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Non-Coherent Sequence Detection of M -ary PSK

Giulio Colavolpe and Riccardo Raheli

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Universita di Parma, Viale delle Scienze, 43100 Parma, Italy

Abstract | In this paper, we present new non-coherent although this aspect is not directly addressed in [3].
sequence detection algorithms for M -ary phase shift keying In this paper, we rst consider the problem of optimal de-
(M -PSK) signals transmitted over additive white Gaussian tection in the presence of an unknown channel phase mod-
noise (AWGN) channels. We rst consider the problem of eled as stochastic with uniform distribution in the interval
optimal sequence detection in the presence of an unknown [0; 2) and constant during the entire transmission. Opti-
channel phase modeled as stochastic with uniform distribu- mality is here de ned in the sense of minimum probability of
tion and constant during the entire transmission. In this erroneously detecting the entire information sequence. The
case, the complexity of the optimal receiver depends expo- realization of this detection strategy entails a maximization
nentially on the duration of the transmission. We then intro- of a suitable sequence metric by an exhaustive method. Al-
duce some approximations in order to realize simple subopti- ternatively, this maximization may be performed by a tree
mal detection schemes based on the Viterbi algorithm (VA) search algorithm, whose computational load grows exponen-
whose performance approaches that of coherent detection. tially with time. We then introduce some approximations in
Besides being realizable, the proposed suboptimal schemes order to derive a detection scheme suitable to be realized by
have the convenient feature of allowing us to remove the as- the VA. The introduced approximations allow us to remove
sumption of constant phase during transmission. We show the assumption of constant phase during the transmission,
that our detection schemes compare favorably with other which, in fact, must be constant in a proper observation
solutions previously proposed in the literature for both dif- window only.
ferentially and non-coherent coded modulations. By means of computer simulations, we show that the
asymptotic behavior of the proposed detection schemes, for
1. Introduction increasing complexity, approaches that of optimal coherent
Non-coherent detection of digital signals is an attractive receivers. Furthermore, appreciable performance gain may
strategy in situations where carrier phase recovery is dif- be obtained with respect to existing schemes, with accept-
cult because most of the drawbacks of phase-locked loop able complexity. Being non-coherent, these schemes are very
(PLL) circuits, used to approximately implement coherent robust in the presence of phase jitter. The e ects of fre-
detection, may be avoided. Speci cally, typical problems of quency o sets are also investigated.
PLLs such as false-lock, phase slips or loss of lock caused by We analyze explicitly the case of di erentially and non-
severe fading or oscillator frequency instabilities are simply coherent coded PSK, in which the problem of impossible
by-passed. recovery of an absolute phase reference is by-passed associ-
Early non-coherent receivers, namely di erential detec- ating the information to the phase di erence between ad-
tors, are frequently employed to detect PSK modulations, jacent symbols. As an alternative to di erential encoding,
with good performance only in the case of binary signal- this problem may also be avoided using a pilot symbol pe-
ing (BPSK) [1]. The performance of ideal coherent detec- riodically introduced in the transmitted data stream. The
tion may be approached by more complex non-coherent re- extension of our receivers to non-coherent detection using
ceivers based on multiple-symbol di erential detection [2]. pilot symbols is straightforward and not pursued here.
In [3], convolutional codes speci cally tailored for constant
envelope modulations and non-coherent detection were pro- 2. Non-coherent sequence detection
posed. Non-coherent receivers therein utilized make use of The complex envelope of the received signal may be mod-
the VA and are based on maximally overlapped observa- eled, assuming perfect knowledge of symbol timing, as
tions [3]. As the author explicitly says in the derivation r(t) = s(t; c)ej + w(t) (1)
of the detection algorithm, maximally overlapped observa-
tions are assumed independent even if they are not so. This where s(t; c) is the information bearing signal, c =
approximation is expected to limit the receiver performance (c0 ; c1 ; : : : ; cK 1 ) is the transmitted encoded sequence of
This work was performed within a research cooperation between length K assumed derived by means of some coding rule
the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Universita di Parma, from an information sequence a composed of independent
Italy and Italtel S.p.A., Milano, Italy. and identically distributed symbols fak g,  is an unknown
phase shift introduced by the channel and w(t) is a complex- continuous-time received signal r(t) over an observation in-
valued Gaussian white noise process with independent com- terval T0 suciently longer than the message length KT .
ponents, each with two-sided power spectral density N0 . As a consequence, the conceptual viewpoint is here di erent
Symbols ak ; ck 2 A, where A = 4 fejk ;  = 2m ; m = since in [2] (6) was obtained starting from a discrete signal
k M
0; 1; : : : ; M 1g is the alphabet of M -PSK symbols. model and with a limited observation window.
The optimal non-coherent detection strategy may be ob-
tained as described in [1, appendix 4C]. The resulting metric
2.1 Detection of di erentially encoded PSK
In this section, we assume that symbols fck g are derived
of sequence c~ may be expressed as from symbols fak g by means of the di erential encoding
 Z  rule ck = ck 1ak . The metric (6) may be exactly maxi-
(~c) = exp 2N1 js(t; ~c)j2 dt  mized by an exhaustive method whose complexity increases
 Z T0
0  exponentially with K . We now wish to obtain an approx-
 I0 N1 r(t)s(t; ~c) dt
imate recursive metric which may be maximized by means
0 T0 of a VA. Rearranging (6), we may write
where I0 (x) is the zeroth order modi ed Bessel function of K 1 2 K 1 K 1
the rst kind and T0 is the observation interval. For M -PSK
xn c
~  = X X xn x c~ c~m : (7)
n=0 n m n
signals the information bearing signal may be expressed as n=0 m=0
r KX1 This expression is the sum of all the elements of a K  K
s(t; c) = 2ET S cn h(t nT ) (3) matrix whose elements are xn xm c~n c~m . Since this matrix is
n=0 Hermitian we may write
where ES is the symbol energy, T is the symbol interval K 1 2 K 1 (K 1 nX1 )
and h(t) is the properly normalized overall impulse response  2 2
x a~ = jxn j jc~n j +2Re  
xn c~n xm c~m :

