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CEC Quarterly Assessment & data form

Name: ________Ella Rushing________________ Quarter:_Spring 2017_____

1. At which Community Engagement Corps school partner site did you serve?

Denver Green School

2. Who is you current supervisor at your placement site?

Frank Coyne

3. Please briefly describe the activities and responsibilities that you have engaged in
at your school partner site.

I serve as a tutor and mentor fourth grade students. In fourth grade, I primarily help two students
with math in the classroom.

4. How many students have you served this quarter as a Community Engagement
Corps member?

This quarter I have been doing a lot of one-on-one work, so I primarily served three kids by giving
them lots of my attention and help.

5. Approximately how many hours have you spent working at your site placement
each week?

It typically depends on the week, but on average I spend about 10 hours at the school each
week, disregarding transportation to and from the school, which can take a while because I take
public transportation.

6. Please briefly describe any challenges that you have faced during your placement
as a Community Engagement Corps member.

The primary kid that I work with in Mr. Meyers fourth grade classroom has a lot of trouble
focusing. Because he gets frustrated in the classroom, he really doesnt enjoy being at school.
Although we now have built up a strong relationship and I try to make learning more fun for him,
it has been a challenge because its hard to make someone enjoy something that they dont like.
Especially because he is only in fourth grade, it is hard for me to help him understand the
importance of education.

7. Please describe any additional support, training, and/or material that you believe
would be useful to you and/or other Community Engagement Corps members.

Because a lot of the kids Ive worked with seem to have some learning differences, I would like to
have training/ support on how to approach teachers to report this. Additionally, I would like to
have training on methods of tutoring kids with these learning differences. For example, what are
tricks to help kids with ADHD focus in the classroom setting?

** more questions on the back**

8. Please describe any highlights that stick out from your service as a Community
Engagement Corps member this quarter.

This quarter I have primarily been working with a fourth grader whose name is Salah. Salah
struggles a lot in math, mostly because its really difficult for him to focus. Because it is really
difficult for him to focus, he tells me that he always hates school because he just wants to go
home and play outside and play video games. A highlight that sticks out from this quarter was
one day that we were playing a really interactive math game and he was having a lot of fun with
it. We had a great time together and then he asked me to play soccer with him at recess that
day. This was a highlight because it opened his eyes to the fact that learning can be fun and from
then on, it was evident from his attitude that he saw me as more of a friend than an authority
figure forcing him to learn.

9. Briefly describe your experience as a Tutor/Mentor this quarter. What did you learn
about service? What did you learn about yourself? What are you most proud of
from this past quarter?

My experience this quarter as a tutor and mentor has been really positive. I enjoy going to work
and Ive developed deeper relationships with these kids, which has been very rewarding. Ive
learned that service can be so different for various individuals. This quarter Ive really realized
that each kid needs something different while Im serving them. Something that Ive learned
about myself that it can be really tough when kids dont enjoy being at school. I want them to
enjoy learning and have a fun time at school, but it can be hard to alter their attitude and
perspective. From this spring quarter, I am most proud about the relationships that Ive built up
with these kids. Particularly with Salah, he now gets really excited whenever I come, whereas
before he felt like I was just there to force him to do work and focus during class.

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