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Kellaway, Marissa

Mr. Wisner

World History

1st T/R

February 16, 2017

White House Plans to Have Trump Ally Review Intelligence


Key Vocabulary from the Article

o Clandestine- kept secret or done secretively
o Predominant- present as the strongest or main element
o Administration- the officials in the executive branch of government under a
particular chief executive
o Intelligence- the collection of information of military or political value

Summary of the Event

Recently this past week, President Trump blamed leaks from the intelligence community
on the departure of his national security advisor, Michael T. Flynn, after he requested his
resignation. Now, President Trump plans to assign someone to lead a review of American
intelligence agencies. The job could possibly go to Stephen A. Feinberg, who is a member of
President Trumps advisory council and is in discussions to joining the Trump Administration.
Mr. Feinbergs only experience with national security matters is his firms stakes in a private
security company and two gun makers.

Reports that Mr. Feinberg is under consideration to run the broad review of intelligence
agencies struck fear and confusion among officials during a time where President Trump himself
is under investigation by the F.B.I and congressional commitees in relation to his ties to Mr.
Putin. The chance of direct White House control over intelligence agencies is further concerning
intelligence officials who are already distressed because of the criticism they have recieved from
the new President. Members of the intelligence community fear this review could result in
limitations of their freedom and halt the gathering of information that does not follow the
Presidents own perspectives. Bringing Mr. Feinberg in to conduct this review is seen as a way to
give more control to Preisdent Trump into a place that he does not have much trust in, and
officials worry that Mr. Feinberg could potentially be given a high position within intelligence

Michael V. Hayden, a man who ran the C.I.A and the National Securite Agency during
President George W. Bushs presidency, finds the situation hard to believe and that if he was an
intelligence official currently, he would be concerned as well. While some people feel this
situation is critical, others dont see it as such a big deal. Significant changes, at least most of
them, would call for an act of Congress, which would buffer whatever ideas Mr. Feinberg
presented. Even though there is a Republican majority in both houses, agreement to any
remarkable changes does not seem plausible. Considering all this, many intelligence officials
find that the only purpose a White House intelligence would serve would be to prepare Mr.
Feinberg for a high position within the intelligence agencies.

Opinion of the Event

I think that the Trump Administration should keep out of the intelligence
agencies. I also think that if they are going to start inejcting people in to make changes,
they should at least send someone that has experience within the agencies so that there
would be good reason behind the changes and postive progress would be encouraged. I
think the intelligence agencies should continue to have some freedom because direct
control from the White House, as stated earlier, could result in slow gathering of
information if it happens to contradict the Presidents beliefs.

Relation to a Historical Event

A historical event I can relate this to is when Max Hugel was chosen to run the spy
service. Max Hugel was a businessman who had worked on Ronal Reagans campaign. Mr.
Hugel was forced to resign after only six months of holding the position, which even then,
caused confusion about the politicization of the agency. These two events are extremely similar
in the sense that someone, who had no experience in military intelligence and who worked
closely with the campaign of the president of the time, was given a position of power within an
intelligence agency. If we look back to events of the past, it is clear that the current situation
could be a mistake.

Relation to a subtheme
I can relate this event to the subtheme of politics. I can relate it to this subtheme
because it has everything to do with the politics getting overly involved. This event can
also be related to politics because as noted in the event concerning Max Hugel, sending
someone with such close ties to the Presidents administration was considered, and still
is, politicization of the agency. By sending someone who is in consideration of being
part of the Trump administation into an agency they have no experience in can only be
for the administation to gain more control.
Questions About the Event.
1. Will this situation end the way it did with Max Hugel and the Reagan
2. What changes, if any, will be inflicted onto the agency?
3. Will more control make President Trump less critical over the agency?
4. Will Mr. Feinberg be given a high position in the intelligence agency eventually?

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