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Ava Whitesel

Mr. Amoruso



Throughout the year I have participated in many different service projects such as

helping out at many parish events and my old school. In the beginning of the year I

volunteered at the St. Alphonsus Harvest Home Dinner working as a counter worker for 5

hours. I have been working at this fundraiser for three years now, and it has been great to

help out with it again. In late September I helped out at the St. Alphonsus volleyball

tournament for grades 5 through 8 for five hours. Since I play volleyball it was great to

help out and a lot of fun. I kept track of the score and line judged for the games. It was an

enjoyable service project that I felt good about doing because I used to play there. During

the Christmas season I helped out with the St. Nicholas Pancake Breakfast at St. Kilian

Parish. I helped serve breakfast and clean up for 5 hours. I also have been doing this for a

few years so I took pleasure in going back. Next, I worked the St. Alphonsus fish fry in

April for 5 hours. For this event I attended to the drink stand and helped the waiters carry

drinks to the correct table. Lastly, I helped shop for items to bring to the St. Johns

Specialty Care Center in Mars. We collected the items and brought them to the facility.

We also spent time with the people there and enjoyed seeing them with the pieces we

collected. I believe that for all the service projects I attended, I benefited from that

experience. I learned about what the service means to others and how everything we do

helps the community prosper. Also, spreading Gods message of service and help to
others is another benefit. Other people notice when someone really cares about their

community by helping out and volunteering. It is great to do service because you know

that you are helping others and your church or organization, and that is the best part. It is

essential for Christians to continue engaging in service projects because it is beneficial to

yourself and your church. Also, it keeps Gods message alive to help others and live out

that moral throughout your life.

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