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Media current challenges and opportunities ahead

Need for Media Industry to transform itself as Responsive Enterprise

by Gaurav Chopra

By next year, it is estimated there will be over 1 trillion internet connected devices, many of which will be leveraged to consume
and share media content. Vast array of intelligent media devices and multiple forms of digitized content are reshaping consumer
experience andthe media ecosystem as a whole.To add to the complexity, the nature of content consumption has signicantly
transformed to anytime, anywhere, any-device and any-format. The familiar ways ofconsumptionare changing rapidly.

Content viewing, content discovery and social interaction are colliding on the same screen with an expectation of being able to
move from one mediumto another, seamlessly. Industry leaderslike Apples Airplay, Panasonics Mira cast, or YouTube send to
TV feature, provide seamless video-viewing experience, no matter what device youre on.

Media agenciesmodel of controlling content, viewers and their experience, is pass now. Today consumers are more contextually
engaged and collaborate on social channels for additional programming insights. Apps like Zeebox notify users when a program is
about to air, trending shows, online conversations and program related content.

To satisfy consumers, media organizations not only have to create compelling presence across all screens, but also monetize it.
Media organizations are constantly testing new models to provide targeted and personalized consumer experience. Pandora,
Spotify, Rdio and MOG allow consumers to personalize their music preferenceson their computers, smartphones, tablets and
now their cars.
While media organizations have been largely working to creating lean operations, the mechanics of doing business has changed
over the past three years leading to transformations in business models. Hence, media organizations are under tremendous
pressure to prudently invest and enable new business models of additional revenues for faster recovery of transformation cost. To
succeed in the midst of all this change, amedia organization has to focus on the following:

Develop new monetization models around content everywhere and leverage niche technology partners for continued
convergence of media and Internet to strengthen core businesses, improve competitive position and generate new revenues

Provide immersive consumer experience and capture their insights to enhance production, cross-channel distribution, and
value creation. Launch new innovative services quickly, leveraging relationships across channels and personalized offerings.

Develop anintegrated media aware platform that provides visibility across enterprises to embrace rapidly-changing business
models. This requires a comprehensive set of collaborative, role-based tools to rapidly model, simulate, change, monitor, and
manage business and media processes on a single platform. The next step will be to do real-time dashboards and KPI driven
reporting with deep analytics insights into enterprise-wide systems.

Lower costs and improve agility in a rapidly changing environment by achieving operational excellence through reduced
infrastructure and process complexity to enable improved protability and reduced costs, fund innovation, enable expansion
into new markets and support business transformation initiatives.

This digitalization would entail a complete transformation of the business with the help of new technology that can help generate
revenue and value. It would require analyzing and connecting an organizations legacy systems, assessing its readiness for the
digital age and addressing the challenges that create a complete digital enterprise.

Tagged with: MOG Pandora Rdio Spotify Zeebox


kaisar parvez September 8, 2016 at 6:59 pm

kaisar parvez September 8, 2016 at 6:59 pm

With so much of Digitization we are heading towards a time where content is no longer created or monitorized by big media houses. In todays world
breaking news doesnt make much difference but stories dose make impact on a persons mind. news organizations like Vice News work on stories that
matter and they are on rise.
Another innovative product i would mention is In-shorts an app created for todays busy mobile generation who no more likes to read long articles in
news papers. What they achieved with the content is their success story News in 60 words. It is with the products like these the market is responding
to fast growing tech and user demands.

Manojkumar Ingalagi July 12, 2016 at 8:08 pm

The days of following news through TV has long gone into the past it is now all about how fast and how can you deliver the news to the lost customers
to the thing called Internet. The old media strategies is now into the dust the media traders or so called journalists have to keep up with the fast
changing technology because everyday the tech gets better and better which leads to customers shift from one platform to another which makes the
media heads get into a t and invest into new technologies and planning to get effective returns from them and they have to do it quick.

