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Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526

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Analytical Methods

A rapid ATR-FTIR spectroscopic method for detection of sibutramine

adulteration in tea and coffee based on hierarchical cluster and principal
component analyses
Nur Cebi, Mustafa Tahsin Yilmaz , Osman Sagdic
Yldz Technical University, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering Department, 34210 Istanbul, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sibutramine may be illicitly included in herbal slimming foods and supplements marketed as 100% nat-
Received 8 July 2016 ural to enhance weight loss. Considering public health and legal regulations, there is an urgent need for
Received in revised form 14 February 2017 effective, rapid and reliable techniques to detect sibutramine in dietetic herbal foods, teas and dietary
Accepted 15 February 2017
supplements. This research comprehensively explored, for the first time, detection of sibutramine in
Available online 22 February 2017
green tea, green coffee and mixed herbal tea using ATR-FTIR spectroscopic technique combined with
chemometrics. Hierarchical cluster analysis and PCA principle component analysis techniques were
employed in spectral range (27462656 cm 1) for classification and discrimination through Euclidian
distance and Wards algorithm. Unadulterated and adulterated samples were classified and discriminated
Chemometrics with respect to their sibutramine contents with perfect accuracy without any false prediction. The results
Adulteration suggest that existence of the active substance could be successfully determined at the levels in the range
Slimming tea of 0.37512 mg in totally 1.75 g of green tea, green coffee and mixed herbal tea by using FTIR-ATR tech-
nique combined with chemometrics.
2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction green coffee and mixed herbal tea. These products are proclaimed
as being not harmful since they have been natural as hundred per-
Obesity is one of the most epidemic and common diseases, cent. Also, they are marketed as being helpful for efficient and
resulting from environmental and genetic factors and has damag- rapid weight loss due to the natural phytochemicals inside of them
ing effects on health and quality of life during whole lifetime of (Carvalho et al., 2012; Popescu & Radu, 2015). In very deed, natural
individuals (Chandrasekaran, 2012). Reports of world health orga- foods or herbal slimming food supplements affect the human body
nization have manifested that obesity is rising at alarming rate, slower as compared to synthetic slimming drugs. As a result, sibu-
thus risks become more threatening with respect to diseases such tramine (sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate) may be illicitly
as diabetes, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases and included in herbal slimming foods and supplements in order to
cancer. Considering this situation, preventing obesity and over- ensure claimed effectiveness of products (Liang, Qu, Luo, & Wang,
weight increasingly comes into prominence (Al-salafi & Irshad, 2006).
2014). Findings from earlier studies demonstrate that regulations Sibutramine is an oral anorexiant and usually present in the
in diets in the way of healthy eating plan and physical exercise form of the hydrochloride monohydrate salt. Sibutramine is a
helps weight management and help to prevent obesity (World centrally-acting serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Health Organization, 2003). At the same time, people are always (SNRI), structurally related to amphetamines. Sibutramine, a
in search of helper foods or dietary supplements to prevent the neuro-transmitter reuptake inhibitor, is used in the management
obesity (Carvalho et al., 2012). of obesity and have impacts such as heart attack and strokes on
Recently, herbal alternative slimming intakes and dietary sup- the human body. For this reason, US Food and Drug Administration
plements are significantly valued by the people who are trying to announced that sibutramine was withdrawn from the market in
struggle with obesity and weight loss. Public usually tend to prefer 2010 (Deconinck et al., 2014). Although sibutramine have been
herbal products which are from natural sources such as green tea, withdrawn from the markets, herbal supplements or foods are
intentionally adulterated with these compounds. Furthermore,
Corresponding author. people have access to buy sibutramine and sibutramine containing
E-mail address: (M.T. Yilmaz). products through illegal systems like internet and black market
0308-8146/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
518 N. Cebi et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526

