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Term Definition

Standards for Childrens Products

coherence The degree of unity; to what extent all parts seems

to belong together and work well as a unit

unity of design Harmony of line, form, texture, and color; all parts appear to belong

workmanship Neatness of construction

aesthetic appeal Interesting, attractive; people like the way something looks

function The way in which an idea or a product works; how

well it serves the intended purpose(s)

developmental purpose A way of helping children learn, grow, develop

developmentally Serves children well at their age and level of development


diverse social/cultural Different types of environments in which children live


nonsexist Not showing prejudice for male or female; treating both genders equally

anti-bias An inclusive way of looking at situations, without bias or prejudice

stereotypical Assigning characteristics to people because of groups to which they

durable Wellmade, able to last a long time

versatile Able to be used for a variety of purposes and in a variety of ways

maintain To clean or repair; to keep in working condition

originality Uniqueness in an idea or product achieved through

a new combination of elements

resourcefulness The ability to make good use of all available resources

unique One-of-a-kind, innovative, novel, different

Steps in Creating Developmentally Appropriate Products for Children

generate To think of a variety of alternatives or examples or potential solutions

plan To develop a procedure for accomplishing a task or solving a problem

produce To invent a product

problem A challenge or task to be solved

solution A way to solve a problem

model A smaller representation of a product, usually constructed to scale

prototype A first-attempt at producing a product; often used to assess the products

merits and make improvements

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