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Hernandez, Daniel

Mr. Wisner
World History
T/Th 3rd period

Will North Korea's next missile test have a nuclear warhead?
Adversary- A worthy opponent
Kiloton- 1,000 tons
Frayed- showing the effects of strain.
Diplomat- an official representing a country abroad.
Summary of the event
A.Some people are saying that they can make a nuclear warhead small enough as a missile.
B. No one knows exactly the size of the missile, but analyst are scared that this could trigger a
war if Japan, China, and US. Because they won't know if its a test.
C. Some analyst think we should work with China and coming up with a solution for this
terrifying problem.

I think that it's time we come to together and put North Korea in their place. I also believe that
we should have some spies sent into North Korea and see the size of these "Nuclear
Warheads."This topic about North Korea's bombs is something we don't really focus on, we keep
focusing on what's happening in our country.

Relation to Historical Event
I chose the Cuban Missile Crisis as my Historical Event because it is related to this topic. Both
these topics are caused because of crazy dictators, they both involve the danger that can be cause
by their weapons.

Theme Relation
The theme I believed it went under was technology, because North Korea is changing their
missiles and testing them which is dangerous. They are putting nuclear warheads in their rockets
that is making the world nervous. It also can go under revolution because it also shows Kim Jong
Uns dictatorship.
What is the world going to do about it?
What are the locations that the missiles were launched?

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