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Artist Statement

For my photo class the teacher assigned a project called Joiners. This

project consist of making a collage based on movements. In a normal picture the

mphotographer only takes a photograph of one moment, however in this project the

photographer is combining a group of pictures

that happened at the same time to get a result of a collage of a all the things that

happened during a photoshoot. For my collage I am focusing on a personal and social

perspective. I want the audience to get the message I am trying to show using everyday


Every artist has its own way of showing perspective and the audience may not

see it but it is shown. For my project I decided to use a person that means happiness,

every person that is around this individual will agree with this. I also decided to use

nature to show the community how important it is to take care of our nature. Our planet

is suffering from global warming and us not taking care of our nature makes it worse.

That is why my project is focused on social and personal perspective, even though

people might not get the message I will still try to get this message out there.

This artwork is a definition of happiness. It is made for a teenage audience. To

show our society the importance of a smile combine with nature. I will love to show my

artwork on the streets, schools, parks and museums. Not a lot of audience will
understand my message but I will try my best to show the meaning of my artwork.

Photography is meant to capture an important or historical moment. My work is meant

to capture an important event and all that happens around.

An artist that has influenced my artwork is David Hockneys. He was a painter,

draughtsman, printmaker, stage designer and a photographer. He inspire me to follow

his way of thinking about photography. A picture just captures a single moment and a

photograph by David capture a moment plus everything happening on the outside of the

main point. One of my goals with this photography project is to imitate the work of

joiners who is widely known to be the work of David Hockney.

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