(Champagne & Emmel, 2011). Sibutramine may be deliberately ments. Up to now, a very limited number of studies have investi-
involved in energy drinks, green tea, green coffee and mixed herbal gated to detect sibutramine as an active substance by using FTIR
tea dietetic formulations (Carvalho et al., 2012). This situation spectroscopy technique. In one of these studies, FTIR spectroscopy
impairs the legal decisions and prohibitions of the countries and was used in order to detect adulterants in herbal slimming dietary
gives birth to quality and safety problems worldwide (Liang supplements (Popescu & Radu, 2015). In another study, detection
et al., 2006). Furthermore, people have been exploited physically of sibutramin in adulterated dietary supplements was accom-
and morally with adulterated, supposed to be natural products. plished with minimum false prediction by using FTIR technique
In Turkey, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and combined chemometrics (Deconinck et al., 2014). However, in
Livestock regularly reports the adulterated foods and food supple- these studies, there are some limitations in terms of robust, accu-
ments. Considering recent announcements, form-teas that contain rate and reliable detection of sibutramine. In the former one, the
active ingredients keep crucial place in the reported list. According study was limited by the absence of any useful and robust chemo-
to the 2016 January report, sibutramine hydrochloride monohy- metric technique, which would also limit the robustness and accu-
drate was detected in mixed herbal tea and the producer company racy of the detection. The main weakness of the latter study was
was revealed by the ministry. In addition to this, U.S Food and Drug the false predictions obtained by the method; namely, three sam-
administration warned the public about a life-threatening green ples were misclassified by the preferred k-NN (k-Nearest Neigh-
coffee product that contains sibutramine. Considering these prob- bors) chemometric method as false positive. This means that,
lems, there is an urgent need for development of effective, rapid although their method would not allow adulterated samples to
and reliable techniques to detect sibutramine in dietetic herbal pass the initial ATR-IR screening, the false positive results would
foods, teas and dietary supplements. lead some amount of legal (unadulterated) products to be unde-
In literature, several studies are dedicated to detect sibutramine servedly confiscated and seized by the inspectors or customs
in dietary supplements, foods, beverages and pharmaceutical for- (Deconinck et al., 2014), which proves that the developed method
mulations. Most of studies include chromatographic techniques based on the chemometrics used was not robust enough to get per-
such as liquid and gas chromatography. GCMS (gas fect results without any false prediction. In addition, in their study,
chromatography-mass spectroscopy) and FTIR (Fourier transform no attempt was made to define absorbtion bands in this region and
infrared spectroscopy) techniques were investigated for detection to assign the vibrational bands with functional groups which are
of sibutramine in herbal slimming food supplements (Popescu & specific to the sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate; thus, their
Radu, 2015). Differential pulse voltammetry based method was study suffers from chemical insight of the developed FTIR spectro-
established to detect sibutramine in beverages and pharmeceutical scopic technique. Such reasons emerge an urgent need to develop
formulations (Carvalho et al., 2012). Portable ion mobility spec- technique combined with a robust chemometrics based on chem-
trometer was succesfully used in order to detect sibutramine in ical insight of vibrational spectroscopy.
dietary supplements (Dunn, Gryniewicz-Ruzicka, Kauffman, The primary aim of this paper was to develop a new, rapid,
Westenberger, & Buhse, 2011). In great detail, HPLC (high perfor- effective, non-destructive and cost-effective method for detection
