Bud Not Buddy Vocabulary Cards

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Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

The orphanage where

The Home Bud and the other
boys live

Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

A place that children

Orphanage who dont have any
parents go to live
Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

The Great Depression was

a time when many people
Depression around the world were
very poor and had no jobs.

Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

A bedroom or a place
Sleep room where someone sleeps
Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

Worn Falling to pieces

Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

Bulging or popping
Bucking out
Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

Louisville A type of wooden

baseball bat

Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

Loud tool used to cut

Buzzsaw wood
Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

Swatted To hit

Word Picture Definition: What does it mean?

Ill get
To get back at someone
Revenge because they did
something mean to you

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