Media has always been the mix source of Information and Entertainment or you may so more of an Entertainment rather then Information. There are
very few media who stick to the real meaning of providing Information and some even lack the knowledge of what real news is. So what i am trying to
say is that these media who provide more of Entertainment then news already know what the crowd likes and how they can make bread butter for
themselves but it is time to wake up for the genuine media traders to adapt to the fast changing technologies. And by investing in multiple platforms to
attract more subscribers as Darwin theory suggests Survival of the Fittest adaption to the change is the only way to solve the problems.

Rishabh Aditya June 12, 2016 at 10:40 pm

Information Technolgy and media have always gone hand in hand, If there is a recent development in technology, media catches up to with a newly
devised strategy, for each different type of product, the strategy needs to be changed because not all platforms support the same form of data
Say youre broadcasting an advertisement over TV, it can be high quality and is based for the masses who are watching that particular channel, when
we go down to a smaller platform say a Mobile or Tablet, personalized advertisements take over with the help of data analytics because not everyone
wants to buy a specic Dolce & Gabbana bags, the advertisements have been personalised to a great extent, but with the increasing number of devices
being connected online to the cloud, IOT is something which is inevitable, soon all the platforms would run on the same software, take Android TV for
example, all the devices for that particular using Android TV are interconnected via cloud and it is the simplest form of IOT, so the ads can be
personalized over every device, considering this, it would save a lot a money.
Consider this, a company is deploying an ad for the masses, most of whom are uninterested an will not buy the product but when you add consumer
analytics into the picture and IOT, personalized ad feed can be generated at low costs, and presented to the consumer strategically based on the search
history timeline, most of the consumers would then see advertisements based upon their preferences and it would increase the number of products sold,
and would increase the probability of buyout, niche marketing is something which cannot be eliminated from the picture, demographic scenarios will
always play a major role as well.

Media needs to adapt quickly to overcome these challenges and will have to focus more on analytics and delivery rather than the product itself, because
TAT is very important factor in advertisement business, and it can only be acheived if proper analysis of the consumer has been done, the future of
advertisement lies in personalization of the product and the showcasing of the product and it has been wonderfully described in the post.

Avni Arora January 17, 2016 at 12:50 pm

It is an extremely interesting write-up about the correlation between media challenges and opportunities. Here, I would like to cite a an amazing
example. When Mahmoud tweeted that he had won the elections in Iran, then twitter was ablaze with protests from Iranian civilians and the
international media agencies were able to follow the incident only using these tweets from the people as information bits. Hence, media could always
use these new technologies as their strength and can shape up their future quite well. Technology and media go hand in hand according to my opinion
and their is no scope of debate in this.

Harshit Pandey January 16, 2016 at 12:52 pm

A valuable insight on the contribution of media in todays world.The key for media rms lies in keeping pace with the changing technology,something
which sounds simple but actually requires lots of skill and efforts.This would help them meet customer demands and improve customer
experience.Another essential aspect to be well taken care of is the content which they serve.

Shikha Malik November 21, 2015 at 9:03 am

Customization of any form of content, be it images, music or blogs is crucial for growing any business, not just internet. For instance. Roposo, an
application allows users to express and follow their own unique clothing style. This is quite prominent on social media platforms like Facebook too,
where you can customize your online prole and get customized feeds. Altogether, customization of content will surely help the media industry to
transform itself into a responsive enterprise.
Rahul Ghosh November 10, 2015 at 6:29 pm

An interesting insight on the rapid transformation of the media landscape powered mostly by innovation and technology. The challenges of
monetization in the new media age where we ostensibly see a huge number of opportunities can only be overcome by imagination and bold thought
leadership. Another point I would like to make about the current possibilities in media is that powerful, independent groups can try and twist
information for their own use even if for a short duration. Editorial oversight does not exist in many scenarios and questionable ethics can be employed
by anyone.

Chaitanya Khurana October 23, 2015 at 7:50 pm

I myself am extremely fascinated by technology and the tremendous growth of it in the market, especially being able to almost everyone now. And this
challenge that the companies face is strenuous but engaging as well.
We see frequent ads from Google Sense on the basis of what were looking at.