of transmission lter and channel. Substituting the signal n=0 n n n=0 n=1 m=0
model (3) in (2), assuming a long enough observation inter- (8)
val (T0 ! 1) and absence of inter-symbol interference (ISI), Being jc~n j2 = 1, the rst sum is independent of the data
i.e., h(t)
h( t)jt=kT = Tk (
denotes convolution and k sequence. Thus, the maximization of metric (6) is equivalent
is the Kronecker delta), after some straightforward manip- to ( "K 1 nX1 #)
ulations the optimal detection strategy may be expressed X
as ^c = argmax Re
xn c~n xm c~m : (9)
n=1 m=0
^c = argmax (~c) = argmax ES KX1 jc~ j2 + This maximization may be implemented recursively by a
~c ~c N0 n=0 n search on a tree diagram.
" #) An approximation of (9) can be conceived, aimed at
2E KX1 searching a trellis diagram by means of a VA. To this end,
+ log I0 N xnc~n
S (4) the inner sum in (9) may be truncated to the most recent
0 n=0
N 1 symbols, N  K being an integer, yielding
where xn is the output, sampled at time t = nT , of a lter ( "K 1
X nX1 #)
matched to the pulse h(t), i.e., ^c ' argmax xnc~ x c~m : (10)
4 p 1 r(t)
h( t)j
~c Re n=1
m=n N +1
xn = t=nT (5)
2ES T The maximization (10) may be performed recursively on a
and the normalization constant is such that the signal com- trellis diagram in which the following branch metrics may
ponent of xn is cn ej . Observing that for PSK modulations be de ned
( )
jc~n j = 1 and the function log[I0 (x)] is monotonically in- nX1
creasing with x, the receiver strategy (4) is equivalent to n = Re xn c~n xmc~m =
the following m=n N +1
(N 1 )
K 1 2 X

