Fiveparagraphessayonathensvs Romancitizenship

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Athens vs. Roman Citizenship which one was better?

In the ancient world most people were governed by Royalty. In fact there are many

existing legends about the rule of such people. However, there also existed a democratic form of

rule. These democracies, although different from our own, created principles that would

ultimately lead to the democracy that we use today in the United States. Two such areas where

democracy thrived were Athens Greece and The Roman Republic. While each flourished Rome

seemed to value its citizens more than Athens. Romes practice valuing of its citizens ultimately

played a role in its survival as a dominating civilization.

The first way that Rome showed that it valued its citizens more than Athens was on the

rights that it granted most of its citizens. For instance being a natural born person (male or

Female) would grant you automatic citizenship in Rome. This is important because Athens only

granted citizenship to males who were born in Athens and had parents who were free-born

Athenians. Excluding all other peoples from participating in citizenship. Rome however, granted

citizenship to free born native adult males and females, female children and sons of freed slaves.

This notion was ahead of its time and many modern nations have adopted this practice.

Roman success as an nation was largely based on the fact that they developed the practice

of fusing their culture with the cultures of those they conquered. This practice of fusing cultures

helped the Roman Republic survive and thrive by allowing the customs and traditions of the

conquered people. In fact, people from these conquered countries eventually had a desire to gain

Roman citizenship. Athens by contrast either enslaved those they conquered or they were given

servant types of roles. The practice of enslaving conquered people lead to much unrest and

ultimately would assist in the downfall of Athens.

Athens vs. Roman Citizenship which one was better?

In addition, one of Romes most defining qualities as a flourishing area of Democracy

was its election system. In Athens each citizen was chosen for power by lot (lottery

system).Meaning that any one citizen could be raised to power even if that particular citizen did

not want to be. Leaving room for either leaders that did not care about their duties to Athens or

were uneducated in them and thus unable to perform them. By stark contrast Romes citizens

elected their leaders to power. This singular act of Democracy not only gave power to the people

but also provided a system of checks and balances. For example Tribunes, who were leaders that

were elected to represent the poor, had the power to veto laws made by their Senate. Which

relates to our modern day President who also has the power to veto laws made by our Senate.

In conclusion Roman citizenship was better than Athenian citizenship because it granted

citizenship more generously, it fused the culture of the people they conquered with their own and

because it was more Democratic in its approach to appointing leaders and passing laws. Even so

both civilizations will always be renowned for their greatness. It is doubtful that the world would

be the same as we know it today without the widespread influence of these two great

civilizations. Indeed, these civilizations and, their forms of government have left a lasting legacy.

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