Ujjwala gulati October 23, 2015 at 12:52 pm

Media and Information technology are two big industries which will denitely shape the future . Both of these two mega enterprises need to synergise
well in order to appeal to a larger sector of society and reach out across all pars of the world.
All the points mentioned in the article are absolutely to the point as to what we need from media and how we need it to evolve as per the demands of
the coming generation.

It is also imperative on the part of the consumers , to help , spread a digital revolution , so that maximum people are beneted through it and everyone
can be a part of a digital world , which is waiting for us all!

Ujjwala gulati October 23, 2015 at 12:51 pm


Surbhi Mahajan October 23, 2015 at 11:24 am

Media and IT are two key industries of the present world, and Digitisation of Media is the need of present time. With everything from buying apparels
to grocery, from reading newspapers to getting notications of important news, everything is just a click of a button away, and this is the consequences
of Digitisation. It is making everything for us easily available and accessible.

Raghvendra Chauhan October 23, 2015 at 10:49 am

Digitalisation is of utmost importance in the 21st century. It can be seen in the present governments policies. Media has made the world a smaller
place, connecting everyone with everyone.

Digitalisation is the new cool right now.

Aritra Mukherjee October 23, 2015 at 10:40 am

I feel that the digitization of the entire spectrum of our lives rather comforting and also slightly alarming and the alarming part is I can not seem to
remember peoples birthday without a facebook notication to remind me of it. However, it is almost like how a company outsources its duties to other
companies in-order to minimize the burden and that is in fact amazing which will help us in productivity and living better lives. The human race is
capable to adapting itself to such technological advancements and such are the principles of technological determinism and social constructionism that
human beings learn to center their lives around such technologies and technologies are created for that. However, the right use of technology is needed
and for that I would cite a stat that for every normal website there are 5 pornographic website, the internet has made it possible to defame anyone with
the minimal of proof and it is a social battleeld as more masks are being put up to appear happy. Another issue is the capitalism of such technological
advancement and internet like other issue is a social issue. It must be made available to everyone and at the minimum of costs and this is the proper
right to information. Internet insofar used in judicial and righteous terms is a boon.

Hitesh Pahuja October 23, 2015 at 10:37 am

Media and IT are the two industries which have a great impact on the world .
If these two industries work together in an organised way then they can bring a revolution.

Chirag Gupta October 23, 2015 at 7:17 am

Chirag Gupta October 23, 2015 at 7:17 am

Since the introduction of internet in the 90s, their has been an exponential growth in the media policies and the world is rapidly getting digitalized.
Today, most of the media world has shofted towards the digital world with only minimal number of media on the analog medium.
Internet offered new networks and devices to distribute and consume digital goods.
Modern media companies examined the business ecosystem on time and came with new and innovative ideas to adapt and lead in this digital world,
understanding the needs of the customer.
Its astonishing that how everything today is just a ick of a nger away. Be it books, goods, luxury items, music, movies or anything.
Incorporating media devices with the IoT devices is also a next genration thing and will show a huge technology growth in the world.

srishti ojha October 23, 2015 at 3:13 am

The media world is rapidly shifting. one of the core challenges that media companies face as a need to please two distinct groups: their marketing
customers (brands and advertisers) and their audiences. Keeping both groups equally happy often puts media companies in a precarious situation.

If marketing customers are the veins of the media company and advertising revenue the lifeblood, then the audience must certainly be the heartfor
without the heart, the blood stops owing. As customer needs change and audiences are inundated with content competing for their attention, media
companies nd themselves caught in the middle of a balancing actintroducing new products and custom services to grow revenue, while milking
audiences for every drop of engagement without crossing the invisible line that drives away loyal subscribers. All the while, the industry at large is
questioning media companies ability to survive the shift.any executives understand that their audiences are their biggest asset, but their marketing
customers keep the lights on.The fact is that the digital world introduces amazing new opportunities for media companies if they can nd ways to
overcome the obstacles. I started this year by taking a deep dive into the challenges media companies face today and boiled it down to these key issues:

Marketing customers today instead prefer performance-based models that generate actionable data, causing media companies to rethink the ways in
which they engage with their audiences.
This shift requires media companies to develop new teams within their organizations whose primary role is scrubbing les, assembling spreadsheets
and manually tracking dataa far cry from their core competency as media and content pros.
Performance media prot margins are signicantly smaller than those of the old impression-based models, especially once they factor in the resources
involved with getting audience data into their customers systems. Dollars to dimes as the saying goes.
Every day brand marketers get closer to becoming media companies themselves, creating their own content and building their own audiencesand
painting a very uncertain picture for the future of the media business.