= Re xn xn ic~n c~n i =
^c = argmax xn
~c n=0 c
~ n : (6) i=1
(N 1 )
X iY1
The metric (6) is used as point of departure for the deriva- = Re xn xn i ~an m (11)
i=1 m=0
tion of the proposed non-coherent detection schemes. Al-
though this metric is formally identical to that in [2], it where the encoded symbols fcn g have been expressed
is here obtained under the assumption of observing the in terms of the information symbols fan g as cn cn i =
i 1 a , using the encoding rule cn = cn 1 an . Ac- of previous symbols which aid an implicit per-survivor
m=0 n m
cording to (11) a trellis state may be properly de ned as phase estimator and is intimately related to the de ni-
n = (~an 1; a~n 2 ; : : : ; a~n N +2 ). The number of states tion of trellis state. In the following, we refer to N as
S = M N 2 depends exponentially on N . A VA with branch implicit phase memory parameter.
metrics (11) also implements di erential decoding. We will
see that even using small values of N (a few units) we may  There is an analogy between the proposed receiver and
obtain a performance very close to that of coherent detection the multiple-symbol di erential receiver for M -PSK [2].
of di erentially encoded PSK. Furthermore, it is also possi- In [2] the receiver is based on an exhaustive search on
ble to use techniques for complexity reduction described in a block of N symbols according to
section 2.4 to limit the number of states without excessively k

reducing the value of N . ^cN (k) = arg~cmax
x c
~  (13)
n n
2.2 Interpretation of the proposed receiver N (k) n=k N +1
In this section we provide some interpretations for the re- where cN (k) is the k-th block. Manipulating this ex-
ceiver whose branch metrics are expressed by (11). pression as in (8), equation (13) may be written as
 As we have already seen, this receiver has been obtained ( " k nX1 #)
from the optimal non-coherent receiver by means of an ^cN (k) = arg~cmax Re 
xn c~n 
xm c~m :
approximation aimed at transforming a tree in a trellis N (k ) n=k N +2 m=k N +1
search. (14)
As we have seen, the inner sum may be interpreted
 A coherent receiver for di erentially encoded M -PSK as a phase estimate based on a number of samples xm
selects the sequence f cn g which maximizes the sum of which increases from 1 to N 1 as long as the index
metrics Re xn c~n e j in which  is the correct chan- n scans the block from beginning to end. In our algo-
nel phase (by de nition this receiver perfectly knows rithm, we extend this number of terms to its maximum
the value of ). Consider the problem of maximum value N 1 for each n (i.e., we are not constrained
likelihood (ML) data-aided estimation of the phasor inside the block) and we extend the outer sum to the
e j based on the observation of the discrete samples whole transmission. We intuitively expect that our al-
xk = ck ej + nk given by (5), where k = 0; 1; : : : ; n 1 gorithm performs better when its phase memory equals
and nk are noise samples obtained by ltering w(t) by the block length of the receiver in [2], since its implicit
the lter p2E1 S T h( t). It is easy to verify that this phase estimate is more accurate. This will be con rmed
data-aided estimator is given by by computer simulation.
nX1 2.3 Detection of non-coherent coded modu-
xm cm nX1 lations
edj = m
n 1
' n1 xmcm (12) In [3], the problem of non-coherent sequence detection is ap-
x c
m=0 proximately solved by a search on a trellis diagram whose
m=0 m branch metrics are heuristically de ned similarly to those
in [2]. The resulting sequence metric is composed of max-
where the last approximation holds for low noise be- imally overlapped observations|admittedly, a suboptimal
cause the denominator is a constant. The approxima- choice because these observations are not independent. Un-
tion (12) can be recognized as proportional to the inner der this suboptimal assumption on the detection scheme,
sum in (9) for the correct sequence. As a consequence, optimal convolutional codes for M -PSK signaling were de-
this inner sum may be interpreted as a data-aided ML rived in [3] by an exhaustive search. The resulting scheme
estimate of the phasor e j based on per-survivor pro- is called non-coherent coded modulation.
cessing (PSP) [4]. Therefore, the approximation (10) We here approach the detection and decoding of non-
a ects the quality of the phase estimate which is im- coherent coded modulations by extending the schemes pre-
plicit in the expression of the branch metrics (11). As viously described for uncoded modulations. We assume the
shown in section 3, the resulting performance loss is encoder structure described in [3]. Let  be the constraint
limited. We thus have an intuitive understanding of length and  the number of coded symbols per information
the fact that for N ! +1 the performance tends to symbol. We consider encoder structures which consist of
that of coherent detection. On the other hand if the only one shift register with code rate 1=. Other rates are
channel phase varies, an estimation based on the last possible by using multiple shift registers but are not con-
N 1 received samples has a greater accuracy than one sider here as in [3]. Each information symbol ak generates 
based on all past samples. Thus, with this approxima- coded symbols fck+l g with l = 0; 1; : : : ;  1: Information
tion, the channel phase has only to be constant in a and coded symbols belong to the M -PSK alphabet A. The
window of N symbols. Integer N a ects the number number of code states is Sc = M  1.


