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The ABC in pictures

apple boy cat

dog egg fan

girl hat ice cream

jellyfish kite lion

mountain nurse orange

pig queen radio

snake tiger umbrella

violin whale x

yo-yo zebra
Lesson Ideas
For very young learners (absolute beginners):
o Teach the alphabet first, and then introduce a word for each letter.
o You could delete the words from the worksheet in order to focus on
the spoken word only. TIP: all the words on a page can be deleted in a
single mouse click.
o Later on, when students have learnt to write letters, they can add the
words to the pictures.
o Optional: make flashcard for all the pictures (the pictures in this
document can be enlarged fit 2 flashcards on an A4 page.
o When Ss start recognizing the words you could delete the pictures and
only give them the words. Ss draw the pictures themselves.

For young learners who can write the alphabet:

o Teach the words (6 8 at a time).
o Students write the words under the pictures.
o At the end of the lesson you could do a dictation/spelling bee.
o Optional: students think of as many words as possible beginning with
each letter. With these words, you could start a self-drawn picture
dictionary focusing on one letter each lesson. Materials required: a
simple notebook per student.
o Pronunciation focus: Make sure Ss can say the words correctly. Focus
on their problem areas; this could be final consonants, consonant
clusters, the letters h, v or x, or any other problems related to the
country you teach in.

Other ideas/Games
o Spelling bee
o Things you can eat (Ss name or write foods)
o Animals (Ss name or write animals)
o Flyswatter game
Write the words on the board. Divide class into 2 or more teams
and give each team a flyswatter. Name, describe or mime a word
and teams swat the word as fast as possible. The fastest team
gets a point.
This game can be done with any kind of vocabulary.
o Charades: Ss mime the words
o Pictionary

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