Kriti Sethi October 23, 2015 at 2:07 am

Media and IT are making the world a smaller place. These 2 industries are thriving and changing constantly. It feeds the world economy right now.
Media and IT are making the world a smaller place. These 2 industries are thriving and changing constantly. It feeds the world economy right now.
Digitization is the future!

Prabhat Paliya October 23, 2015 at 2:03 am

Media and IT are the two major industries which have taken the modern generation on a ride. As funny it may sound, it is true that the youth or for that
matter anyone who is currently in touch with the new technologies is without a doubt in touch with the different kind of media as well. From holding
cassettes for different movies weve come to a point where now media carriage is not only made easy but different kinds of viewing options for media
are available as well. At this peak time for media it is absolutely necessary for them to decide whether they cutoff from the a particular sect of people to
make things available to only those who can afford to have them or to cut down their prices and hence take a risk to reach out to many. The answer can
only be found in future but one thing is for sure that from now media and IT are never separating their paths from each other.

Vaibhav Gupta October 23, 2015 at 1:41 am

Electronic communication has signicantly changed the world in many ways. Virtually all aspects of communication within and between institutions
and corporations are affected by the need to provide information in multiple media. As the elds of computers and communication have come together,
they have created the need for a new type of educational preparation. No longer do we look only to print documents and to oral presentations as the
way to convey information. Rather, there is a great need for people who are knowledgeable in both the technical aspects and the communication aspects
of this new paradigm.

Elvin Joshy October 22, 2015 at 11:54 pm

Media and information technology are two rapidly evolving industries that will shape our future. With us heavily relying on the media and information
technology systems , digitization is the key to moving forward.

Elvin Joshy October 22, 2015 at 11:52 pm

Media and Information technology are two rapidly evolving industries which will denitely help in shaping our future. With the present generations
heavy reliance on media and information technology , digitization is the key to moving forward.
shubham October 22, 2015 at 11:27 pm

Consumption of media of course go hand in hand with improving technology. World has now reached a global platform in true sense. Technologies
mentioned above not only are extremely helpful but also makes life exible. As the title suggest there are certain challenges such as inclusiveness of
improvements, but technology apparently just needs an initial spark, as spreads itself.

Shreyas Nambiar October 22, 2015 at 11:17 pm

Digitization is the key of revenue generation in todays market. There is a major digital revolution taking place both in the economy and in our lives.
Media has been an integral part of the business and the social world for decades now. However in a dynamic and fast paced environment media has to
continuously evolve in order to stay relevant in the world. From reading newspapers every morning weve come all the way to waiting for notications
on our smartphones for the relevant news.
Digitization is the key to a growing economy. This generation calls for an economy which is high-tech and easily accessible from every nook and
corner. Media has to innovate and evolve and overcome the challenges and pave the way for future growth.

Kartikey Aggarwal October 22, 2015 at 11:09 pm

All our personal information is directly accessed by people who are trying to monetise almost everything we use on a daily basis. We see frequent ads
from Google Sense on the basis of what were looking at.

Mohit puri (AUD) October 22, 2015 at 10:56 pm

A great article talking of new posaiblities and ideas in this ever upcoming world. To my knowledge it only talks of one aspect of this proposition.

Media and IT have always been the game changers in every economy hence to point out I would like to qoute
with great power comes great responsibility with this in mind I would like tor emond theese giant powers of their duties.

