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RN 65

Psychiatric Community

Mental Health Nursing

Dr. Bridget Bousquet Heyne, Ed.D., MSN, FNP, RN-BC

Fresno City College

Department of Nursing

The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the

syllabus as she deems necessary. An addendum to this
syllabus may be given at that time

RN 65 Psychiatric Community Mental Health Nursing Theory

Instructor: Bridget Bousquet-Heyne, Ed.D. FNP, MSN, RN-


Units: 2.0 Units

Class Hours: Tuesday: 3- 4:50 p.m.

Class Location: HS: 270

Office: HS 265

Co-Requisite RN 61

Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:50-5:40; Thursdays: 3:30-4:20;

Fridays: 07:00 - 07:50 (Virtual Office hour).

Phone: 442-4600 Ext: 2658

Email: FCC:

Textbook: Varcarolis Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health

Nursing by Margaret Jordan Halter, 7th Edition;

You are expected to review the syllabus prior to the first day of class. I
will be reviewing selected areas of the syllabus during our first meeting
and will answer any questions that you may have regarding any part of
the syllabus. I will be collecting the signed student affiliation
agreement on the first day of class. This agreement indicates you have
read the syllabus, and are aware of the requirement of the course. If
you have any questions regarding the syllabus, please clarify them
during our first meeting. On time submission of this agreement (during
the first class session) is worth 10 points.

Course Description:

RN 65 is designed to provide the nursing student with a comprehensive

understanding of the dynamics of human behavior, communication,
patterns, and psychosocial, cognitive, and emotional development
throughout the life cycle. Nursing process and nursing diagnosis are
incorporated into a philosophy which portrays the individual as a
unified whole, whose life process and progress is a reciprocal

interaction between the self, others culture, environment, and society.
An individuals mental health reflects the ability to cope effectively and
creatively with the changes and dynamics of life on the continuum
from birth to death. An individuals state of mental illness may be
reflective of various causes, including organic, emotional,
psychological, environmental, or any combination thereof. The
diagnostic criteria of the DSM-V will be followed and applied to the
understanding and nursing care of neurotic, psychotic, and
character/personality disorders, as well as the latest research from the
fields of psychiatry, psychology, psychiatric and psychosocial nursing.

Grading Criteria:

RN 65 will include 4 tests, a final, pop quizzes, in-class

activity, and proctored HESI content exams.
All tests consist of multiple choice questions. The final will be
comprehensive, covering content from the entire rotation.
The Cumulative score from all exams must total 76% or
better for the student to pass RN 65.
All exams will require One (1) Student Enrollment Sheet F-1712-PAR-
L & at least eight (8) of Test Form X-101864-PAR-L.and a #2 pencil.
All students must have the following form on the first day
of class: One (1) Student Enrollment Sheet F-1712-PAR-L. UNLESS
Quizzes may be given at any time during class meetings.
In an effort to decrease disturbance to students taking
the quiz, students who arrive after a quiz has begun, are
asked to wait outside until the end of the quiz.
A missed quiz (due to lateness or absences) may not be
made up.
Please make sure that your Par form is in good condition.
If your Par form is deemed to be in unsatisfactory
condition (meaning it cannot be fed through the
machine), then the scantron will be rejected and you will
lose the points on the exam.
All tests will have 40 questions with the exception of the
final exam. The final will consist of 100 test questions.
You will be given 50 minutes to take the first 4 test and

1.5 hours to take the final. No test will be given before
the scheduled time or after.
See schedule at the end of the syllabus which provides
you with the specific adaptive quiz chapters that must be
There are 3 films assigned for this course. Content on the
films can be tested as a quiz, or within an exam.
No extra credit is given in this course. (Nursing
Department rules).

