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Everett, Sirena

Mr. Wisner

World History

Period 4


Fidel Castro

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

Apostle-each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ.
Communist revolution-was an armed revolt conducted by Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement and its allies
against the authoritarian government of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista.
Messiah-the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.
Antagonism-active hostility or opposition.
Mximo Lider- top leader
Ideological-is an adjective that describes political, cultural, or religious beliefs.
Hegemony-leadership or dominance
Boisterous-noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy.

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)
A. Personal Powers: Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926. He had seven children with Lina Gonzalez. As a teen
Fidel was sent away to go to school at the Colegio de Beln which was a high school in Havana. He later than went to
University of Havanas Law School. After receiving his law degree he ran for Congress for the opposition Orthodox
Party, but lost. He later led an attack that got others killed, he was then sentenced to 15 years in prison. He later became
President after getting out of prison and returning to Cuba.

B. Global Brinkmanship: He then had an alignment with the Soviet Union which lead the United States to be influenced.
That eventually lead for President Kennedy to order a Naval blockade of Cuba. Later they disarmed the missiles
because they gat assurances from Cuba. The Soviet Union eventually started to trade with Cuba but that ended when
Castro realized that they failed to reach a record of 10 million tons of sugar. Cuba's racial tradition ended when many
dark skinned people came to Havana. They were eventually treated equally. Later the revolution came and everyone
was affected by it.

C. End of an Empire: After the collapse of the Soviet empire everything just started to go down the drain. He then made it
legal after many many years for Cubans to hold an American dollar in their hands. He didn't want them to touch it in
the first place because the American dollar represented corruption. Which then lead for Cuba to be up and running
again since they could now trade. But later on he started to threaten the United States because of Fidels failed promises.
Four men were killed because of the controversy, they were trying to go to the Cuban coast. By that time Bill Clinton
had become President and Cuba and the United States started to grow some relations, but there later was another attack
that lead to a law being created called the Helms-Burton law.
Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).
I think this current event was a devastating one for the people of Cuba because they just lost their president. Many people who
did not believe in Fidel's ways are leaving their country, I think that is sad because they a just disrespecting Fidel right after he
died. I also feel bad for the people of of Cuba because nobody knows what's going to to happen next and all these people are sad.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).

My historical event is on Toms Estrada Palma. Toms Estrada Palma was the first Cuban President, born July 9, 1835 and died
on November 4, 1908. He was only president from 1902 to 1906. My historical event relates to my current event because there
was trade between Cuba and the US and because of the Cuban coast. There was trade between Cuba and America and in 1903
Cuba made a law that was called Cuban-American Treaty of Relations it agreed to lease the Guantanamo Bay area to the United
States for a naval base and coaling station, this also relates to the current event because four men got killed on the way to the
Cuban coast. They are different because Fidel was president for a long time while Toms Estrada Palma was only president for
four years also he died at 73 while Fidel died at 90.

Relate your Event to the a Theme (at least 3 sentences). SEE BACK FOR THEMES

My event relates to the theme state-building and conflicts and revolutions. The reason my event relates to the revolutions theme
is because during the time Fidel Castro was president here was a Cuban revolution, it was from July 26, 1953 to January 1, 1959,
there were over 5,000 Cubans killed. The other reason why my event relates to the theme state-building and conflicts is because
there were many fights and conflicts between the US and Cuba for instance the Cuban Military shot down four of our people
were killed because of controversy and the state-building was when Cuba was in trade with the US and it boosted up their
economy because of trade.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

1. How did Fidel Castro die?
2. Why do people want to leave Cuba?
3. Why were there so many difficulties between the US and Cuba?
4. Why are Americans not allowed to go to Cuba?
5. Who are Cuba's allies?
6. What will happen to Cuba since the President died?

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