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Sofia Velasco

3rd Period

Individual Freedoms Benefit Society

Women are not capable to succeed in STEM careers!... is a common belief of our day. In

the 17th and 18th century, European philosophers tried to discover new ways to explain

traditional ways of living and knowing. Philosophers like John Locke, Voltaire, Adam Smith,

and Mary Wollstonecraft believed people, including women, should have government, religious,

and economic freedoms in order to improve society.

John Locke believed humans had the right to create a new fair government if their current

one was unsuccessful. He states that people cannot afford to lose a settled legislative or the equal

and impartial laws that are made by this body. In order for people to not lose or suffer because of

their government, John Locke recommends the people to exercise their liberty to change their

government. John Locke also states that people not only have a right to get out of [a failed

government], but to prevent it. As a society, Locke hopes that we use our freedom to impede

government corruption. (Document A)

Voltaire was an advocate for freedom of religion. He believes that society benefits from

every religion, and that if people interacted and transacted with each other, they all [will] live

happy and in peace. Voltaire gives the example of the Royal Exchange in London in the 1700s.

He affirms that representatives of all nations meet for the benefit of mankind. From this quote,

we learn that Voltaire was an advocate for the freedom of religion, and he believed that society

should accept this variety of religions. (Document B)

Adam Smith was a supporter of economic freedom. Smith believes that [without

government interference] the obvious and simple system of natural liberty establishes itself of its

own accord. With this statement, he explains that the economy doesnt need government

intrusion for it to run naturally on its own. Adam Smith believes that a free market economy is
Sofia Velasco
3rd Period

best for society, and that when everyone pursues their benefit in the economy, they all [contribute

to] the annual revenue of the society as great as [they] can. (Document C)

Mary Wollstonecraft believed that in order for women to be equal to men they should

have the freedom of receiving the same education as men. Wollstonecraft argued that equal

education would enable the individual to attain such habits of virtue as will render [her]

independence. With this statement, we learn that she believed women would become capable of

acting and thinking on their own, only if they had the freedom to educate themselves. (Document


In conclusion, John Locke, Voltaire, Adam Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft were

advocates for individual freedoms. Their arguments and beliefs stated that women should receive

equal education as men, and that society should have economic, religious, and government

freedoms. These philosophers concluded that giving society these freedoms will benefit and

improve society as a whole.

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