Students are expected to take all examinations as

scheduled and to start them on time.
As a courtesy to your fellow classmates please be on time
for the exam - late arrivals are a distraction and
negatively impact other students.
Arriving more than FIVE minutes late will result in the
student not being allowed to take the exam for security
reasons. In cases of unexpected life changing
development which preclude a student from being
present for an examination on the scheduled day, you
must notify the instructor at least 2 hours prior to the
time of the examination. A doctors excuse IS required in
cases where a medical crisis has precluded you taking the
exam (This also applies if you are absent for HESI).
In the rare case when a make-up examination must be
taken, it will be given on the first day the student returns
to school, or at the discretion of the faculty. Any exam
taken after the scheduled date for ANY reason will have
will have five percent (5%) points deducted from the total
score achieved by the students. The format of the make-
up examination will be left to the discretion of the
Please use the restroom prior to the start of the exam as
students are not allowed to leave the classroom once the
exam has started.
The answers on your Par form will be the ones counted
as part of your grade. If you have the correct answer
marked on your test booklet, but mismarked on your Par
form, no grade adjustment will be made.
Please ensure you have erased all unwanted answers
completely to receive credit for the choice you consider
correct. No credit will be given if you fail to do so or if
you have failed to mark a correct answer completely

(Make sure you are familiar with the method to correctly
mark your Par Score Form). If you do not completely fill in
the circles for your answer on the scantron, you will not
receive appropriate credit. Please note you can use white out
on your scan-tron to remove an unwanted answer.
also on the Par Score sheet. You must also include your
student ID number and circle in the appropriate
corresponding circle- failure to do so will result in a loss
of 2 points from your test grade.

No cell phones are to be used in any way in the classroom

during class time. The ringing or a buzzing phone is
distracting to your classmates. If a cell phone is found on
a student during an exam this is considered a violation of
the course norms, and the student will receive a ZERO on
the exam and will be immediately referred to the DON.
Please make sure you have your FCC ID badge on you in
an easily viewed position on test days. Your drivers
license is NOT an acceptable substitute for your FCC ID.
Neither is your clinical ID- you will not be allowed to take
the exam without the appropriate FCC identification
Student can find and follow their grade progression on Canvas


Exam review is a unique opportunity for learning and students are

encouraged to make use of the instructors office hours to review their
exams. Review of the exam will be offered after the exam with the
exception of the final exam. Any additional reviews must be completed
within one week of taking the exam. Telephones, recording devices,
cameras, and writing materials are not allowed during test review.
Discussion regarding answers to test questions cannot occur
DURING test time or while reviewing the exam in the classroom
Please make use of my office hours if you have questions. (NOTE: Care
for the patient that focuses on safety in the Now moment is a priority
answer on exams).

In cases where the exam is taken on the computer, students have the
unique opportunity of reviewing the rationales for the exams
immediately after taking the exam. There is only one opportunity to do
so prior to leaving the exam room.

Exam 1 12%

Exam 2 15%

Exam 3 15%

Exam 4 15%

Comprehensive Final Exam 20%

HESI 1 6%

HESI 2 4%

Participation points 3%

Quizzes 10%

You must receive a cumulative total of 76% to be successful in

this course

Alternative Needs

A nursing student must have credible documentation to qualify

as a special needs student related to special test-taking
privileges (Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act). The student will take each exam on the regularly
scheduled exam day. The student must present documentation to the
instructor prior to the initial testing date- i.e. on the first day of
class. With the exception of the ATI testing, all exams must be taken
at the DSP&S office across campus. Students are to schedule their
exam time BUT exams at the DSP&S office CANNOT be
scheduled prior to an hour of the time the exam is to be given
to the remaining class.


A = 92 100

B = 84 91

C = 76 83

D = 68 - 75

F = 0 -67

Taping Recording:

Tape recording is not allowed in class due to the confidentiality factor

of the course content as it relates to clinical situations and specific
clients. Illicit tape recording will be considered the same as cheating
and the student will receive a grade of F for the rotation.