mance chromatography) and HPTLC (high performance thin layer of sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate which is so far the
chromatography) densitometry techniques were evaluated for most common adulterant in dietary supplements intended for
quantification of sibutramine in natural slimming products weight loss like green tea, green coffee and mixed herbal tea. Our
(Ariburnu, Uludag, Yalcinkaya, & Yesilada, 2012). In another study, research comprehensively explores, for the first time, detection
HPLC-UV-ESI-MS (HPLC coupled with electrospray ionization mass of sibutramine in herbal dietary supplements by FTIR spectro-
spectrometry) chromatographic method was succesfully adopted scopic technique combined with robust chemometrics. In this
to detect sibutramine in natural dietary supplements (Huang, regard, we have used a combination of FTIR spectroscopy and
Xiao, Luo, Chen, & Yao, 2008). As an alternative method, UPLC chemometrics including hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and
(ultra high pressure liquid chromatography) system was succes- principal component analysis (PCA) for detection of sibutramine
fully used in detection and quantification of hazardous active mat- in the dietary supplements. Favorably, ATR-IR spectra were
ters in adulterated slimming formulations (Rebiere, Guinot, Civade, obtained for unadulterated and sibutramine adulterated samples
Bonnet, & Nicolas, 2012). Multi-step analytical method composed for test and validation steps. All of the samples could be perfectly
of color tests, TLC, HPLC-DAD (HPLC coupled with diode array classified without any false prediction in terms of their sibu-
detector), MS (mass spectroscopy) and NMR (nuclear magnetic res- tramine contents by using chemometrics.
onance) was developed for reliable detection of sibutramin in slim-
ming formulations (Csupor et al., 2013). A simple method has been
established for rapid detection of sibutramine by using capillary 2. Materials and methods
electrophoresis (Wang et al., 2016). LC-TQMS (liquid chromatogra-
phy triple quadrupole mass spectrometry) and TOF-MS (time-of- 2.1. Apparatus, reagents and materials
flight mass spectrometry) were used for detection of sibutramine
in herbal products (Jackson & Attalla, 2010). Bruker Tensor 27 spectrometer (Bremen-Germany) with a KBr
These methods are reliable and have been reported to be suc- beamsplitter and a DLaTGS detector was employed in this study.
cessful; on the other hand, they are generally costly, time consum- All measurements were performed with a diamond single-
ing, destructive and require high skilled operator. Because of these bounce ATR accessory. Instrument control and data acquisition
reasons, a demand exists for development of rapid, accurate, inex- were accomplished by using OPUS Version 7.2 for Windows from
pensive and effective techniques for testing of adulteration in food Bruker Gmbh. Monohydrate sibutramine hydrochloride (molecular
and food ingredients. FTIR spectroscopy can be used non- formula: C17H26ClN.HClH2O), whose two and three dimensional
destructively and rapidly to obtain biochemical fingerprints that chemical structures are shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b) was provided
provide information about molecular structure and composition from U.S. Pharmacopeia, Rockville, USA. In this research, two sets
(Sivakesava & Irudayaraj, 2001). This spectroscopic technique has of samples were used to test and validate the methodology devel-
been used as an effective and successful tool in a wide range of oped to determine sibutramine adulteration. For preparation of the
adulteration problems in food products. Recent studies have test group samples, green tea from two different brands (coded as
shown that FTIR spectroscopy may have potential in detection of GT1 and GT2), mixed herbal tea from two different brands (coded
sibutramine in natural herbal products, foods and dietary supple- as MHT1 and MHT2) and green coffee (coded as GC1) were pro-
N. Cebi et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526 519

