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Compiled 2014 to 2016 Bar Questions & Suggested Answers in Remedial Law: Rules on Evidence

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2014; QUESTION # 3, (4%):
While passing by a dark uninhabited part of 2. The argument that the trial court erred in holding
their barangay, PO2 Asintado observed shadows and heard that Renes statement to the press was a confession which,
screams from a distance. PO2 Asintado hid himself behind the standing alone, would be sufficient to warrant conviction is
bushes and saw a man beating a woman whom he recognized meritorious.
as his neighbor, Kulasa. When Kulasa was already in agony, the
man stabbed her and she fell on the ground. The man hurriedly Firstly, Renes statement is not a confession but an
left thereafter. admission. A confession is one wherein a person
acknowledges his guilt of a crime, which Rene did not do.
PO2 Asintado immediately went to Kulasas rescue. Kulasa, who Secondly, even assuming it is a confession, standing alone
was then in a state of hysteria, kept mentioning to PO2 it would not be sufficient to warrant conviction since it is
Asintado Si Rene, gusto akong patayin! Sinaksak niya ako! an extrajudicial confession which is not sufficient ground
When PO2 Asintado was about to carry her, Kulasa refused and for conviction unless corroborated by evidence of corpus
said Kaya ko. Mababaw lang to. Habulin mo si Rene. delicti. (S3 R133).