Academic Dishonesty:

The protocol in the FCC Nursing Handbook will be followed. Students

involved in academic dishonesty will receive a zero grade for the

Virtual Office Hours

Virtual office hours have been approved by State Center Community

College District. During the virtual office hour time of 50 minutes, I will
be available online via email and prepared to answer any question you
may have concerning this course. This method of communication is
meant to provide another means to increase access to the instructor.
Please be patient as I respond to your questions as fast as I can within
the allowable 50-minute period. Please pay attention to the time I will
be available online (Fridays: 7:00- 7:50 am). Please ensure you have
the correct FCC student email address, which ends with

In Class Behavior

Students should be on time for class and return from

break on-time. Failure to return after a break results in a
loss of 5 participation points per episode. This is a LARGE
class so you are asked to please be considerate of your
classmates. Please refrain from sidebar conversations -
this is disruptive to your classmates, unprofessional and

Be considerate of others - Classroom conduct should always be

respectful of faculty and fellow classmates. The learning process
is not optimum when there are lots of distractions e.g. classmate
chatter, snoring or sleeping during class time

In the classroom, all cellphones, other electronic devices

etc. are to in silent or on off mode. Please do not use

phones during class time to text, talk, access canvas or other
internet sites, for notes or to take pictures. If you must use the
phone, please step outside and wait until a class break is given
to return. This minimizes classroom disruption.

No cell phones are to be on your person during an exam.

ROBINSON (THE DON). Possession of a cell phone during
an exam is tantamount to cheating. Cell phone usage is
also not allowed during lecture time

Students who miss any part of a class are responsible for

obtaining any notes, handouts, etc., from a classmate. Let us
support each other on this journey.

This course is presented in four units. You will be provided with 4

power points outlines that parallel those four units. These power
points serve as a guide to the course objectives covered in this

The outline power point for each lecture unit are just that-
outlines of the main concepts. Please take the time to read
your textbook and add pertain information you hear from
lecture and glean from your textbook to the outline
power point provided to you. This is another
teaching/learning method therefore asking the instructor for
her power point notes will not be honored

A student who has accumulated absences equal to or in excess

of 10% of the total semester theory hours for a given course will
be counseled. Absences equal to 15% or more may result in
dismissal from the program.

Two tardy incidences will equal one absence. After two

absences, 6% will be deducted from the total grade for
each day absent thereafter. The student will also lose in
class activity/ participation points for any tardies or class

Math Exam

You will be given a math exam lasting 45 minutes each. You must pass
the math exam with a 100% to be able to meet your clinical objective.
You will have a total of three (3) opportunities to pass the math exam
and demonstrate math proficiency. The first math exam will be
given the first week of school

Movies for course

Movies must be seen prior to the indicated class sessions. Movies are
available on the course Canvas site (at least I hope the IS dept finally
got them moved from blackboard to Canvas). Let me know if there
is a problem.

Movie: Dark voices of Schizophrenia Week 7- prior to start of class on

that content area

Depression movie prior to start of class on that content area

Movie: Crank: Made in America - prior to start of class on that content



Meaningful class participation is encouraged and expected. Interaction

and discussion during lecture are often valuable resources for
enrichment and expanded learning. Critical Thinking elements are
often explored and discussed in class as clinical experiences unfold and
are integrated into the didactic curriculum. Actual patient care
learning experiences serve to support theory and enhance learning.
Group activity and presentation may also be included

HESI Specialty Exam

During the 16 and 17th week, of RN65 you will take the HESI 1 then HESI 2 Mental Health

Specialty Exams. The HESI 2 is only required if you score less than 800 points on the HESI
Mental Health Exam.

The percentage of the HESI 1 exam, approved preparation and remediation contributes 6%
of your total grade in this course. The HESI 2 contributes 4% of the total grade in this
course. The total HESI contribution is 10%.

You can achieve the maximum of 100% for this assignment by:

1. preparing for the first exam (See preparation expectations below under Approved
2. achieving a HESI score of 900 or greater on the first mental health specialty exam,
3. completing the approved remediation for the topics you missed on the proctored
assessment (see required hours below)..
4. you are not required to take the HESI 2 and will automatically obtain the points
you received for the HESI 1 (therefore receiving the full 10%)

A score of 800 -899 points on the HESI exam can results in obtaining 90% of the possible
points if all the other criteria are met. The HESI 2 does not need to be taken.

