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Session #8
Lesson Plan
Thursday | March 2, 2017
Class: Mr. Punslan | Rm: H25
Period 5

Why go to College?
Powerpoint Background:
Question of the Week: Why do you think college is important? | Talk amongst your table
peers (2-3 minutes)
Lesson plan 8
Powerpoint relating to why college is important (15-20 minutes)
Mini Ice Breaker (3-5 minutes)
College Presentation (10 minutes)
Closing Remarks (1-2 minutes)
**Time in total= 45 minutes **
A. Powerpoint
Discussion: A powerpoint pertaining to lesson plan 8 topic (Why go to College). Our vocal focus
point is to teach the students about the importance of going to college after high school, whether
that be a {CC, Private, CSU,UC). Presenting this powerpoint, as a period, we are trying to show the
class, even if it can be expensive and time worthy, the degree(s) you get will better advance your
chance in the real world.
First slide Introduction/ topic and presenters name | Second slide Question of the week | Third
slidePathway to succeed | Fourth slideBetter Life| Fifth SlideEarn more money | Six
SlideBenefits| Seventh Slide Health Insurance| Eighth slide Retirement Plans | Ninth Slide
Meet different people | Tenth Slide | Eleventh Slide Ice Breaker time
B. Ice Breaker
Name that Person
Description: A teambuilding exercise that gets the students involved into knowing each other in a more
personal level. Students will learn multiple facts about other students in the class.
How to Play
- Divide into two teams. Give each person a blank piece of card. Ask them to write five little known
facts about themselves on their card. Include all leaders in this game too. Collect the cards into
two team piles. Draw one card from the opposing team pile. Each team tries to name the person
in a few clues as possible.
C. College Presentation
***Depending on what college they would like to learn about from Lesson Plan #7***
- SLIDES History | Background Information | Mascot | Student Life | Fun Facts | Landmarks |
Acceptance rate | Video (Example: Virtual Tour/ Welcome Week/ Housing/ Student Life..Etc)

D. Closing Remarks
Discuss our presentation with the students
Questions, comments, or concerns
Raise of hand Which university/ college they would like to see us present the following
Thursday | The college/ university which gets the most likes will be presented the following week.
Remind them that there are only 2-3 Adopt-A-Classes left

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