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Annotated Bibliography

Americans for Medical Progress. "Medical Research Involving Animals Is Humane and

Necessary." Medical Testing, edited by Nol Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2014. Opposing

Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, /apps/doc/EJ301089

5215/OVIC?u=mass12242&xid=9e7c9b78. Accessed 10 Jan. 2017. Originally published

as "Animal Research FAQ: The Top 10 Questions,", 2012.

American for Medical Progress explain how the use of animal experimentation is

necessary to further human health. Experimenters follow rules and guidelines when using

living organisms in their research. When animals are used, there are specific people

assigned to watch and care for them. In times that they might be put in discomfort,

anesthetics and analgesics are used and a veterinarian watches over the subject. Although

many claim to have substitutions for the process, there are many downsides to them and

they are unreliable. In all, the use of animals not only benefits humans but benefits

animals too in finding cures and contacting diseases.

Dvorsky, George. "Technological Alternatives Can End the Experimental Use of Animals."

Scientific Research, edited by Sylvia Engdahl, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing

Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

948227/OVIC?u=mass12242&xid=ceffd2da. Accessed 10 Jan. 2017. Originally

published as "Can Technology Help Us Put an End to Animal Experimentation?", 5 Sept. 2012.

George Dvorsky writes that although he cant deny the benefits that animal

experimentation has brought to humans, it is time for it to be put to an end. There are still

downsides to animal experimentation such as the use of mice, who are nothing like

humans in terms of biology. Now has come the time to honor The Three Rs of animal

experimentation, Reduction, Refinement, and Replacement. Due to recent technology,

substitute ways of experimenting have been found. These include human cell based

models, lab grown human skin tissue, noninvasive brain scanning techniques,

microdosing, and computer models and simulations.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "Medical Testing on Animals Is Cruel and

Unnecessary." Medical Testing, edited by Nol Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2014.

Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

/EJ3010895214/OVIC?u=mass12242&xid=9b94cf32. Accessed 10 Jan. 2017. Originally

published as "Animal Experiments: Overview,", 2012

An animal rights organization known as the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of

Animals) explains how animal experimentation will not help in human health due to the

difference in biology between animals and humans. Therefore, the use of animals in

testing products is wrong and is only hurting helpless creatures. Government funded

companies are paid simply by us citizens from tax money. The laws that are made to

protect animals are too weak and many laboratories do not follow them. In order to stop

animal experimentation, stricter laws should be made and people must fight for the

animals rights.
"Results from Research on Animals Are Not Valid When Applied to Humans." Scientific

Research, edited by Sylvia Engdahl, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

=mass12242&xid=39d4c24b. Accessed 3 Jan. 2017. Originally published as "Problems

with Animal Research,"

The American Anti-Vivisection Society states how animal experimentation cannot be

relied on to predict the effect on humans. Instead, scientists use this unethical procedure

as a matter of tradition. The use of animals to test human products delays results and

waste money only to receive a non reliable answer. Many scientists who use animals keep

them in cages without the proper care they not only need but deserve. The AAVS believes

that animal experimentation should be abolished due to its unethical ways and due to the

fact that it does not help humans in the long run.

Smith, Wesley J. "The Grim Good of Animal Research." Scientific Research, edited by Sylvia

Engdahl, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in


u=mass12242&xid=05ddc3ce. Accessed 10 Jan. 2017. Originally published in, 18 Oct. 2013.

Writer Wesley J. Smith explains how there is a Grim Good in animal experimentation
and how it is necessary. While many organizations say that it does not benefit humans,

they are wrong. Although not all experimentations help out human health, a number of

them have led to good results. If animal experimentation comes to an end, then we will be

forced to experiment on humans, which Wesley states is an atrocity. Even though no

one loves animal experimentation, it is necessary not only to advance human medicine

but to be a reliable safety check.

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