Approved preparation:

You must achieve at least 80% on each of the four quizzes, exams etc. You have 3
opportunities to take each assignment and achieve the target 80%. The approved
preparation for the RN specialty exam must be completed PRIOR TO the proctored exam.
Partial points will not be awarded in any category. You must complete the assignments as
prescribed or 0 points will be awarded.

1. Assignment Quiz

2. Assignment Exam

3. Practice Quiz

4. Practice Exam

Rubric for HESI 1

Points Awarded for Grade on HESI Points Awarded for Points awarded for TOTAL
evidence of preparation Mental Health Achievement on Evidence of Remediation POINTS
for HESI Mental Health Specialty Exam Mental Health exam on missed topics from AWARDED
exam Mental Health exam

* See below for * *See below for

examples of examples of approved
approved remediation

900 and 60 10 100%

30 800-899 40 20 90%

700-799 20 20 70%

Below 700 10 20 60%

Approved final remediation: You must complete the time on task commensurate with the score
you received on the specialty exam. All remediation must be completed by 10 pm on Sunday
May 7th to receive credit- Partial points will not be awarded for incomplete time.

900- 1000: 2 hours

800-899: 3 hours

700-799: 4 hours

600-699: 5 hours

500-599: 6 hours

400-499: 7 hours

300-399: 9 hours

NOTE: If you receive 799 points or lower on the HESI 1 exam, you are required to take the
HESI 2 exam on Tuesday May 9th (week 17 of the semester).

Rubric for HESI 2

Grade on HESI Mental Health Specialty Exam Total Points Awarded

900 and greater 100%

800-899 90%

700-799 70%

Below 700 60%

Course Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this theory course, the student will be able to

complete the following at 76% or greater as it relates to the role of the
registered nurse working with clients with mental health issues in the
community and hospital settings.

1. Caregiver:

a. Prioritize the care for clients with mental health problems

throughout the life span with consideration of developmental, bio-
psychosocial, and cultural/spiritual needs in a safe environment

b. Correlate psychotropic medications with psychiatric diagnoses and

evaluate expected behavioral outcomes.

c. Compare and contrast the mental health clients actual

developmental status with ideal developmental levels according to
Freud, Erikson, Piaget, and Maslow.

d. Identify actual and potential unsafe client situations considering

support systems in the clinical and home/residential settings and
design alternatives to provide optimal outcomes.

e. Accept client cultural and spiritual preferences as they impact the

clients psychiatric diagnoses.

f. Using role playing in group vignettes, demonstrate the role of the

nurse in providing therapeutic management in caring for the client with
mental health problems.

2. Decision Maker: Utilize the nursing process to:

a. Assess the mental health needs of clients and their families

considering physiological and psychological variations.

b. Prioritize NANDA nursing diagnoses for mental health clients.

c. Customize nursing care to meet the needs of mental health clients

and their families and/or significant others.

d. Describe the implementation of nursing care that meets the needs

of mental health clients.

e. Describe the parameters used to evaluate the effectiveness of the

care provided to mental health clients.

3. Communication:

a. Compare and contrast the best therapeutic techniques used to

communicate with mental health clients, their families and/or
significant others.

b. Describe the appropriate communication process with members of

the interdisciplinary mental health team based on clients behaviors
and verbal responses.

4. Professional:

a. Identify situations that may result in the violations of the Health

Insurance Privacy Protection Act and describe ways the mental health
care provider can maintain confidentiality according to the State of
California Confidentiality Laws and the Health Insurance Privacy
Protection Act.

b. Apply the principles of the legal aspects of nursing and medical

ethics when providing nursing care to psychiatric clients.

c. Recognize the need to become life-long learners in order to remain

current with the most recent treatment modalities in caring for the
client with mental health problems.

d. Demonstrate an awareness of the impact of mental illness on

individuals, families, communities and global society.

5. Advocate:

Analyze situations where the registered nurse needs to act as an

advocate in providing clients with the opportunity to make informed
decisions about their mental and physical health care.

