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Villalobos, Krystal

Mr. Wisner

World History

T/Th 3rd period

December 5th, 2016

Democrats' revolt threatens

government funding bill

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

Provisions- the action of providing or supplying something for use.

Bolster- support or strengthen; prop up.
Stopgap- a temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need
Advocate- a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular
cause or policy

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)

On late thursday, West Virginias senator and other Democrats worked to support miners health
insurance. They had some demands to include in the government spending bill, and if they were
not met the Democrats warned to block the must pass funding bill that the Senate had approved
of. This could lead to a government shutdown.
The democrats would need 41 votes in the procedural vote that is scheduled for Saturday
morning, which is after the friday midnight deadline for when the government would run out of
money. It is being led by several coal state democrats and supported by the senate democratic
leadership. What is being issued is the extension of an expiring health insurance program that is
made for retired miners and their significant other. The democrats also have future plans to make
a fix to a miners pension program. "A lot of our members feel extremely strongly about miners,"
said the incoming Democratic leader, which makes it more understandable as to why theyre
going to such extent. Democrats also hope Trump might join them and insist on a yearlong
extension of the health insurance.

To add on to that, the house of representatives passed a bill to keep the government
funded through april 28 and the lawmakers left town. This makes it harder for the Senate to
change the bill. However, the democrats are determined. Though they arent directly saying if
they think they will have enough votes, they believe they will win this fight.

Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).

I believe that the extension should happen. Hopefully Donald Trump is with the
democrats on this. To be honest mostly everything that has to do with politics confuses
me. However, the health insurance for the miners doesnt sound like a bad thing.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).
This could be related to the the time during the emancipation proclamation. The
democrats are standing up for what they believe will benefit others, while abraham lincoln gave
freedom to the blacks because it would benefit them. Both of the people are and were taking a
stand were doing it for others and not for themselves. I don't know if i explained myself right.

Relate your Event to the a Theme (at least 3 sentences). SEE BACK FOR THEMES
This event can be related to revolts and revolutions because the democrats are revolting. They
are going against the rest of the senate trying to change something for the miners. They want to
see a change even if it threatens the government funding bill.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

Why did the lawmakers leave town?
Why are the democrats really defensive about the miners?
Why couldnt they come up with a reasonable compromise?
Why do the miners have the same health insurance as others?


1.Cultural Interaction 2.Political Structures

o Religions o State-building, expansion, and conflict

o Belief systems, philosophies, and o Empires


o Science and technology o Nations and nationalism

o The arts and architecture o Revolts and revolutions

3.Economic Structures 4.Social Structures

o Agricultural and pastoral production o Gender roles and relations

o Trade and commerce o Family and kinship

o Labor systems o Racial and ethnic constructions

o Industrialization o Social and economic classes

o Economic theories
5.Human-Environment Interaction

o Disease

o Migration & patterns of settlement

o Population growth

o Technology

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