Fig. 1. (a) Two dimensional chemical structure of sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate, (b) three dimensional structure of sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate. (c)
ATR-FTIR spectrum of sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate at mid infrared region (4000650 cm 1).

vided from Turkish local supermarkets. For preparation of valida- ated with sibutramine at the levels reported in Table 1, also keep-
tion group samples, green tea (coded as GT3 and GT4), mixed her- ing the tea and coffee quantities at the constant value (1.75 g). In
bal tea (coded as MHT3 and MHT4) and green coffee (coded as this study, solid tea and coffee samples were thoroughly mixed
GC2) from other different brands were also provided Turkish local with Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate salt in 50-mL glass
supermarkets. As declared in the label of the products, the mixed beakers at defined levels (Table 1) by using a steel laboratory spat-
herbal tea samples (MHT1 and MHT2) were composed of senna ula during 15 min. Afterwards, beakers were tightly covered with
leaves, cherry stalks, rosehip fruit, fennel fruit, anise fruit, heather aluminum foil and mixtures were shaken by hand for 5 min.
leaves, St Johns Wort, rosemary, sage, yarrow herb and juniper Hand-mixing operations were implemented during totally twenty
fruit. The other mixed herbal tea samples (MHT3 and MHT3) were minutes for each sample with the aim of achieving perfectly
in combination of senna leaves, frangula bark, fennel, nettle leaves, homogenous mixtures of adulterated samples. Sibutramine pow-
birch bark, juniper fruit, yarrow, rosehip and hawthorn. der was punctiliously dispersed in solid tea and coffee samples in
other words all of the samples were mixed diligently to obtain
homogenous mixture prior to analysis.
2.2. Sample preparation

In order to prepare the test samples, the samples were adulter- 2.3. Infrared spectroscopy measurements
ated with sibutramine at different levels (Table 1). Tea and coffee
quantities were hold at a constant value (1.75 g) for each sample ATR-FTIR spectra of all samples were recorded with a resolution
while amount of adulteration changed between 0.375 and 12 mg. of 4 cm 1, accumulating 16 scans per spectra. The spectra were
In this study, three samples were prepared for each concentration, recorded at mid infrared region within range of 4000650 cm 1.
so a total of 225 samples were prepared (Table 1). For example, Spectrum acquisition of each sample repeated three times in the
GT1 is composed of three samples (GT11, GT12, GT13). For method same condition and an average spectrum was obtained. A back-
development, average FTIR spectra of three samples were obtained ground air spectrum was scanned before each measurement using
thus sample number is mentioned as 75 in the text. Regarding the the same instrumental conditions. Spectra were subtracted against
preparation of the validation samples, the samples were adulter- background air spectrum. All of the samples were directly com-
520 N. Cebi et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526

Table 1
Test and validation samples unadulterated/adulterated with different amounts of sibutramine.