Creating a new platform is easy but making it available to a huge population equally and continously is a difcult task. Somewhere theese services
provide a brighter overview of the globe but creates more possiblities for faults hence what we should look for is a holistic overview of this tool in
Vaibhav Sharma October 22, 2015 at 10:37 pm

Media and networking has gone to a different level. Things which couldnt have been thought of are out there. Everything is available online which
also leads in people becoming lazy. But is is so very convenient and timesaving . media will go on expanding and will also reduce the demerits it has.
Without all this our lives wouldve been much more difcult. Everywhere people have been using the modern technology only. Wonder how would
lives be if all this was not there. A very nice article though.

nikita October 22, 2015 at 10:35 pm

with the fast going development of the world media and informaton technology has became a must in our society. the social media has taken a major
role in our life specially with the upcoming generation of being tech savvy. we can say that news or even any piece of gossip or information now travels
faster than the speed of light. this article brings it out quite clearly

Mayank October 22, 2015 at 10:34 pm

Current challenges
1: To establish themselves as unbiased institutes because of the many blots on their reputation merely because of political favouring of a particular
2: The premier purpose of news channels is to provide realistic information and not broadcast surreal topics to attract higher TRPs.
Future opportunities
1: With the advent of the digitization of media it leads to an era where media will play a big role in the digitization of the whole country and the world
at large.
2: The media currently is losing faith among people so an opportunity exists to gain the faith of the people on which the institute of media was
originally established.

Jasmeet Kaur gandhi October 22, 2015 at 10:31 pm

Media is going through a time of huge transformation. Not just from a media agency point of view, but across all parts of the value chain, from the
media owners to the agencies and ultimately the marketers and advertisers.While the media is busy covering sensationalist stories, issues that affect our
lives and the whole world receive little attention.
According to the Project for Excellence in Journalism, there are 2,700 fewer reporters employed by newspapers in 2003 than there were in 1990. The
According to the Project for Excellence in Journalism, there are 2,700 fewer reporters employed by newspapers in 2003 than there were in 1990. The
number of jobs lost is believed to have continued falling in 2004.Regardless of a remarkable trend toward adoption of FOI laws worldwide,
international experience has shown this does not automatically translate into fulllment of peoples right to information. Among other obstacles,
freedom of information is undermined by weak mechanisms for access and enforcement, the bad state of record-keeping and archive management
systems and poor monitoring of FOI implementation.

Srishti Bhatnagar October 22, 2015 at 10:14 pm

The world is changing at a fast pace and with that changes the 2 most signicant industries that exist in the society, Media and Information technology,
the 2 major sources of providing all the information that is required by every individual.
The existing companies to need to keep up with the ever changing strategies in order to survive and the new startups need to keep this in mind too.
But all this would make no impact till each and every individual is fully aware and are at par with the digital-world by spreading what is called digital
revolution. It is then only that we can benet from the various advantages that it has to offer to have a better and a promising future.

Eshita October 22, 2015 at 10:14 pm

In this automation era, digital revolution is the new contemporary. Its the need of the hour to keep pace with digitalisation and hence creating a digital
enterprise. It not only requires analysing but also assessing the readiness for didigital age. Hope everybody essentially realise its importance.

Tanvi October 22, 2015 at 10:06 pm

Media denitely has a role in taking us forward. In fact, the increase in the use of social media tells us how its becoming such an important part of our
lives since it is so effective and easy at the same time. There have been innovations in this eld, and it is something that shapes itself with the change in
the style of work. New innovations are something which will continue taking this eld forward and are much needed for the future.

Deeksha Sharma October 22, 2015 at 10:00 pm

Yess , digitalization is something which is a very important part of our daily life. We are completely dependent on media. Also,we want everything to
be operated from our mobile phones. Technology is so advance nowadays. But still all the sections do not have access to these technologies. Efforts
should be done to shape the technology further. We have Google maps,which tell us the way wherever we want to go. Also,we have SOS in our
phones,which give immediate calls in emergency. There are many more services provided by technology which make our lives easier. There are some
phones,which give immediate calls in emergency. There are many more services provided by technology which make our lives easier. There are some
harms too,but it depends on us,to choose the wrong or the right.