10 Coherent receiver
N=2 (diff. detector) S=16, receiver in [3]
Receiver in [2] for N=3 S=64, receiver in [3]
Receiver in [2] for N=4 10 S=1024, receiver in [3]
N=3 (S=4) S=16
N=4(S=16) S=64
N=5 (S=64) S=256
-4 N=7, Q=4 (S=16+PSP) -5 S=1024
10 10
2 4 6 8 10 2 3 4 5
Eb/N0 [dB] Eb/N0 [dB]
Figure 1: Comparison between the proposed receivers (white Figure 2: Comparison, for non-coherent coded QPSK, be-
marks) and the receivers in [2] (black marks) for di eren- tween the proposed receivers (white marks) and the receivers
tially encoded QPSK. in [3] (black marks) for L = 4. The code is the best code for
the receiver in [3] with  = 2 and  = 3. The performance
In this coded case, index n in (10) may be expressed as of the receiver in [3] for S = 1024 may be found in [5].
n = k + j where k runs over information symbols and j
scans the coded symbols associated to the k-th information 3. Numerical results
symbol. A similar expression can be used for index m. As a The performance of the proposed receivers is assessed by
consequence, the detection strategy may be expressed simi- computer simulations in terms of bit error rate (BER) ver-
larly to (10) by four summations sus Eb =N0 , Eb being the received signal energy per infor-
8 9 mation bit. We analyze di erentially encoded QPSK mod-
X 1 X1
<K= kX1 X1 = ulation (M = 4) with various values of phase memory pa-
^c = argmax Re : xk+j c~k+j xi+l c~i+l; rameter N . Besides \full-complexity" receivers using a VA
~c k=1 j =0 i=k L+1 l=0 with S = M P states, reduced-complexity receivers have also
(15) been analyzed.
where L = N= is the phase memory parameter in terms of In Fig. 1, we compare the performance of the proposed
information symbols, and the branch metrics become receiver with that of the multiple-symbol di erential receiver
8 9 in [2] for various values of N . As we have already ob-
<LX1 X1 X1 = served based on intuitive remarks, our receiver performs
k = Re : xk+j x(k i)+lc~k+j c~(k i)+l; : better when its phase memory equals the block length of
i=1 j =0 l=0 the receiver in [2] (both parameters are denoted by N in
(16) the gures). For N = 2, both receivers become the clas-
The number of states of the Viterbi receiver is now sical di erential receiver and their performance coincides.
S = ScM L 1 . In the computer simulation, the channel phase is assumed
constant at a value 0 . Only receivers with a state number
2.4 Complexity reduction techniques based lower than S = 64 are considered: to further increase the
on PSP phase memory N we apply the previously described PSP
The state complexity of the proposed detection schemes techniques. We may note that at high signal-to-noise ra-
may be reduced using PSP techniques [4]. Considering tios, the bit error probability tends, for increasing values of
a trellis state de ned in terms of P information symbols N , to that of coherent detection with di erential encoding.
as n = (~an 1; a~n 2 ; : : : ; a~n P ), the number of states is We may also observe that the performance tends to that
S = M P . A reduced state 0n = (~an 1 ; a~n 2 ; : : : ; a~n Q ) of coherent detection with a rate which is independent of
with Q < P may be de ned. The resulting number of states the signal-to-noise ratio. For an acceptable complexity (16
is reduced to S = M Q < M P . In order to run the proposed states) the performance degradation with respect to ideal
detection algorithms based on the branch metrics (11) and coherent detection is negligible (0.2 dB at a BER of 10 4).
(16) by searching a reduced trellis, the necessary symbols We have also compared our non-coherent receiver with
an Q 1; :::; an P may be found in the survivor history ac- that proposed in [3]. Both receivers have the same perfor-
cording to the PSP technique. mance for M -PSK modulations with di erential encoding.
-1 -1
10 10