Adulteration amount (mg)

Test samples 0.375 mg 0.43 mg 0.6 mg 0.75 mg 1 mg 1.5 mg 3 mg 4.5 mg 6 mg 7.5 mg 9 mg 12 mg 0 mg
Green Tea (GT1) 2 0.375 0.43 0.6 0.75 1 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 12.0 0.0
Green Tea (GT2) 0.375 0.43 0.6 0.75 1 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 12.0 0.0
Mixed Herbal Tea (MHT1) 0.375 0.43 0.6 0.75 1 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 12.0 0.0
Mixed Herbal Tea (MHT2) 0.375 0.43 0.6 0.75 1 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 12.0 0.0
Green Coffee (GC1) 0.375 0.43 0.6 0.75 1 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 12.0 0.0
Validation samples 3 6 9 0
Green Tea (GT3)2 3.0 mg 0 mg
Green Tea (GT4) 9 mg 0 mg
Mixed Herbal Tea (MHT3) 3.0 mg 0 mg
Mixed Herbal Tea (MHT4) 6 mg 0 mg
Green Coffee (GC2) 3.0 mg 0 mg

pressed on ATR crystal prior to measurements. Cleanliness was between 3000 and 2500 cm 1. Three bands were observed in this
obtained by distilled water and ethanol. range at 2963, 2865 and 2698 cm 1. The bands with peak points
at 2963 and 2865 cm 1 corresponded to asymmetric and symmet-
2.4. Chemometric analysis ric stretching vibrations of CH3, CH2 and CH functional groups
(Coates, 2000). The peak observed at 2698 cm 1 resulted from
FTIR spectroscopy combined multivariate methods such as stretching vibrations of NAH groups (Maluf & Pontarolo, 2010).
principle component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis In study, the band with peak point at 2698 cm 1 in the 2700
are used for arranging inspected elements into groups on the basis 2600 cm 1 spectral range, was considered to be the most impor-
of their similarity. Briefly, main topic is building a hierarchy of tant spectral characteristic which was further utilized for detection
clusters and both hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principle of sibutramine in the adulterated samples since it is specific to the
component analysis (PCA) are involved with arrangement of spec- hydrochloride salts of tertiary amines (Blachut, Siwinska,
tral data into inherent groupings based on the resemblances. Che- Kobylecka, & Czarnocki, 2006). Tertiary amine hydrochloride salts
mometrics could be used effectively and efficiently to detect had strong absorbtion bands in the 27002330 spectral region
hidden relationships between variables. As chemometrics, HCA and these bands resulted from vibrations of NH+ stretching and
was performed using the software OPUS Version 7.2 (Bruker, Ger- overtones or combination bands in Fermi resonance. This spectral
many). HCA was performed in order to evaluate the spectral differ- range is unique since only several compounds create significant
ences between unadulterated and adulterated green tea, green absorbtion bands in this region (Lin-Wien, Colthup, Fataley, &
coffee and mixed herbal tea samples by using their ATR-FTIR spec- Grasselli, 1991). Considering valuable knowledge in literature, it
tra as well as to monitor the related clusters and sub-clusters in is possible to mention that, our developed solid method utilized
which the samples could be scattered. Discrimination and classifi- the unique fingerprinting capabilities of FTIR spectroscopy tech-
cation of samples unadulterated and adulterated with sibutramine nique since the method is based on the spectral features specific
were ensured by using the OPUS Version 7.2 software. In HCA, all to the monohydrate sibutramine hydrochloride.
spectra were first derivatized with 9 smoothing points and As shown in Fig. 1(c), significant peaks were also observed at
vector-normalized. Another chemometrics technique, the PCA 1491 cm 1, corresponding to the aromatic C@C aromatic ring
analysis was performed to evaluate whether the unadulterated stretching vibrations, at 1428 and 1407 cm 1 related to the NCH3
and adulterated samples could be discriminated with respect to bending vibrations, at 1370 cm 1 due to isobutyl CH3 bending
their sibutramine content. PCA was performed to monitor the clas- vibrations, at 1091 cm 1, corresponding to the p-substituted aro-
sification as a graphical display which contains clustering patterns matic vibrations, at 1010 cm 1 between 1225 and 950 cm 1 due
of unadulterated and adulterated samples. The first derivatized to the aromatic CAH in-plane bending vibrations and lastly at
and vector normalized (9 smoothing points) versions of all spectra 833 cm 1 and 822 cm 1, resulting from aromatic CAH out-of-
were included in classification model and factorization algorithm plane bending vibrations (Coates, 2000; Blachut et al., 2006;
was employed for calculating the spectral distances. Two and Maluf & Pontarolo, 2010; Popescu & Radu, 2015).
three-dimensional cluster analysis results were plotted by using
identity test method of software OPUS Version 7.2 (Bruker,
3.2. Discrimination and clusterization of unadulterated and
Germany). In this work, 27462656 cm 1 spectral range was
adulterated samples
determined to perform PCA analysis.
The center thesis of this paper was to develop a method for dis-
3. Results crimination of adulterated and unadulterated tea and coffee sam-
ples by using FTIR-ATR technique combined with chemometrics.
3.1. Characterization of FTIR spectrum of sibutramine Comparison of spectra of all samples in the infrared region at
4000650 cm 1 is shown in Fig. 2 where spectral differences can
The IR spectrum of sibutramine is shown in Fig. 1(c). Spectrum be observed clearly. Characteristic vibrational bands of sibu-
had significant vibrational bands at 3418, 2963, 2865, 2698, 1491, tramine were broadly explained in previous section. This section
1428, 1407, 1370, 1091, 1010, 833 and 822 cm 1. These bands of study attempts to define significant spectral bands and chemo-
were associated with the chemical groups of components present metrics for discrimination and classification of unadulterated and
in the chemical structure of sibutramine. The widest and strongest adulterated samples. As seen in Fig. 2, spectral differences are
band was observed with the peak point at 3418 cm 1 and resulted observed between samples while sibutramine hydrochloride
from the asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations of OAH monohydrate active substance shows significant spectral distinc-
groups arising from water (Coates, 2000; Pajderska, Chudoba, tion in comparison to adulterated tea and coffee samples in the
Mielcarek, & Wasicki, 2010). Second important region was located spectral bands at 1418 cm 1 arising from OAH stretching vibra-
N. Cebi et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526 521