The following day, Rene learned of Kulasas death and, bothered Nonetheless this was a harmless error since the admission
by his conscience, surrendered to the authorities with his of Rene was corroborated by the testimony of PO2 Asintado
counsel. As his surrender was broadcasted all over on Kulasas statement.
media, Rene opted to release his statement to the press which
goes: 2014; QUESTION # 6, (4%):
A search warrant was issued for the purpose of looking for
I believe that I am entitled to the presumption of unlicensed firearms in the house of Ass-asin, a notorious gun
innocence until my guilt is proven beyond reasonable for hire. When the police served the warrant, they also sought
doubt. Although I admit that I performed acts that may the assistance of barangay tanods who were assigned to look at
take ones life away, I hope and pray that justice will be other portions of the premises around the house. In a nipa hut
served the right way. God bless us all. thirty (30) meters away from the house of Ass-asin, a barangay
(Sgd.) tanod came upon a kilo of marijuana that was wrapped in
Rene newsprint. He took it and this was later used by the authorities
to charge Ass-asin with illegal possession of marijuana. Ass-
The trial court convicted Rene of homicide on the basis of PO2 asin objected to the introduction of such evidence claiming that
Asintados testimony, Kulasas statements, and Renes statement it was illegally seized. Is the objection of Assasin valid?
to the press. On appeal, Rene raises the following errors:
1. The trial court erred in giving weight to PO2 ANSWER:
Asintados testimony, as the latter did not have any Yes, the objection of Ass-asin is valid. Under the Constitution,
personal knowledge of the facts in issue, and the right of the people against unlawful search is inviolable
violated Renes right to due process when it except in cases where a valid search warrant was issued or in
considered Kulasas statements despite lack of opportunity exceptional cases where the law provides for a warrantless
for her cross-examination. search. (Sec. 2, Art. III, Constitution). Under the fruit of the
2. The trial court erred in holding that Renes statement to poisonous tree doctrine, items seized by virtue of an unlawful
the press was a confession which, standing alone, would be search are inadmissible in evidence. (Sec. 3[2], Art. III,
sufficient to warrant conviction. Constitution). Here the seizure of the marijuana was illegal
since it was not pursuant to a search warrant. The search
Resolve. warrant was for the search and seizure of unlicensed firearms
not marijuana. Nor would the exception regarding items seized
ANSWER: under plain view apply. The marijuana was wrapped in
Renes appeal is denied for lack of merit. newsprint and clearly not in plain sight. Hence the marijuana
may not be introduced in evidence over Ass-asins objection.
1. The contention that the trial court erred in giving weight
to PO2 Asintados testimony since he did not have personal 2014; QUESTION # 13, (4%):
knowledge of the facts in issue is without merit. The A foreign dog trained to sniff dangerous drugs from packages,
contention in effect challenges Kulasas statement for being was hired by FDP Corporation, a door to door forwarder
hearsay. company, to sniff packages in their depot at the international
airport. In one of the routinary inspections of packages waiting
Under the Rules of Evidence, a statement made to be sent to the United States of America (USA), the dog sat
immediately subsequent to a startling occurrence is beside one of the packages, a signal that the package contained
excepted from the hearsay rule as part of the res gestae. dangerous drugs. Thereafter, the guards opened the package
and found two (2) kilograms of cocaine. The owner of the
Here Kulasas statement was made immediately subsequent package was arrested and charges were filed against him.
to a starling occurrence, that is, her stabbing by Rene, and During the trial, the prosecution, through the trainer who was
was made in a state of hysteria, showing that she was present during the incident and an expert in this kind of field,
under the influence of the startling occurrence. Hence testified that the dog was highly trained to sniff packages to
testimony regarding the statement is excepted from the determine if the contents were dangerous drugs and the sniffing
hearsay rule. technique of these highly trained dogs was accepted worldwide
and had been successful in dangerous drugs operations. The
Since Kulasas statement is an exception to the hearsay prosecution moved to admit this evidence to justify the opening
rule, Rene cannot complain that his right to due process of the package. The accused objected on the grounds that: (i)
was violated when the trial court considered Kulasas the guards had no personal knowledge of the contents of the
statement despite lack of opportunity to cross-examine package before it was opened; (ii) the testimony of the trainer of
her. the dog is hearsay; and (iii) the accused could not cross-
examine the dog. Decide.
There should be no serious question about the
admissibility against an accused of hearsay where this ANSWER:
hearsay falls under an exception to the hearsay rule, The accuseds objections are overruled.
especially here where the declarant is dead and thus The objection that the guards had no personal knowledge of the
unavailable to testify. (ANTONIO R. BAUTISTA, BASIC contents of the package before it was opened is misplaced. The
EVIDENCE 214-215 [2004 ed.]). In U.S. v. Gil, 13 Phil. 530 one testifying is the trainer not the guards and he had personal
(1909), the Supreme Court upheld dying declarations as an knowledge of the circumstances since he was present during
exception to the confrontation clause since such the incident. Besides there is no rule of evidence that one
declarations have always been regarded as an exception to cannot testify about the contents of a package if he did not have
the general rule regarding hearsay evidence. prior personal knowledge of its contents before opening it.
Compiled 2014 to 2016 Bar Questions & Suggested Answers in Remedial Law: Rules on Evidence
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Pedro's lawyer seasonably filed a motion for reconsideration of
The objection that the testimony of the trainer of the dog is the decision asserting that the court erred in awarding the civil
hearsay is not valid. Hearsay is an out-of-court declaration liability on the basis of Juan's judicial affidavit, a documentary
made by a person which is offered for the truth of the matter evidence which Prosecutor Marilag failed to orally offer.
Here what is involved is a dog who is not a person who can c.) Is the motion for reconsideration meritorious? (2%)
make an out-of-court declaration. (Lempert & Saltzburg, A
not treated as a declarant or witness who can be cross-
a.) No, Pedros lawyer is not correct in objecting to the judicial
examined. (People v. Centolella, 305 N.Y.S.2d 279). Hence
affidavit of Mario. The Judicial Affidavit Rule applies to
testimony that the dog sat beside the package is not testimony
criminal actions where the maximum of the imposable
about an out-of-court declaration and thus not hearsay.
penalty does not exceed six years. the penalty for theft of
property not exceeding P12,000 does not exceed 6 years.
The objection that the accused could not cross-examine the dog
Hence the Judicial Affidavit Rule applies.
is without merit. Under the Constitution, the accuseds right of
b.) No, Pedro's lawyer is not correct in objecting to the judicial
confrontation refers to witnesses. As previously discussed, a
affidavit of Juan. The Judicial Affidavit Rule applies with
dog is not a witness who can be cross-examined.
respect to the civil aspect of the criminal actions, whatever
the penalties involved are. Here the purpose of introducing
NOTE: It is urged that utmost liberality be exercised in grading the judicial affidavit of Juan was to prove his civil liability.
this number. The answer is not found in Philippine law and c.) No, the motion for reconsideration is not meritorious.
jurisprudence and even in commentaries by writers on judicial affidavit is not a documentary evidence but is
evidence. testimonial evidence. It is simply a witnesss testimony
reduced to writing in affidavit form. This is shown by
2014; QUESTION # 19, (1%): Section 6 of the Judicial Affidavit Rule which states that
A vicarious admission is considered an exception to the hearsay the offer of testimony in judicial affidavit shall be made at
rule. It, however, does not cover: the start of the presentation of the witness.
A. admission by a conspirator
B. admission by a privy Hence the motion for reconsideration on the ground that
C. judicial admission Juans judicial affidavit was a documentary evidence which
D. adoptive admission was not orally offered is without merit.

