Chapter 6 Human Digestive System

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Autotrophic nutrition Heterotrophic nutrition

Autotroph- practise autotrophic nutrion Holozoic nutrition practice prey and
such as photosynthesis and predator.
Saprophytism-feed on dead organism
Parasitism living in living organism

Describe the type of nutrition in organism P and Q.

Percentage of Vitamin C in fruit juice

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=volume of o.1% ascorbic acid solution X 0.1%

Volume of fruit juice used
Concentration of Vitamin C in fruit juice
=volume of o.1% ascorbic acid solution X 1.0 mg/cm3
Volume of fruit juice used

Energy value of food =

Physical digestion Involves the breaking up of large pieces of food into

smaller pieces by action of teeth
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Chemical Digestion Digestive enzymes break down complex food

molecules into simple soluble molecules by action of
Final products of carbohydrates Glucose
digestion Protein Amino acid
Fat Glycerol and fatty acids
Alimentary canal Mouth -> oesophagus -> stomach -> small intestine ->
large intestine -> rectum -> anus
Digestive process
Organ Gland and enzyme Product
Mouth Salivary gland ( amylase) Starch to maltose
(Chewed food is rolled
into a bolus)
Oesophagus - -
(epiglottis temporarily
close the airway to
prevent entering of food
into trachea)
(when cardiac sphincter
relax, bolus enters the
Stomach Gastric gland ( gastric Hydrochloric acid
(mucus protect stomach juice) -stop action of amylase.
wall from action of - Mucus, -kill bacteria
hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid, -create optimum condition
enzyme) pepsin, for pepsin
(food is churned into rennin
chyme) Pepsin
(pyloric sphincter relax to -proteins to polypeptide
allow chyme enter
duodenum Rennin
-convert soluble milk ,
caseinogens into insoluble

Liver Bile juice Emulsification of lipid

Pancrease Pancreatic juice
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Duodenum Secretion from liver and
-amylase -Starch to maltose
-trypsin -Polypeptides to peptides
-lipase -Lipid to glycerol and
fatty acid
Ileum Intestinal juice
-erepsin -peptide to amino acids
-maltase -maltose to glucose
-sucrase -sucrose to glucose and
-lactase -lactose to glucose and
Example 1:

a) Milk is the only food for babies. Describe the digestion of milk in
digestive system. ( 10 marks )

Example 2:
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Describe the characteristics of X so that Y can function efficiently.


a) Absorption of Digested Food (in ileum)

Diagram 5.3
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Describe the absorption of digested food at:

(i) Network of blood capillaries

(ii) Lacteal

Trasportation of Nutrients
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(iii) Network of blood capillaries

(iv) Lacteal

c) Assimilation
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Diagram 5.5

Based on Diagram 5.5 , assimilation takes place in the livers and body cell where the nutrients
are used to form complex compounds or structural components.

Explain the assimilation of (in liver):

i. Amino acids


ii. Glucose

. Explain the assimilation of (in body cells):

i. Amino acids

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ii. Glucose

iii. Lipid

Essay 1:
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Explain the digestion of butter by P until it is utilized by the body cells.

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Digestion in Human


Gall Bladder C
D Pancreas
Large intestine
Small intestine


Diagram 5.1
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a) State the functions of :






Gall Bladder:


b) Complete the table below:

Site of Digestive Digestive Digestive Enzymatic action/Substrate &

Digestion gland/Organ Juice Enzyme Product

1. Mouth Three salivary Saliva

gland: salivary amylase
a................. a. salivary Starch + water maltose


2. Stomach 1. Digestive Gastric Juice .

glands contains: a. Protein + water
a. Mucus
b. HCl ..
c. Enzymes b. Caseinogen + water
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3. Duodenum 1. Liver a. Bile, bile -none -Bile creates alkaline environment for
salts enzyme action

-Bile salt emulsify lipid into ...................

2. Pancreas b. Pancreatic
juice a. .
Starch + water ..
Polypeptide + water
Lipid + water .. +

4. Ileum 1. Intestinal a. Intestinal .

gland juice a.. Maltose + water

b.. Lactose + water +

Sucrose + water .. +

Peptides + water .

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