Figure 4.2.1 The Suitable Activities in English Week For UTHM Students

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4.2 UTHM students participate in English week.

Figure 4.2.1 the suitable activities in English Week for UTHM students

Figure 4.2.2 UTHM students do ever participated in English Week

Figure 4.2.3 English week is significant to improve your English language

From the data of 100 respondents that collected by using survey method in google
form, figure 4.2.1 shows the suitable activities in English Week which is exploraces with
26.2% vote by respondent meanwhile the lowest vote get is debate with 7.5%. Besides, oral
speaking and crossword sharing the same vote which is 22.4% . Then, figure 4.2.2 shows the
results that UTHM students ever participated in English Week program. From the chart
shows that UTHM students are rarely participated in the English Week program and so there
are 22.4% of students that never participated in English week. There is just 8.4% of student
that always join the English Week. Futhermore, figure 4.2.3 shows whether UTHM student
agree or not English Week can improve English language. The chart shows that 55.1% agree
and 25.2% are neither agree nor disagree. It just 15.9% disagree that English Week is
significant to improve English language.

The program in English Week must be fun in terms of educational purpose so that the
UTHM students vote for the fun activity such as explorace. Then debate is less fun so that
debate got lowest vote. To improve English efficiency by using outside activity such as
English Week is an alternative way. UTHM support the claim by voting with 55.1% agree to
the claim.

To conclude, this surveys shows that the UTHM students wants to improve their
English efficiency by attend outside of the class activity such as English Week. The UTHM
student also want to take on the fun activities that can contribute to improving English
efficiency and so they know the importance of English language.
4.3 The Perception Of UTHM Students Towards English Week

Figure 4.3.1 the suitable activities of English Week

Figure 4.3.2. the enjoyable of English Week

Figure 4.3.1 shows the suitable activity in the English week. The bar chart shows that
the students agree that the activity are very interesting with more than 45%. Futhermore, a
few of them think that the activity really boring with under 15%. The 40% of students also
agree with the claim that English Week can improve English efficiency and so there are 35%
of students are neither agree nor disagree. The activity such as debate are boring and
supported by the students who are vote agree to the statement. However, most of the student
do not know wether the debate is interesting or not. Figure 4.3.2 shows wether the student
enjoy learning English in English Week or otherwise. The UTHM students stated that they
are sometimes enjoy the English week with 75.8% vote. Meanwhile 15% vote they are
always enjoy the activity and yet there are 15% does not enjoy the activity.

Then again, the English language is a lingua franca and its importance to improve
English efficiency. The student support that participate in English Week can be a big help to
improve their English efficiency. The students also willing to take part in the activity just
because to improve their English efficiency and so they want to take the advantage by
mastering English.

In conclusion, the UTHM students support that they can improve English efficiency
by take part in English Week. Futhermore, they have a very good perception of English week
towards improving English efficiency. Lastly, English Week is a alternative way to learn
English language outside of the class with less stress and fun.

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