-2 -2
10 10

=0 degrees fT=5x10
=3 degrees -3
10 =5 degrees 10 fT=2x10
=10 degrees fT=3x10

-4 -4
10 10
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Eb/N0 [dB] Eb/N0 [dB]
Figure 3: BER of the proposed receiver for di erentially Figure 4: BER of the proposed receiver for di erentially
encoded QPSK with N = 4 for various values of phase jitter encoded QPSK with N = 4 for various values of frequency
standard deviation. o set.
However, our receiver has better performance for convolu- entail appreciable degradation.
tionally coded PSK modulations. In [3], the optimal code
generators for the metrics therein presented are reported.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, we introduced new non-coherent sequence de-
Here, we have just adopted from [3] the optimal code for tection algorithms for M -ary PSK modulations. These algo-
QPSK modulation with  = 3 and  = 2 (then Sc = 16). rithms are derived from the optimal non-coherent receiver by
The code generators are g1 = (1; 3; 3) and g2 = (2; 3; 1) [3]. means of an approximation which allows us to perform the
Thus we have compared our receiver with that in [3] for a detection using the Viterbi algorithm. The approximation
phase memory of L = 4 information symbols. For both re- quality, and hence performance and complexity, depends on
ceivers, the number of states of the VA is S = 1024. We the value of an implicit phase memory parameter. Specif-
have simulated not only the full-complexity receivers but ically, in the case of di erentially encoded QPSK the pro-
also simpli ed ones using the PSP technique. As we can see posed trellis-based schemes exhibit a loss of only 0.2 dB with
from Fig. 2, the proposed receivers perform better for equal respect to coherent detection with acceptable complexity (16
complexity. A similar behavior has been observed for other states). For larger complexity the performance approaches
convolutional codes and modulation formats. that of coherent detection.
The performance under dynamic channel conditions has The proposed detection schemes compare favorably with
also been investigated assuming the transmitter and re- other solutions previously proposed in the literature. As an
ceiver lters have square-root raised-cosine frequency re- example, in applications to the detection of non-coherent
sponse with roll-o 0.5. Our non-coherent receiver is robust coded modulations, appreciable gains are obtained with re-
to phase jitter as may be observed from Fig. 3 for di eren- spect to previously proposed schemes for given number of
tially encoded QPSK modulation and N = 4. The phase  states.
of the received signal is modeled as a Wiener process accord-
ing to n+1 = n +n , where n are zero-mean independent References
Gaussian random variables with variance 2 . This model is [1] J. Proakis, Digital communications, McGraw-Hill, 1989.
frequently used [6] for its good agreement with experimental [2] D. Divsalar and M. K. Simon \Multiple-symbol di eren-
data. A jitter standard deviation up to 5 degrees does not tial detection of MPSK," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 38,
degrade signi cantly the receiver performance. pp.300-308, March 1990.
The behavior of the proposed receiver in the presence of [3] D. Raphaeli, \Noncoherent coded modulation," IEEE
frequency o sets has also been investigated. In Fig. 4, the Trans. Commun., vol. 44, pp.172-183, February 1996.
performance of the receiver with N = 4 for di erentially en- [4] R. Raheli, A. Polydoros and C. K. Tzou, \Per-survivor
coded QPSK is shown for di erent values of the frequency processing: a general approach to MLSE in uncertain en-
o set f normalized to the symbol frequency 1=T . The vironments," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 43, pp.354-364,
receiver sensitivity increases obviously with the phase mem- February-April 1995.
ory N since, for a xed frequency o set, the phase of term [5] D. Raphaeli, \Decoding algorithms for noncoherent coded
xkxk N +1, which appears in the expression of the branch modulation," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 44, pp.312-323,
metrics (11), increases due to the channel phase variation. March 1996.
For N = 4, frequency o sets up to f T = 10 2 do not [6] F. M. Gardner, Phaselock techniques, Wiley, 1979.

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