Fig. 2. Overlapped ATR-FTIR spectra of sibutramine and sibutramine adulterated samples at different amounts at mid infrared region (4000650 cm ).

tions and at 2698 cm 1 related to NAH stretching vibrations. The ysis (PCA) were successfully applied to process spectral data for
present investigation evaluated two spectral regions and it was discrimination of unadulterated and adulterated samples. Discrim-
seen that both of them were suitable for accurate and favorable ination and classification of the samples was performed at two
classification of samples. Although the band at 1418 cm 1 due to steps: the first step involves classification of the test samples
asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations of water could (Table 1) and the second step includes classification of all samples;
be used to classify the samples, this may not be always ideal for namely, the validation samples (Table 1) along with the test sam-
establishing a robust and effective model since OH functional ples in terms of their sibutramine content. As the first step, HCA for
group can also be originated and interfered from food or dietary discrimination of unadulterated and adulterated test samples is
supplements own matrixes in further studies. Therefore, in this presented in Fig. 3(A). One can conclude from the dendrogram that
study, this was why the band with a peak point at 2698 cm 1 unadulterated and adulterated test samples were clearly distin-
related to NAH stretching vibrations was preferred to establish guished from each other with respect to their sibutramine
the chemometric method since it is specific to the hydrochloride hydrochloride monohydrate content. In accordance with the HCA
salts of tertiary amines (Blachut et al., 2006) in the absorbtion dendrogram, two well-separated clusters were observed with high
bands arising from vibrations NH+ stretching and overtones or heterogeneity value. All of the unadulterated test samples were
combination bands in Fermi resonance (Lin-Wien et al., 1991). heaped together in one cluster at the left side of the HCA dendro-
Based on this, the main goal of this research was to establish a gram in Fig. 3(A) while adulterated test samples were clustered at
method built on unique spectral features specific to the sibu- the right side, which were numbered as 1 and 2 on the dendro-
tramine hydrochloride monohydrate, thus we utilized unique fin- gram, respectively. In conclusion, the obtained HCA dendrogram
gerprinting capabilities of the IR spectra. revealed that the unadulterated test samples could be readily dis-
This paper proposes a new method based on hierarchical cluster tinguished from the adulterated test samples without any false
analysis and principal component analysis for discrimination of prediction. Furthermore, principle component analysis (PCA) was
unadulterated and adulterated samples. Hierarchical cluster analy- performed for all test samples and three dimensional (3-D) PCA
sis (HCA) is an algorithmic approach that aims to construct a hier- plot is presented in Fig. 3(B). PCA results also showed that success-
archy of clusters. In HCA, clusters and sub-clusters are visualized ful and explicit discrimination of unadulterated and adulterated
definitely in dendrogram graphs. Known as the minimum variance test samples were provided with no false prediction. In the same
method, the Wards method joins at each stage of the cluster pair way, all of the spectra were scattered into two main clusters corre-
whose merger minimizes the increase in the total within-group sponding to unadulterated and adulterated test samples. The
error sum of squares, based on the Euclidean distance between observed results from two different chemometrics classification
centroids. Homogeneous clusters and a symmetric hierarchy are techniques (HCA and PCA) were quite compatible and verify each
tended to be produced with its definition of a cluster center of other without any fault or error.
gravity which provide a useful way of representing a cluster. At the second step, the validation samples along with the test
Although it was demonstrated to be good at recovering cluster samples were also subjected to HCA and PCA analysis. All of the
structure, it was also reported to be sensitive to outliers and poor unadulterated test and validation samples were aggregated
at recovering elongated clusters (Lorr, 1983). together in the first cluster at the left side of the HCA dendrogram,
In this regard, this study provides the first comprehensive which was numbered as 1 in Fig. 4(A). The unadulterated valida-
assessment of adulteration of sibutramine which was the active tion samples are circled and marked with white color on the den-
substance in green tea, green coffee, and mixed herbal tea samples drogram and these were favorably located between unadulterated
using FTIR technique based on the chemometrics. For this purpose, test samples at the left side of the dendrogram. Regarding the adul-
hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principle component anal- terated samples, they were scattered together in the second cluster
522 N. Cebi et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526

Fig. 3. (A) Dendrogram of HCA (Wards Algorithm) of test samples unadulterated and adulterated with different amounts of sibutramine (refer to Table 1). (B) 3D (three
dimensional) PCA map of these samples.

at the right side of the HCA dendrogram, which was numbered as 2 and adulterated test and validation samples were provided with
in Fig. 4(A). Similarly, the adulterated validation samples are cir- no false prediction and with high heterogeneity around 12.
cled and marked with white color on the dendrogram and these Furthermore diagnosis results of the chemometric analysis;
were favorably located between adulterated test samples at the HCA and PCA are presented in Table 2. As seen in the table, two
right side of the dendrogram. As a result, two main clusters for test diagnosis results were obtained, the first one was obtained from
and validation samples were also observed and illustrated with the HCA and PCA analysis of totally 35 samples which were
number as 1 and 2 on the dendrogram revealing that the results unadulterated and adulterated test samples. Second diagnosis
from test samples were also validated with those from validation results were obtained from totally 45 samples which were con-
samples. In addition, the PCA was performed for test and validation sisted of 35 unadulterated and adulterated test samples along with
samples and 3-D PCA plot is presented in Fig. 4(B). HCA results 10 ten unadulterated and adulterated validation samples. When
show that successful and explicit discrimination of unadulterated the results were evaluated, it was clearly seen that two different
N. Cebi et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526 523

Fig. 4. (A) Dendrogram of HCA (Wards Algorithm) of test and validation (VAL) samples unadulterated and adulterated with different amounts of sibutramine (refer to
Table 1). (B) 3D (three dimensional) PCA map of these samples.

