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Adrian Martinez


Artist Statement
For the past several weeks I have being working on a final that has to do with

collage that represent something personal, political, or social. This collage works by

capturing not only the man photo but to also around the photo. The collage also helps to

explain the photo and the mean of it. I did my collage that represents something

personal about my life because it impact not only me but my whole family.

I did my project on my grandpa. I used one of his photos to do this project and the

symbols it had are a neckles and his favorite t-shirt .One of the symbols that i used was

a necklace that my grandpa wore every times. The reason I used that symbol because it

represents my grandpa and his religion. An other symbols that is in the photo his the t-

shirt that my grandpa is wearing. The reason this symbol is important is because that

was the t-shirt my grandma first gave to him and also we still have the t-shirts believe it

or not. The t-shirt does not really have any meaning but to help remember and dont

forget about him. The cultural references that have influenced the meaning of the

symbol is religion because of the necklace he wore represents his religion.

One of the reason i created this project based on my grandpa is because he was

very special to me, he took care of me when I was little and also picked me up from

school when i was sick or sometimes even when school was over. My portrait is about

my grandpa that passed away. One of the most important symbols is the necklace

around the photo. The necklace it self tell that my grandpa was religious. I think the only

place where i want my artwork to be seen is at my grandmas house because then

there all my family members can seen my artwork, but at the same time remember our

grandpa. Also my grandmas house is very special because that is where we celebrate
Adrian Martinez

most of our holiday and spend family time together. The react that i think i will get from

my family members is a very joyful reaction because its something special to all of

us.The way my artwork fits in the history of art practice is that the art represents

something from the past and it has some symbols to help what the images means.

The artist that I have been influence by was David Hockney. David Hockney use

lots of images to show people what he want them to focus more on. The way my work

relates to his artwork because I this something similar to what David Hockney artwork

by taking multiple pictures all around to capture the viewers attention.

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