6. Teacher:

Describe the role of the psychiatric nurse as a teacher and resource in

assisting mental health clients with information and guidance
regarding mental heath after-care therapy and related mental health
care facilities in the community.

7. Manager:

a. Formulate steps the psychiatric nurse can use to effectively

organize, prioritize, and coordinate care of mental health clients, their
families and/or significant others.

b. Describe how the registered nurse coordinates preventative and

supportive services for the mental health client that are available in
the community to promote independence at its highest level.

c. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to delegate appropriate tasks

to various members of the psychiatric health care team.

Unit Objectives:

A. Introduction to Mental Health and Legal Issues

1. Define and describe psychiatric mental health nursing including

role and practice standards.

2. Compare and contrast mental health and mental illness.

3. Describe treatment settings for individuals with mental

4. Discuss the legal basis for mental health treatment as it relates
to the role of the nurse in mental health settings.

B. Assessing Mental Health Status and Therapeutic Communications

and Treatment Modalities

Describe components of the therapeutic communication


Discuss the use of the nursing process in the psychiatric

setting including assessment, outcome identification, nursing
diagnoses, intervention and evaluation.

Define and describe therapeutic modalities in the mental
health setting.

C. Anxiety Related Disorders

1. Define anxiety and differentiate among stress, fear and


2. Recognize adaptive/maladaptive behavioral responses to

stress, fear and anxiety.

3. Discuss adaptive coping strategies in the management of


4. Identify the major anxiety disorders and recognize the

common symptoms associated with each.

5. Apply the nursing process to client experiencing anxiety


D. Personality Disorders

1. Define personality disorders with diagnostic criteria.

2. Apply the nursing process to clients with personality


3. Describe the current treatment modalities in managing the

care of clients with personality disorders.

4. Discuss common nurse reactions (attitudes and resulting

behaviors) to caring for clients with personality disorders.

E. Mood Disorders & Disorders of Affect

1. Describe biologic and psychosocial theories about etiology

of mood disorders.

2. Discuss the epidemiology and chronic course of mood


3. Identify the major characteristics of mood disorders.

4. Apply the nursing process to clients with mood disorders.

5. Recognize clients at risk for suicide and implement

interventions to protect these clients from self-harm.

F. Thought Disorders Schizophrenia

1. Define schizophrenia and differentiate distinguishing

2. Discuss the biologic models of the etiology of


3. Describe the symptoms and the chronic course of this


4. Apply the nursing process to clients with schizophrenia.

5. Explain the effects and side effects of antipsychotic

medications in treating symptoms of schizophrenia.

6. Discuss non-pharmacologic treatment modalities that may

be beneficial to clients with schizophrenia.
7. Discuss therapeutic methods to prevent and manage
violence, recognizing legal and ethical components.

G. Disorders of Childhood/Adolescence

1. Identify DSM-IV psychiatric disorders in childhood and their


2. Identify DSM-IV psychiatric disorders in adolescence and their


3. Apply the nursing process to the child and/or adolescent with

psychiatric disorders.

4. Identify treatment modalities for the child or adolescent with

psychiatric disorder
H. Addictive/Self Destructive (Substance Abuse/Eating Disorders)

1. Differentiate between substance abuse and substance

dependence, using criteria identified in the DSM-IV-TR.

2. Discuss the nurses responsibility related to an impaired


3. Discuss the consequences of substance abuse for those

who are mentally ill.

4. Compare and contrast the nursing care given to individuals

who have overdosed, are withdrawing from or have major health
problems related to substance abuse

5. Apply the nursing process to clients with substance-related

6. Describe the current treatment modalities in managing

care of clients with substance related disorders.

7. Discuss common nurse reactions (attitudes and resulting

behaviors) to caring for clients with substance abuse.

8. Define major eating disorders and compare and contrast

the clinical symptoms of anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

9. Apply the nursing process to clients diagnosed with an

eating disorder.

10. Describe the current treatment modalities in managing the

care of clients with eating disorders.

I. Cognitive Disorders Psychogeriatrics

1. Discuss demographics of U.S. aging population and the

impact on mental health care.