classes were determined by the chemometric analysis (HCA and samples in this study. For further optimization, a total of 65 sam-
PCA) in both diagnosis cases. Satisfactorily, classification of all ples (test samples in Table 1) were used. HCA results are presented
samples with respect to their sibutramine content was verified in Supplementary File. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) provides
with one hundred percent accuracy without any disarrangements better understanding for evaluation of relation between clusters.
or false prediction. Finally, one can conclude from these results As seen on dendrograms in Figs. 3 and 4, perfect discrimination
that the established FTIR-ATR method based on chemometric of adulterated and unadulterated samples was obtained when
model would work perfectly for discrimination of unadulterated sibutramine adulteration kept between 3 mg and 12 mg. Discrimi-
samples from adulterated ones. According to the literature, sibu- nation power of the method related to the sibutramine content is
tramine containing samples include concentrations between 3 clearly presented in Supplementary File. Fig. S1 (see Supplemen-
and 20 mg per dosage unit (Deconinck et al., 2014). This study pri- tary Information) presents HCA dendrogram when minimum adul-
marily used 312 mg sibutramine/1.75 g tea concentration for teration amount is 0.75 mg sibutramine/1.75 g sample and perfect
method development. For this study, a total of forty-five samples discrimination was obtained with two well separated adulterated
were used as mentioned above. Furthermore method was further and unadulterated sample group. Unadulterated samples are on
optimized and minimum sibutramine concentration that can be the right arm of dendrogram with number 1. Fig. S2 (see Supple-
detected using developed method was determined. The lowest mentary Information) presents HCA dendrogram when minimum
sibutramine concentration was 0.375 mg/1.75 g for tea and coffee adulteration amount is 0.43 mg sibutramine/1.75 g. It can be seen
524 N. Cebi et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526

Table 2
Diagnosis results of chemometric analysis (Hierarchical cluster analysis and principle component analysis).

Diagnosis number 1. Class 2. Class

9 9
Diagnosis 1 (for test samples) Data preprocessing: First derivative + Vector normalization GC1 > > GC1-3 mg >
> >
Wards algorithm, Frequency Ranges = 27462656 cm 1 Stabdart (Euclidian Distance) GT1 > = GC1-9 mg >
MHT2-12 mg >
unadulterated >
MHT1 >
> test samples MHT2-3 mg >
GT2 > >
MHT2 MHT1-12 mg >>
GT2-12 mg > >
MHT1-6 mg > >
MHT1-9 mg > >
GT1-7:5 mg >>
GT1-12 mg > >
GT2-9 mg >
GT1-9 mg >
GC1-6 mg >
GC1-12 mg > >
GC1-4:5 mg adulterated test
GC1-7:5 mg >> samples
GT1-4:5 mg >>
MHT1-7:5 mg >
GT1-6 mg >
MHT2-6 mg > >
MHT2-9 mg > >
MHT1-4:5 mg >
GT1-3 mg >
GT2-6 mg >
GT2-7:5 mg >>
MHT1-3 mg > >
GT2-3 mg >
GT2-4:5 mg >>
MHT2-4:5 mg >
MHT2-7:5 mg
9 9
Diagnosis 2 (for test and validation samples) Data preprocessing: First derivative + Vector GC1 >> GC1-3 mg >
> >
normalization Wards algorithm, Frequency Ranges = 27462656 cm 1 Standart GT1 >= GC1-9 mg >
MHT2-12 mg >
unadulterated >
(Euclidian Distance) MHT1 >
> test samples MHT2-3 mg >
GT2 >>
MHT2 MHT1-12 mg >>
9 >
GT4-VALIDATION > GT2-12 mg > >
> >
= unadulterated MHT1-6 mg > >
MHT3-VALIDATION validation MHT1-9 mg > >
> samples GT1-7:5 mg >>
; >
GT2-9 mg >
GT1-9 mg >
GC1-6 mg >
GC1-12 mg > >
GC1-4:5 mg adulterated test
GC1-7:5 mg >> samples
GT1-4:5 mg >>
MHT1-7:5 mg >
GT1-6 mg >
MHT2-6 mg > >
MHT2-9 mg > >
MHT1-4:5 mg >
GT1-3 mg >
GT2-6 mg >
GT2-7:5 mg >>
MHT1-3 mg > >
GT2-3 mg >
GT2-4:5 mg >>
MHT2-4:5 mg >
MHT2-7:5 mg
GT4-VALIDATION > = adulterated
GC2-VALIDATION validation
MHT4-VALIDATION >> samples

that unadulterated samples were discriminated clearly but dis- criminated from adulterated ones. As a result, detection limit of
crimination power of method is lower than first one. Fig. S3 (see the method was as low as 0.375 mg sibutramine/1.75 g.
Supplementary Information) presents HCA dendrogram when min-
imum adulteration amount is 0.375 mg sibutramine/1.75 g. Obvi-
ously, unadulterated samples are discriminated from other 4. Discussion
samples but heterogeneity value is lower and adulterated samples
are seemed closely related with unadulterated ones. When, lower The results of this study show that ATR-FTIR spectroscopy tech-
than 0.375 mg sibutramine concentrations were tested using nique combined with the chemometric techniques such as hierar-
method, it was seen that unadulterated samples cannot be dis- chical cluster analysis and principle component analysis had high
N. Cebi et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 517526 525

