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Vasquez, Isaac

Mr. Wisner

World History

3rd Period M/W


Both Feeling Threatened, American Muslims and Jews Join Hands

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Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

Interfaith - of, relating to, or between different religions or members of different religions.
Ritual - a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to
a prescribed order.
Ominous - giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen;
threatening; inauspicious.
Accommodating - fitting in with someone's wishes or demands in a helpful way.

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)

Muslims and Jews in the United States feel unsafe after the presidential election that
ended in Donald Trump winning, because after he won their was a sudden rise in hate crimes.
Now they have put their differences aside and are now standing together. Trump plans to make
laws that require all Muslims to register.

With talk about how Muslims would have to register, Jews were reminded about how
they were forced to register in Germany in the years before the holocaust. It was a warning sign
that the Jews were going to be sent to concentration camps. Now Jews have decided to register
as Muslims so can stand together to help the Muslims.

The most prominent new initiative is a Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council. The group
intends to oppose a registry, support immigrants and refugees, and push for accommodating
religious practices in the workplace. Despite the new cooperation, tensions over Israel continue
to flare up. A few Jewish groups have applauded Mr. Trumps hard line on Muslims, and
cheered his choice of Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to be national security adviser. The retired
general has called Islam a cancer and a political ideology masquerading as a faith.
Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).
I think that it is very noble of jews for wanting to help muslims despite their differences. Its good
to see people helping each other through situations like this without expecting something in
return. It makes me believe that the world is getting to a point where we see each other as
people rather than judging each other by what religion we follow or how we look, aside from a
few bad apples here and there.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).
This event can be related to how the jews were forced to not only register in certain countries,
but also had to wear a gold star to show that they were jewish before and during WWII. This led
to jews getting sent to concentration camps and being killed. Now muslims might have to
register and now both muslims and jews are worried that trump will want muslims sent to similar

Relate your Event to the a Theme (at least 3 sentences).

This event relates to revolts and revolutions because jews and muslims are taking a stand
against something that they see as unfair. They see the registry as a violation of rights for
muslims that live in the U.S. and those coming into the U.S. They feel threatened by what else
the registry could mean for muslims considering that jews before and during WWII also had to
register which lead to millions of deaths in concentration camps during the holocaust.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

What other ways are their for jews to help muslims?
Why are some jews still not willing to help muslims?
How can more people help oppose the registry?
Why would there have to be a need for a registry in the first place?

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