2. Compare and contrast developmental tasks of aging with

tasks of younger cohorts.

3. Perform and evaluate functional and mental status

assessments on healthy and cognitively impaired elders.

4. Distinguish between normal and abnormal physical and

psychosocial process of aging.

5. Describe the barriers to mental health care experienced by

6. Discuss various theories of the nature and development of
Alzheimers disease and the most currently accepted theories.

7. Apply the nursing process to the patient with Alzheimers


J. Psychopharmacology

1. Describe how psychotropic medications are used in the

collaborative management of mental illness.

2. Explain the common psychiatric medications including:

action, use, side effects and adverse reactions.

3. Explain the nursing responsibility related to
psychopharmacologic treatment modalities.

K. Cultural and Spiritual Issues in Patient Care

1. Describe the impact of cultural diversity in mental health


2. Recognize the role of spiritual care in professional nursing.

L. Community Based Care Continuum of Care

1. Identify the goals of primary, secondary and tertiary

prevention in community mental health.

2. Identify resources for the chronically and/or homeless

mentally ill in the community.

3. Describe the role of the nurse in the community providing

care for persons with chronic mental illness and their families

4. Discuss contemporary issues facing chronic mentally ill


5. Apply the nursing process to clients with chronic mental

illness in the community.

6. Discuss the role of the nurse in preventing and dealing with

domestic/family violence.

General suggestions for success in this course:

Set reasonable expectations of yourself

Do not listen to gossip about the instructor, the course material or exams. Remember, the
person providing you with information is doing so from their perspective and/or experience
which may be inaccurate.
Develop a study plan and stick to the schedule; Read the course material prior to the
Consider a study group where you can analyze cases, interpret questions, and practice
critical thinking. A study group may also serve as a means of support
Everyone experiences a certain level of anxiety when faced with taking an exam; you must
control your anxiety during test time
Walk away from classmates who are so anxious, that they make you anxious
Being well prepared for the exam will decrease your anxiety
Prepare mentally and physically by getting adequate amounts of sleep, exercise, and eat

Gossip you may hear about the exam is based on the imperfect memory of students who
were in a stressful situation- take everything you hear with a large grain of salt
Learn the general rules/information, most common therapies, and presentations, not the
rare exceptions or atypical cases
Do not overanalyze questions
Dont make questions more complicated than they are
Be aware what is being asked: Are you being asked to analyze, assess, or an intervention
pick your answer accordingly
Carefully read the entire question prior to answering. Read all the answer choices before
picking an answer
Watch out for distracters that are correct but do not answer the question
Try not to change your answer unless there is a compelling reason to do so (i.e. you
understand the question better after reading it a second time); you are more likely to
change to a wrong answer than a right one
If you are uncertain about the answer to a question, eliminate the wrong answer(s) then
make an educated guess.
Adaptive quizzes are available with your book bundle -
DO THEM. Student feedback has indicted that they are
very helpful, especially as your level of competency
increases. Instructions are in the content tab

RN 65 Psychiatric-Community Mental Health Nursing


(Due the first day of class- considered Participation assignment #1)

This form will only be taken at the end of the syllabus review on the first day of class

I have received the Course Syllabus for RN 65 from the instructor, Dr. Bridget Bousquet-Heyne,
and we have reviewed the information. I understand that the instructor has a virtual office hour on
Fridays and the process for interacting with the instructor during the virtual office hour has been
reviewed with me; my questions have been answered and I understand the process. I am aware of
the Academic Dishonesty policy of Fresno City College as cited in the FCC catalog and agree to
abide by this policy.

I recognize that I must invest in my success in this course, and it is my responsibility to do the
work necessary to succeed. I also agree to comply fully with all the written and verbal objectives in
the RN 65 syllabus, and understand that I must earn a final cumulative minimum grade of
76% to pass this course.

I understand that if I earn a less than a passing grade on a theory exam/assignment, or have less
than a passing course percentage, it is my responsibility to complete a SARF, make an
appointment with the instructor to discuss the situation, and then complete the outlined
plan to increase the likelihood of my success in this course.

