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Kolby Smith
History 1700
May 23, 2017
My American Story
America the land of countless cultures, peoples, and histories. I have an american
story, but to tell my story, I must tell the story of my ancestors: Gypsies. The term Gypsy
is derived from the Roma people, however I am not of the roma people but of a different
Gypsy people. A people whom transitioned from place to place. My people started within
Romania. While in Romania their times were tough, thus they migrated North towards
Ireland. Once within Ireland my people had fled towards America due to the Potato
Famine. While the famine was devastating, my ancestors who made it to America had a
lot of trials being from Ireland.
My ancestors did not just come from Ireland but also from England much longer
before. Those ancestors however did participate within the revolutionary, and Civil
wars. They migrated towards Utah due to their religion being Mormon. Mormons were
persecuted for their beliefs consequently they formed the state of deseret. My pioneer
ancestors had worked hard and developed greatly. My ancestors furthermore moved
into the state of Wyoming.
Once my Parents had met each other they had three children: my oldest brother,
older sister, and I. I come from a long line of tradition. Both the Gypsy and Pioneer
within me leads me to tell a further American story. A story of faith, tradition, and
family, all of which are held in great regards within my culture.
I was born in Utah, grown up living with my grandmother, And my family. My
schooling had been a struggle as well as a boon. I am a Sterling Scholar within the
Japanese language, A modern day pioneer, circus performer and a traditional fortune
teller. Performing within the circus was the blessing that I could give to the world. It was
through a nonprofit organization known as HOPSCOTCH.
Throughout the journey of Kolby, I have much to learn, grow, and bloom. History
1700 had shown me how true I can be to my American heritage. Brian Fuller, the
teacher, had opened the door into my past allowing me to experience even more of my
culture. Mr.Fuller not knowing how he had affected me, he had revealed to me the
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meaning behind my ancestors travels, their pains, and their hardships. Passion, the fire
within his eyes had enlightened me to change the world.
America has the power to give hope. Hope leads to Passion, and passion is the
drive to change. Whether it be through famines, Gypsies, pioneers, or a circus talent,
Passion was there. This is my American, now I will only grow and change from here.

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