PSL 2 Mathlesson

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Name: Sarah Curtius Week of 11/17/2015-11/19/2015

Class: Preschool Lab 2 Theme: Thanksgiving

Period: 4 Center Name: Turkey Math

PSL Activity Center Plan

Weekly Education Goals:

1. The kids will be able to effectively add small numbers using a creative
2. The kids will be able to build fine motor skills and learn to write words
3. The kids will be able to understand why we are thankful on Thanksgiving
4. The kids will be able to express themselves through their artwork

Activity Type:

Center Objectives:
Given two numbers, the kids will be able to write the correct sum of the numbers
Given feathers, the kids will be able to count the correct number and attach them to the

Pennsylvania Standards:
2.2.2- Solve problems using manipulatives to correspond to given number 1-6
2.8.2- Practice and count using numbers as a means of determining quantity

-19 paper plates
-construction paper
-paper with numbers printed on them

Center Introduction:
I would start with getting all of their attention (hands on your head, hands on your
nose, hands on your listening ears). I would first ask them if they knew what the theme of
the week was. I would then ask them what is in front of them (a construction paper
turkey). After that, I would explain the directions of the lesson.

Activity Procedures:
1. Pick two numbers out of the the bowl
2. Glue the two numbers on the inside of the turkey
3. Add the two numbers together by counting feathers and attaching them to
the turkey
4. Write the correct sum of the two numbers in the turkey
(The numbers will be higher for the older kids and lower for the younger kids)
1. Do you eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
2. What numbers did you pick?
3. What is the sum of your numbers?
4. Can you count the feathers on your turkey?
5. What else do you eat on Thanksgiving?

Center Wrap-up:
Once everyone is done adding their two numbers, I will ask what number everyone
had, and whose was the highest.

6 children per group
Separated by age (3 year olds, 4 year olds, and 5 year olds)
Each will be given stickers for which group they will be in

PA Standards

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