sumedha seth, AUD October 22, 2015 at 9:55 pm

With changing technology, digitalisation of media and the attempt of reaching to the people in simpler ways is an an attempt to modernise itself for
better target achievement. The article truly shows the picture of commodication of media, which was originally seen as a face of connecting people
with the world outside their home/locality, a medium to allow people to have critical analysis of the problems, to business commodity which is seen as
a prot organisation.

kirtika trehan October 22, 2015 at 9:53 pm

Digital technology and content is the future. Like electricity and water, digital is already an essential component of business. In making your career
choices, remember the skills you are already employing as digital natives are rapidly becoming one of the most important skill-sets required by the
majority of employers. There are a host of way to further develop your skills. Surveys of companies resident in The Digital Hub over the past number
of years continuously show that technical and creative digital skills are in demand. I dont see this changing any time soon. See more at:

rishi dev trehan October 22, 2015 at 9:59 pm

Social media are evolving rapidly. Old linear communications have been supplanted by an interactive, multichannel universe with
information owing in all directions. Social media are toppling governments and dictators, and inuencing the market. They have
changed the way consumers seek information, how brand and product awareness are generated, and how friends, companies and
governments interact. The conservative wealth management industry is certainly not immune, and social media are impacting it in
signicant, often unforeseen and likely irreversible ways.

lakshay trehan October 22, 2015 at 9:52 pm

Digital connections are transforming the way everything is being done. From air travel to avatars, digital content and technology is shaping what we
see, hear and do. For you, the social media generation, digital is part of your everyday life. You have the keenest advantage when it comes to the
careers of the future.
Digital changes everything for business: the way products are developed, marketed, sold and supported. It means that jobs that existed ten years ago are
already going out of date. It also means that, for you, the opportunity to embrace digital as part of your career choice opens up not only opportunities in
a digital industry like computer games, but also in pretty much any other industry that will use growing amounts of digital technology and content to

Udit chaudhary October 22, 2015 at 9:41 pm

Social media has become an extremely dominant player in the information sector providing millions of audiences.

Digitalization is really important nowadays and companies should use social media platform as their marketing strategies and in business plans.

Vibhor Chanda October 22, 2015 at 9:39 pm

Media and IT are very integral for the future. The Indian economy literally feeds on it. Digitisation in the coming years will become part and parcel of

But the media should learn how important a function it plays. It should concentrate more on local issues rather than bullshit.

Harman October 22, 2015 at 9:39 pm

The future of media industry as a whole is extraordinarily bright. As we can see social media these days is spread on such a great extent. Although there
is still a large number of population that doesnt have access to social media, which needs to be worked upon.It is pretty obvious that media industry
will drive tomorrows economy.

Anant gulati October 22, 2015 at 9:25 pm

I think media as an industry is thriving and like any another economy needs to change its functioning frequently to keep up with the times. Ad it is
impreitve to our existence in todays digital times its extremely important that they keep changing !
Aakash Singhla October 22, 2015 at 9:09 pm

Current challenges that the media is facing these days are-

1. Inaccuracies, to a great extent.
2. There is a tendency for media to dwell on stories that are sensational. like, car crashes, sex scandals, kidnapping, murder.
3. Poor coverage of more important issues. such as environment, Foreign aid, education.
4. The media never covers itself.
According to me these are some of the biggest challenges that media is facing these days, and really need to work on such issues.
Opportunities ahead-
The future of media industry as a whole is extraordinarily bright. As we can see social media these days is spread on such a great extent. Although there
is still a large number of population that doesnt have access to social media, which needs to be worked upon.It is pretty obvious that media industry
will drive tomorrows economy.

Suraj Sawhney October 22, 2015 at 9:04 pm

Media and IT are two huge industries which will denitely shape the future. All the points mentioned in this article are to the point. Tells us about how
it needs to evolve

Prachi Sharma October 22, 2015 at 9:02 pm

This new era of digital innovation that promises a better future sounds good to everyone. The benets and results are seen everywhere around the
world. We now have navigation systems in our cars that prevent us from getting lost, computers make it much easier to access data faster decreasing the
physical labour needed, our cell phones keep getting fancier. All these and many more technological innovations led to increased standards of living in
our society. We all want the latest technologies not just in government ofces or with the police forces but also in our homes. The pursuit of making life
easier is the driving force behind our advancements.

