select a profession or course of study subject to fair, reasonable and equitable a
admission and academic requirements;
The right to a balance and healthful ecology in accord with rhythm and harmony of nature;
All other rights guaranteed under the Constitution not mentioned above.


As provided for by the Philippine Constitution, every student is entitled to expect education of the
highest quality instruction and develop their potentials to the best of their abilities. This right can be
exercised by joining and participating in different organizations and societies allowed by the institution
in addition to the formal attendance to their classes under the courses of their choice. Students also
have the right to be informed and to recommend improvements in policies, regulations and procedure
affecting welfare of every student. This right is best exercised through the fullest use of the appropriate
facilities provided through student councils, student papers, school newspapers and other similar

Likewise, they have a right to a campus environment characterized by safety, order, cleanliness which is
conducive to proper learning environment wherein they can to enjoy and exercise of their freedom of
expression similar to freedom enjoyed by all member of the academic community.

Students should also be involve in personal development like attending seminars, assemblies, symposia
and other necessary activities which will prepared them to develop their abilities while still young and
be prepared for an ultimate career of their choosing. These talents should be developed while the child
is still in the formative years of their lives i.e. pre-school, primary and secondary school. However, these
things are not the sole responsibility of educators but a joint effort of the parents, students, teachers
and the community as a whole. Equal opportunity for all should be given emphasis regardless of status
in life, age and gender.

Appendix C
House Bill No. 1378
An Act Providing for a Magna Carta of Students

The Magna Carta for Students aims to reduce the number of extremely poor Filipinos and help them
become more economically empowered, by strengthening social service programs. It aims to enhance
the poor's right to employment by giving them preferential access to employment openings in private
enterprises as well as in government programs and projects. The measure also seeks to enhance the
poor's right to food by the giving of food or of food assistance/subsidy to help them in their survival.

Likewise, it seeks to strengthen the right to free quality education of underprivileged Filipinos by
providing them access to quality education at the college level, and expanding the study-now-pay-later
plans in state colleges and universities. It was proposed and passed to offer solution to the various flaws
in the Philippines' educational system. The Magna Carta also grants the right of the student
representative to participate in policy making, right to academic freedom and right to organize among


In my opinion, all these provisions under House Bill 1378 are already provided for under the 1987
Philippine Constitution. However, to give more teeth to it, the bill is also necessary. Under the Magna
Carta, students basic rights were enhanced and it enabled them to participate in decision/policy making
of the school. There is a need for institutionalization of students rights and welfare into a national
policy. The bill will also unify students thru student and youth organizations that would participate in
the policy/decision making of their institution.

The bill will also promote and protect the rights and welfare of the students especially the marginalized
the students in the whole education system. I think that the Magna Carta seeks to protect the students
from unjust and inappropriate measures imposed in the campus and to uphold dignity of the students,
and to ensure the security of the students and the academic community as well.

Section 5 of this provision which mandates for unqualified non-discrimination on the admission of
students, is in conflict with the established parameters of academic freedom. I think that schools
established by religious congregations should be at liberty to choose their students or to lay down as
policy that they will accept only those students that belong to their church or sect. If for example
catholic schools would be imposed to accept students who are non-catholics, in this way, this provision
constitutes an infringement of the free exercise of religious worship clause of the Constitution.
However, this should not be applicable to non-sectarian schools which can accept students from
different beliefs and religions.

Appendix D


It recognizes the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the
human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world;
It envisions that human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear
and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people;
It is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion
against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,;
It is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations;
The United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in
the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have
determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom;
Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations,
the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental
freedoms; and
It is a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the
full realization of this pledge,


The proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born out of the trauma of World
War II. It adopted principles that enshrined to shape modern concepts of human dignity and served as a
template for international rights of every individual. Every member state/country of the United Nations
has the responsibility to implement and respect all the provisions of the Declaration. Every nation has
the duty to protect human rights defenders against any violence, retaliation and intimidation as a
consequence of their human rights work. These rights encompass professional as well as non-
professional human rights workers, volunteers, journalists, lawyers and anyone else.

This UN resolution also pointed out among others, the right of an individual to education, Hence, the
right is universal and should enjoyed by every citizen of this world. There should be no discrimination as
to nationality, status in life, or gender.

Under Article 4 of this provision which states that No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery
and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.. I think that at this point in time, slavery is still
very much being practiced in every part of the world. Slavery can be anywhere, even in a progressive
country or a third world. Slavery is a social-economic system under which certain persons are deprived
of personal freedom and/or compelled to work against their will. However, the United Nations would
not have the means to monitor every person. It should be the responsibility of a nation i.e. national
government, local government units and barangays to ensure that no such persons right is violated.
These law should be localized in the local government units for proper implementation and monitoring
on the violation of human rights.

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