I am aware of what defines appropriate classroom decorum and behavior, and agree to abide by
the rules and regulations of the Registered Nursing Handbook issued to me at the onset of my
enrollment in the Registered Nursing Program.

Student Signature: _____________________________________________________

Printed Name: _____________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________

Phone Number: _____________________________________________________

RN 65 Psychiatric-Community Mental health Nursing Theory

Instructor: Dr. Bridget Bousquet-Heyne, RN-BC, MSN, FNP, Ed. D

Textbook: Varcarolis Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health

Nursing by Margaret Jordan Halter, 7th Edition

Week 1 Informed student consent form must be turned in

after review of the syllabus on the first day of class

(this form is found on the previous page of the

syllabus). This first assignment is worth 5 points

Please review the entire syllabus prior to the first

class meeting day- so you can ask questions you

may have.
Chapter 1: Mental health & mental illness;
Chapter 9: Communication & the Clinical Interview
Chapter 31: Serious Mental Illness

Chapter 4: Settings for Psychiatric Care
Chapter 7: The Nursing Process & Standards of Care for
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

******Math Exam 1: Thursday January 12th @ 2:30 pm in HS 250

Week 2 Math Exam 2: TBA

Chapter 9: Communication & the Clinical Interview
Chapter 8: Therapeutic Relationship
Chapter 27: Anger Aggression & Violence


Chapter 3: Biological Basis for Understanding Psychiatric

Disorders & Treatment
Chapter 32: Forensic Psychiatric Nursing

Week 3 Math Exam 3: Tuesday January 24th @4 pm in HS 270

Chapter 5: Cultural Implications for Psychiatric Mental

Health Nursing
Chapter 6: Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Safe Practice

Chapter 2: Relevant Theories and Therapies for Nursing

Week 4 Exam 1: (1/31)

Week 5 Chapter 34: Family Interventions

Chapter 33: Therapeutic groups

Chapter 15: Anxiety & Obsessive Compulsive Related Disorders


Chapter 35: Integrative Care

Chapter 10: Understanding & Managing Responses to


Week 6 Chapter 26: Crisis & disaster

Chapter 15: Anxiety & Obsessive Compulsive Related


Chapter 17: Somatic Symptoms Disorders

Week 7 Chapter 16: Trauma, stressors-related & Dissociative


Chapter 12: Schizophrenia & Schizophrenia Spectrum



Movie: Dark voices of Schizophrenia (please see prior to

coming to class)

Chapter 3: Biological Basis for Understanding Psychiatric

Disorders & Treatment

Week 8 Exam 2: (2/28)

Week 9

Chapter 22: Substance Related & Addictive Disorders

Chapter 14: Depressive Disorders

Chapter 25: Suicide & Non Suicide Self Injury


Movie: Crank made in America (please see prior to coming

to class)

Week 10)

Chapter 14: Depressive Disorders

Chapter 25: Suicide & Non Suicide Self Injury

Chapter 13: Bipolar & Related Disorders


Chapter 3: Biological Basis for Understanding Psychiatric

Disorders & Treatment

**********Depression movie (please view prior to coming to


Week 11 Exam 3: (3/21)

Week 12

Chapter 24: Personality Disorders

Chapter 18: Feeding, Eating, & Elimination Disorders

Week 13

Chapter 18: Feeding, Eating, & Elimination Disorders

Chapter 19: Sleep Wake Disorders

Week 14

Chapter 21: Impulse Control

Chapter 29: Sexual Assault

Chapter 28: Child, Older Adult & Intimate Partner Violence


Chapter 16: Trauma Related Disorder in Children

Chapter 30: Psychosocial Needs of the Older Adult

Chapter 20: Sexual Dysfunctions, Gender Dysphoria &


Week 15 Test 4/25)

Week 16 HESI Exam- (5/2) @ 2:00 PM no lecture

Week 17 HESI Exam repeat: (5/9) @ 2:00 PM.No lecture

Week 18 Comprehensive Final May16, 2017 from 1:30:00 to

3:00 pm *******PLEASE NOTE THE TIME


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