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Elizabeth Allred

Mrs. Crawford

2 period


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the

world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has - Margaret Meade." This quote is the exact

definition of the Counterculture movement. During this 1960s is when The Counterculture

Culture blossomed giving the United States hippies, drugs, enhanced sexuality, and much more.

The causes of this phenomenon was the rejection, by the youth, of their parents 1950s customs

and the Vietnam War. The movement did bring us a lot, but the most significant effect would be

it changed the way people thought about the world.

The customs of the 1950s were conservative and reserved. They would raise their

families with core moral values, a mom being the housewife, father being the breadwinner, and

the children were supposed to abide by all values and rules. The children from these homes

rejected their parents values and the way they view the world during this movement. In the

1950s the world was demeaning to women, racists, and were not accepting of things outside of a

"normal" society. This caused these children to want peace, love, and happiness for everyone no

matter, their gender, race, or sexual orientation. This led to a wanting women's rights even more,

acceptance of all people and, a sexual revolution that were all fueled with hallucinogenic and

depressant drugs. These events caused their views on the American Dream changed to a

materialist interpretation.
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The initial widespread support for the Vietnam War angered many involved in The

Counterculture. Their notion of free love caused them to oppose the devastation and violence of

war. College students, and many other youths, would burn up their draft cards on television

because moral values had changed from the 1950s to fight if you want to, but you cannot draft

me in to risk my life. In the 1950s were filled with World War Two veterans, whose views were,

you should fight for your country without any rhyme or reason because you were drafted. This

caused a generational tension caused The Counterculture to be even more forthright by holding

riots where the saying, "Get the Hell out of Vietnam." came from. Vietnam was a huge

monument for The Counterculture so they could express their new generational thoughts,

feelings, and views.

The most significant effect of The Counterculture would be how it altered the way people

thought about everyday life. One key influence was the new music of that time with lyrics that

talked about life issues of relationships, race, and war. Popular bands and artist were, The Beats,

The Who, The Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin, and many more. Woodstock was also a music related

incident that allowed people to be free, meet new people to gain cultural experience, and

understanding others. Another factor open mindedness, instead of sticking to a narrow path of

social norms were willing to experiment with new activities. Whether they were good or bad

these individuals thought for themselves so they could happy.

The Counterculture movement changed the world for good. These young people that

brought a new social norm to our society that is still with us today. Things that they did, such as

the illegal drugs and sexual extermination may not have been the most optimal ideas to bring out,

but it caused the world to be open minded and aware that others have different perspective on

life. Universally this revolution helped and ultimately shifted social norms permanently.

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