Streamlines TJunction StepByStep Abaqus612

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Streamlines for fluid flow visualization

T-Junction flow analysis
For more information (including the model files),
see the associated SIMULIA e-Learning Resource

This exercise was created using Abaqus 6.12

A streamline traces the path tangent to a nodal vector field, and a stream is a set of streamlines
that enable you to visualize data emanating from a particular location in a vector field.

Streamlines are most commonly used to display velocity data in a fluid flow analysis. In this
case, streamlines show the direction the fluid will travel in at any point in time. The curvature of
a streamline is related to the pressure gradient acting perpendicular to the streamline.

In this exercise you will create streamlines for the T-junction flow analysis shown below.

Dassault Systmes, 2013


Exercise Workflow Try following the high level instructions below. If you get stuck,
click on the step to navigate to the appropriate location in the detailed instructions that follow.

1. Run the provided Abaqus/CFD T-junction analysis (TJunctionCFD-

2. Open the results of the Abaqus/CFD T-junction analysis
3. Create a stream using 10 points and the By nodes selection method
Select nodes on opposite sides of the main pipe just after the T-Junction and before the pipe bend

4. Activate translucency to see streamlines within the flow region

5. Use the Stream Manger to display upstream streamlines
6. Create a streams using the By coordinates selection method
A. 0,0.02,0.04 and 0,0.02,-0.04
B. -0.04,0.02,0 and 0.04,0.02,0

7. Create a streams using the By path selection method

Use two perpendicular node list paths and one circular path on the top of the small pipe

8. Color the streamlines based on pressure output

9. Color the streamlines based on temperature output
10. Customize the color and style of the streamlines

Detailed instructions
1. Run the provided Abaqus/CFD T-junction analysis (TJunctionCFD-Abaqu612.inp)

First, extract TJunctionCFD-Abaqu612.inp from streamlines-TJunctionCFD- provided in post of the SIMULIA
Learning Community.

Start Abaqus/CAE

Create a job named TJunction to run TJunctionCFD-Abaqu612.inp

Double click the Jobs container in the Model Tree to create a new job.
In the Create Job dialog box:
Choose Input file as the job source
Click and in the Select Input file dialog box that appears, select
TJunctionCFD-Abaqu612.inp and click OK
Modify the job name to TJunction
Click OK
Submit the job TJunction for analysis:
In the Model Tree, right click on the job named TJunction and select Submit from the
menu that appears.

Dassault Systmes, 2013


2. Open the results of the Abaqus/CFD T-junction analysis

When the job has finished running, right click on the TJunction job in the Model Tree and select
Results from the menu that appears. Abaqus displays results of the Abaqus/CFD T-junction
flow analysis.
If mesh edges are visible suppress them using the common plot options (click and choose to
have only Free edges visible).

3. Create a stream using 10 points and the By nodes selection method

Select nodes on opposite sides of the main pipe just after the T-Junction and before the pipe bend

Access the Create Stream dialog box in one of the following ways:
From the main menu bar, select Tools Stream Create
Or in the Results Tree, double click Streams
Or in the toolbox, click

In the Create Stream dialog box:

Increase the number of points on the rake to 10

Accept the By nodes selection method and click

In the viewport, select two nodes near the locations indicated in the following image:

Click OK.

The streams are created, but they cannot be seen through the opaque flow region.

Dassault Systmes, 2013


4. Activate translucency to see streamlines within the flow region

Activate the global translucency in the Color Code toolbar:

If the Color Code toolbar is not visible, select ViewToolbarsColor Code from the
main menu bar.

Alternately, translucency can be activated using the common plot options (click and
use the Translucency options located under the Other tab).

By default the stream lies are only generated downstream of the rake.

Dassault Systmes, 2013


5. Use the Stream Manger to display upstream streamlines

From the main menu bar, select ToolsStreamManager, or click the stream manager tool in

the toolbox:

In the Streams Manger, toggle on the option to view Upstream streamlines for Stream-1.

6. Create a streams using the By coordinates selection method

A. 0,0.02,0.04 and 0,0.02,-0.04
B. -0.04,0.02,0 and 0.04,0.02,0

Create two streams ( ) as shown:

Dassault Systmes, 2013


7. Create a streams using the By path selection method

Use two perpendicular node list paths and one circular path on the top of the small pipe

First create the two perpendicular node list paths across the top of the small pipe:
From the main menu bar, select ToolsPathCreate.
In the Create Path dialog box, accept Node list as the type and click Continue.
In the Edit Node List Path dialog box, click Add Before.
In the viewport, select nodes to define a line similar to Path-1 shown below.
In the prompt area, click Done.
In the Edit Node List Path dialog box, click OK.
Repeat this procedure to define Path-2.

Create streams ( ) using the node list paths:

Dassault Systmes, 2013


Next, create a circular path on the top of the small pipe:

For this it helps to have the mesh visible and the pipe opaque. Use the Common Plot
Options ( ) dialog box to display Exterior edges (under the Basic tab) and
deactivate Translucency (under the Other tab).

From the main menu bar, select ToolsPathCreate.

In the Create Path dialog box, choose Circular as the type and click Continue.
In the Edit Circular Path dialog box, accept Circumferential path as the type and
choose the 3 points on arc circle definition method. Click .
In the viewport, select three nodes to define a circle similar to Path-3 shown below.
Note that the number of streamlines generated using this circle will be equal to the
number of segments in the circular path plus one.
In the Edit Node List Path dialog box, click OK.

Deactivate the display of the mesh and make the pipe transparent using the Common Plot
Options (click and choose Feature edges under the Basic tab and activate Translucency
under the Other tab).

Create a stream ( ) using the circular path:

Dassault Systmes, 2013


8. Color the streamlines based on pressure output

The primary field variable setting controls the contour coloring of the stream lines. The default
primarily solution variable is Wall-normal distance (DIST). Use the Field Output toolbar to
change the primary field variable to pressure (PRESSURE) as shown below. If this Field
Output toolbar is not visible, select ViewToolbars Field Output to activate it.

9. Color the streamlines based on temperature output

Use the Field Output toolbar to change the primary field variable to pressure (TEMP) as shown

Dassault Systmes, 2013


10. Customize the color and style of the streamlines

Use the Stream Plot Options accessible from Stream Manager to customize the streamlines
based on your personal preference.

The model definition is now complete. If you had any difficulty following these instructions,
watch the video demonstration provided in post of the
SIMULIA Learning Community.

Dassault Systmes, 2013

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