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TEST 1 listening


The Listening Section consists of 9 tasks.

You will hear the recordings only once.
Follow the instructions on your answer sheet and complete the tasks.

Listening task 1

You will hear a conversation between Tom and Jane.

While listening complete the sentences below. Use 1-2 words only.
0 is an example.
Now you have 15 seconds to read the sentences.
Example 0: Jane was away for a week. .

1. Tom will go to a .... .

2. Jane will give Tom a contact . .
3. Tom also wants some information about .. .
4. Jane is getting back from Brighton ... .
5. The two friends are meeting in front of the .. .

Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.

Listening task 2

You will hear a telephone conversation.

Giovanni is calling to change his flight reservation.
While listening fill in the missing information below.
The Flight Number at the beginning is an example.

Now you have 15 seconds to read the information in the table.

Old Flight Details

Name: Giovanni Brilli
Flight Number: TP 275
From: Los Angeles
To: Rome
Date: 23 November
New Flight Details
Flight Number: ....
Day: ....
Time: 22:30
Day: Monday
Date: 26 November

Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.

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TEST 1 listening
Listening task 3

You will hear a dialogue.

While listening fill in the missing information below.
0 is an example.
Now you have 15 seconds to read the information in the table.

0. student interested in English language course

1. students name .
2. student interested in (month?) .
3. travel .
4. room .
5. trips .
6. length of trip .
7. course location .
Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.

Listening task 4

You will hear a report.

While listening fill in the missing information in each sentence. Use only one word.0 is an

Now you have 15 seconds to read the sentences.

Example 0: In January, northern China surprisingly had violent ..sandstorms..

1. Such violent sandstorms normally occur in . in northern China.

2. There happened ..... such storms in January.
3. The state press announced.. that on .... .
4. The storms were caused by .... fronts coupled with the deserts.
5. There were only five big sandstorms in the .... .
Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.

Listening task 5

You will hear a KFOR briefing on two traffic accidents.

While listening fill in the missing information in the summaries below.
0 is an example.
Now you have 20 seconds to read the summaries below.
The first accident occurred on 0 Saturday morning. Two officers drove off on a duty trip to the
town of Pristina . The driver took the wrong road and they found themselves south of Katlanovo.
The driver headed 1 .. in the right-hand lane which turned out to be the overtaking
lane of the road. Before the driver could react accordingly, a head-collision followed between the
officers vehicle and a 2 ... car. The accident happened at about 10:45. The three
people in the car were killed. The two Norwegian officers were taken to 3 .. .
[ pause]
The second accident happened on Sunday near Kosovo. A KFOR convoy was driving north to the
4 .... . The trailer of one of the trucks left the convoy and entered the opposite
road. It hit a Macedonian car and the driver of the car was injured. First on the scene were 5 .
The civilian driver was taken away from the place of the accident by 6 ....... .

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TEST 1 listening
Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.
Listening task 6

You will hear a briefing by the COMMANDER STANDING NAVAL FORCE ATLANTIC.
While listening fill in the missing information in the table below.
0 is an example.

Now you have 20 seconds to read the information in the table.

Who or what? Do what? Where?

Standing Naval Force arrives 0. naval base
This force sailed 1.
The two forces 2. southern Britain
3. worked at skills on board
Staff officers will take part in briefings 4.
Force will participate in meetings 5.
Sailors will visit 6.
They will go 7.
1800 men and women 8. on 9 ships

Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.

Listening task 7

You will hear 2 news reports.

While listening, give short answers to the questions below. Use 2-3 words only.
0 is an example.

Now you have 10 seconds to read the questions.

report 1
Example 0: When did the Navy begin the exercise? .. on Monday.

1. What type of ammunition did the U.S. Navy use? .

2. What did the locals do this time to show their protest? .

report 2
3. What was reopened in Moscow?

4. How long will it take to find staff members?

Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.

Listening task 8
You will hear 8 news reports.
While listening, give short answers to the questions below. Do not use sentences.
0 is an example.
Now you have 20 seconds to read the questions.

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TEST 1 listening
Example 0: What will Japan do for the first time? send observers..

report 1 Who wants to sue the New Zealand government?


report 2 When did the Ethiopian troops occupy the Senafe area?

report 3 What were the UK and the USA allowed to do in Turkey?


report 4 What will be increased by 30% according to the Romanian Prime Minister?

report 5 How much medical equipment did Germany donate?

report 6 What was held at the Joint National Test Facility?

report 7 Where did the Romanian Ministry of Defense borrow money from?

report 8 What was the scientist finally accused of?


Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.

Listening task 9

You will hear 8 news reports.

While listening choose the best title for each report. Circle a, b, c or d.
0 is an example
Now you have 20 seconds to read the titles.
Example 0: a. finances
b. bank robbery
c. sentence
d. corn field
report 1 a. agreement struck
b. southern islands
c. rebellion forces
d. ceasefire broken
report 2 a. research tool
b. electrodes ring

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TEST 1 listening
c. brain examined
d. brain surgery
report 3 a. food substances
b. prison experiment
c. prisoners account
d. violence eruption

report 4 a. home guide

b. office aides
c. business site
d. new invention

report 5 a. loss confirmed

b. report
c. flood
d. falling profit

report 6 a. benefits doubted

b. losing hearing
c. upcoming meeting
d. donation granted

report 7 a. Statue of Liberty

b. torch
c. safety rules
d. accident

report 8 a. building capacity

b. software product
c. financial aid
d. donation made

Now you have 10 seconds to check your answers.

This is the end of the Listening Section

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