Parul Priya October 22, 2015 at 8:54 pm

Digitisation is a boon to the modern day smart phone, cloud computing generation. Personalization is probably proving us with the best online
experience we ever could. The key here lies within sharing of our information as to what we see, what we hear or what we buy.

But as rightly said by late Ben Parker, with great power, comes great responsibility
But as rightly said by late Ben Parker, with great power, comes great responsibility
. All our personal information is directly accessed by people who are trying to monetise almost everything we use on a daily basis. We see frequent ads
from Google Sense on the basis of what were looking at.

The most recent example is YouTube Red. Pay up $10 to see no ads so you can seamlessly see Yo Yo Honey Singh rap senselessly about women and
booze. Digitization isnt a bane, but free marketing of personal information isnt something every one is comfortable with.

Kajal October 22, 2015 at 8:49 pm

Electronic communication has signicantly changed the world in many ways. Virtually all aspects of communication within and between institutions
and corporations are affected by the need to provide information in multiple media. As the elds of computers and communication have come together,
they have created the need for a new type of educational preparation. No longer do we look only to print documents and to oral presentations as the
way to convey information. Rather, there is a great need for people who are knowledgeable in both the technical aspects and the communication aspects
of this new paradigm.

Prakhar Baveja October 22, 2015 at 8:48 pm

To deal with this rapid change in demand and growth, companies must develop an end-to-end response. They need to develop a comprehensive digital
strategy. A strategy which must go far beyond the Marketing department, it has to be about ubiquitous cross-channel connectivity, it must enable
engagement with customers, suppliers, employees and investors.

I myself am extremely fascinated by technology and the tremendous growth of it in the market, especially being able to almost everyone now. And this
challenge that the companies face is strenuous but engaging as well.

Ratik Bhat October 22, 2015 at 8:38 pm

Content delivery over the media has changed alot in these recent times. As rightly said social media has become an extremely dominant player in the
information sector providing key methods of spreading stories and getting in touch with people of importance for example ministers and other ofcials .

What Companies of this day and age need to realize is that older bussiness models wont just simply work as now there has to be a need for new ideas
and innovation to tap on the resources created every day because of the digitalization happening all over the place wheather it be Media content dilivery
or the way we communicate in general.
or the way we communicate in general.

There is an urgent need for startups to use these changes to their advantage by adopting them since the begining where other companies would have to
change policies to do so.

Rohini Garodia October 22, 2015 at 8:31 pm

Andrew Keen, the self-declared XAnti-Christ of Silicon ValleyY3 is scathing in

his criticism of the Internet, especially XWeb 2.0.Y Keen declares we must avoid
the siren song of Xdemocratized media,Y citizen journalism, and, as the title of
his rst book puts it, the Cult of the Amateur. He laments the Xtechnology that
arms every citizen with the means to be an opinionated artist or writerY as
producing a techno-utopian delusion little different from Karl MarxOs fantasies
of a communist societybXwhere nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity
but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes.Y
Keen recognizes the reality of MooreOs Lawbthe doubling of computing
capability every two years but refuses to accept the idea that Xeach advance in technology is accompanied by an equivalent improvement in the
condition of
man.Y Information technology is leading us into an oblivion of cultural
amnesia, narcissism, and a childish rejection of the expertise, wisdom and
quality of creative elites. For Keen, a XatterY world is one in which genius can
no longer rise above a sea of mediocrity, noise and triviality. His message on
the verge of the next digital decade might as well be: XAbandon all hope, ye
who enter here!Y KeenOs pessimism is as strident as a certain Pollyannaish
utopianism on the other side.
Is there a middle ground? Adam Thierer, Senior Research Fellow at George
Mason UniversityOs Mercatus Center, insists there must be. In two related
essays, Thierer describes two schools of Internet pessimism: net skeptics
generally pessimistic about technology and Xnet loversY who think the Xgood olO
daysY of the Internet were truly great but are nonetheless pessimistic about the
future. This rst essay responds to Net skeptics like Keenbputting him in the
context of centuries of techno-pessimism, beginning with the tale from PlatoOs
Phaedrus of Theuth and Thamus. ThiererOs response is Pragmatic Optimism:
XWe should embrace the amazing technological changes at work in todayOs
Information Age but with a healthy dose of humility and appreciation for the
Information Age but with a healthy dose of humility and appreciation for the
disruptive impact and pace of that change. We need to think about how to
mitigate the negative impacts associated with technological change without
adopting the paranoid tone or Luddite-ish recommendations of the pessimists.