C. 2015; QUESTION # 16:
AA, a twelve-year-old girl, while walking alone met BB, a teenage
NOTE: a vicarious admission is an extrajudicial admission. boy who befriended her. Later, BB brought AA to a nearby
Hence C is not covered by the rule regarding vicarious shanty where he raped her. The Information for rape filed
admissions. against BB states:
"On or about October 30, 2015, in the City of S.P. and
2014; QUESTION # 26, (1%): within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
Parole evidence is an: (1%) accused, a minor, fifteen (15) years old with lewd design
A. Agreement not included in the document. and by means of force, violence and intimidation, did then
B. Oral agreement not included in the document. and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously had sexual
C. Agreement included in the document. intercourse with AA, a minor, twelve (12) years old against
the latter's will and consent."
D. Oral agreement included in the document.

At the trial, the prosecutor called to the witness stand AA as his

first witness and manifested that he be allowed to ask leading
A. questions in conducting his direct examination pursuant to the
Rule on the Examination of a Child Witness. BB's counsel
NOTE: It is suggested that either A or B be considered as objected on the ground that the prosecutor has not conducted a
correct. Strictly speaking parol evidence does not have to be an competency examination on the witness, a requirement before
agreement; it is simply any evidence, whether written or oral, the rule cited can be applied in the case.
which is not contained in a written agreement subject of a case
and which seeks to modify, alter, or explain the terms of the a) Is BB's counsel correct? (3%)
written agreement.
In order to obviate the counsel's argument on the competency of
XIV. Pedro was charged with theft for stealing Juan's cellphone AA as prosecution witness, the judge motu proprio conducted
worth P10,000.00. Prosecutor Marilag at the pre-trial submitted his voir dire examination on AA.
the judicial affidavit of Juan attaching the receipt for the
purchase of the cellphone to prove civil liability. She also
b) Was the action taken by the judge proper? (2%)
submitted the judicial affidavit of Mario, an eyewitness who
narrated therein how Pedro stole Juan's cellphone.
After the prosecution had rested its case, BB' s counsel filed
with leave a demurrer to evidence, seeking the dismissal of the
At the trial, Pedro's lawyer objected to the prosecution's use of
case on the ground that the prosecutor failed to present any
judicial affidavits of her witnesses considering the imposable
evidence on BB' s minority as alleged in the Information.
penalty on the offense with which his client was charged.

c) Should the court grant the demurrer? (3%)

a.) Is Pedro's lawyer correct in objecting to the judicial affidavit
of Mario? (2%)
b.) Is Pedro's lawyer correct in objecting to the judicial affidavit
a) No, BBs counsel is not correct. Under the Rules on
of Juan? (2%)
Examination of a Child Witness, there is no requirement
that a competency examination of the child witness be
At the conclusion of the prosecution's presentation of evidence,
conducted before leading questions may be asked of her. A
Prosecutor Marilag orally offered the receipt attached to Juan's
competency examination may be conducted by the court
judicial affidavit, which the court admitted over the objection of
(not the prosecutor) only if substantial doubt exists as to
Pedro's lawyer. After Pedro's presentation of his evidence, the
the childs competency to testify. (Section 6, RECW). Here
court rendered judgment finding him guilty as charged and
there is no showing of any substantial doubt as to the
holding him civilly liable for P20,000.00.
competency of AA to testify. Hence BBs counsel is not
Compiled 2014 to 2016 Bar Questions & Suggested Answers in Remedial Law: Rules on Evidence
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John filed a petition for declaration of nullity of his marriage to
b) No, the action taken by the judge was improper. The Rules Anne on the ground of psychological incapacity under Article 36
on Examination of a Child Witness, a competency of the Family Code. He obtained a copy of the confidential
examination may be conducted by the court only if psychiatric evaluation report on his wife from the secretary of
substantial doubt exists as to the childs competency to the psychiatrist. Can he testify on the said report without
testify. (Section 6, RECW). Here the judges voir dire is in offending the rule on privileged communication? Explain.
effect a competency examination. However there is no
showing of any substantial doubt as to the competency of MY SUGGESTED ANSWER:
AA to testify. Hence the judges action was improper. Yes, he can testify on the said report without offending the rule
on privileged communication. Where the person who testifies on
c) No the court may not grant the demurrer. Under the Rules the confidential report of the physician but the husband of the
of Criminal Procedure, a demurrer to evidence may be patient in an annulment of marriage case, the privilege does not
granted on the ground of insufficiency of evidence. Even apply. Neither can his testimony be considered a circumvention
assuming that minority was not proved, BB may still be of the prohibition because his testimony cannot have the force
convicted of rape since minority is not an element of rape. and effect of the testimony of the physician who examined the
patient and executed the report (Gonzales v. CA, 1998).

2015; QUESTION # 18 (5%):

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