potential and capability for detection of sibutramine hydrochloride this study, unadulterated and adulterated tea and coffee samples
monohydrate in green tea, green coffee and mixed herbal tea. could be perfectly discriminated with respect to their sibutramine
Results have shown that there was a strong compatibility between contents. The spectral range 27462656 cm 1 was used to gener-
HCA and PCA findings. When we compare two chemometric clus- ate the dendrogram through Euclidian distance and the Wards
tering technique (HCA, PCA), it is possible to mention that HCA algorithm. Therefore, one of the strengths of this study is that
dendrogram provided a deeper insight into cluster analysis since the developed method is based on a significant spectral region
it clearly illustrated the diversity or contiguity between clusters (27462656 cm 1) since the absorbtion band at 2698 cm 1 in this
and each integral part in a dendrogram. Accordingly, Ward region resulted from NAH stretching vibrations of hydrochloride
(1963) expressed that hierarchical grouping procedure is based salts of tertiary amines which is specific to the sibutramine
on greatest amount of information, thus not limited to classifica- hydrochloride monohydrate (Blachut et al., 2006; Lin-Wien et al.,
tion problems and finds applications such as genetic background 1991).
based taxonomy in building of plants and animals, organizing of Findings highlight the potential usefulness of FTIR-ATR tech-
materials, storage of documents in libraries (Ward, 1963). In the nique combined with chemometrics for sibutramine detection in
present research, spectral range (27462656 cm 1) was used to herbal slimming teas. This research has shed a contemporary light
build up the dendrogram through Euclidian distance and the on the contentious issue of active matter adulteration in slimming
Wards algorithm. Several reports have shown that Wards algo- teas. In this study, discrimination and classification of unadulter-
rithm was successfully used for evaluation of crucial issues and ated and adulterated samples were successfully performed by
favorably, accurate and significant classification results were FTIR-ATR technique without any sample preparation. Discrimina-
obtained in these studies by using Wards algorithm (Cebi, Durak, tion of all samples in relation with their sibutramine content was
Toker, Sagdic, & Arici, 2016; Gok, Severcan, Goormaghtigh, accomplished at 100% accuracy. One of the strengths of this study
Kandemir, & Severcan, 2015; Helm, Labischinski, Schallehn, & is that method works perfectly without any false prediction when
Naumann, 1991). Several attempts have been made to detect sibu- the sibutramine adulteration is implemented between 0.375 and
tramine hydrochloride monohydrate active substance in dietary 12 mg in totally 1.75 g of green tea, green coffee and mixed herbal
supplements and pharmaceutical formulations. Popescu and tea. The current data highlight the robustness of the method since
Radu (2015) evaluated detection of sibutramine in herbal slimming 0.375 mg sibutramine could be detected in complex herbal matrix
food supplements by using FTIR spectroscopic technique and gas of the mixed tea samples which contained 10 different types of
chromatography technique and showed that sibutramine could ingredients from leaf, fruit and wood sources. Finally, it can be con-
be detected in dietary supplements using the absorbtion bands at cluded that the developed FTIR-ATR technique is cost effective,
821 cm 1, 1011 cm 1, 1370 cm 1 and 1428 cm 1. Although rapid, easy to operate, non-destructive and can be mentioned as
Popescu and Radu (2015) accomplished to detect sibutramine in green analytical technique since no solvents and reagents have
one of ten test samples and validated the findings with GC tech- been used during the study.
nique; nevertheless, they could ensure detection of sibutramine
by comparing FTIR spectra of samples and the study was limited
Conflict of interest
by the absence of any useful and robust chemometric technique,
which would also limit the robustness and accuracy of the detec-
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
tion. This limitation means that their findings need to be inter-
preted cautiously. Deconinck et al. (2014) found that ATR-IR
technique combined with k-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN) chemo- Appendix A. Supplementary data
metrics can be used with minimum false prediction for detection
of sibutramine in dietary supplements (Deconinck et al., 2014). Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
However, the main weakness of this study was the false predic- the online version, at
tions obtained by the method; that is to say, three samples were 02.072.
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