Kislay Raj October 22, 2015 at 8:26 pm

As I recall when I was in Hong Kong, I saw people transferring or paying money just by keeping two phones together and sliding money to the other
phone. I was astonished, I was dazzled by the amount of advancement in the eld of IT, linking it with the social media channel. I have been wondering
a time where people will be looking for brides and grooms on social media instead of matrimonial sites, because those sites will prove much more
fruitful. All this happens with a medium, and for instance its Media here playing a key role. Books are now getting switched by Kindle, YouTube has
a new feature of ofine mode now, people using Saavn, Hungama etc as their music players and etcetera. Digitilization is going hand in hand, or
shoulder to shoulder to be precise, your favorite program coming up? Well you will get a notication, Search what is trending on phones, and you will
get a list from A-Z, want to book a movie ticket, well there you go and search for it, you will at least get 5 offers trending on that ticket. Thats how
everything in this world is now on a click of button.

Neharika October 22, 2015 at 6:12 pm

Apparently 1960s US textbooks are being used to teach journalism in India. The publishers of these outdated books are happy to have developing
countries print these on the cheap and sell them. Cut-copy-paste culture sadly exists in this area too.
Journalism is a different ball game post internet. As it is, having a journalism degree pre-internet is like having a degree in under water basket weaving.
While the ethics are constant, its just a different world now and it seems criminal to use these outdated textbooks. Indian journalism students deserve

I am a media student myself and getting no practical education with the changing norms is just a waste of time for me which really needs to change!

Radhika Sharma, Ambedkar University Delhi October 22, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Although such an expansion of the virtual resources has led to a huge variety for the consumers, I believe that their options as well as preferences are
still pretty politically and economically determined by the State as well as the Market. Hence what we actually have is a partial freedom that guides our
movement in the digital world. Nevertheless, this digitalization would benet not only the business sector in gaining revenues but also the Government
that could utilize these resources in order to generate a higher degree of awareness and cope with various issues. For instance, the shortage of teachers
that could utilize these resources in order to generate a higher degree of awareness and cope with various issues. For instance, the shortage of teachers
in government schools in the far-off rural areas of India can be overcome if we are able to set up better connectivity there so that the teachers can teach
through Skype, or other video messengers, without physically being there.

Hence a digital age, despite its shortcomings, offers immense leverage for the betterment of the human race, both, economically as well as socially.
Although, work needs to be done on making it as environment friendly as it user-friendly.

Ishali Phillips October 22, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Indeed, digitalization is the new trend, from 2g to 3g and now 4g. From normal phone to smart phones, and what not. This industry has seen it all. With
the growth of this industry, all the business, workers, et. al. Allied to it have grown and seen success.
And with digitalization, as the technology is growing more and more better ways or I should say luxurious ways of living are in the market now. Not
only that students, doctors, everyone is taking the leverage of the growth of technology. It had immensely blessed the society and each and every
individual is taking all the benets from it.

Udit Dalakoti October 22, 2015 at 1:35 pm

Media and Information technology are two big industries which will denitely shape the future . Both of these two mega enterprises need to synergise
well in order to appeal to a larger sector of society and reach out across all pars of the world.
All the points mentioned in the article are absolutely to the point as to what we need from media and how we need it to evolve as per the demands of
the coming generation.

It is also imperative on the part of the consumers , to help , spread a digital revolution , so that maximum people are beneted through it and everyone
can be a part of a digital world , which is waiting for us all!

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