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Everett, Sirena

Mr. Wisner

World History

Period 1


Peace Accord Ended

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Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).


Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)

1. On February 15, 2017 Trump ended the peace accord between Israel and the
Palestinians. This accord held up america's role in the middle east's peacemaking. They
are looking at to two-state and a one-state agreement. If this happens the Palestinians
might become undemocratic or no longer Jewish. Which will make the Arab community
flourish at an astonishing rate. Trump told Netanyahu to stop building new housing in the
West Bank for the mean time and that Israel would have to be more diverse in future
2. Mr. Netanyahu would prefer a two-state solution rather than a one-state solution, Trump
also would like the same because it would make it easier. This meant that they are going
to have to make some compromises, more specifically both sides. Trusmps two
prerequisites are Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state and that Israel
maintain security control over the entire West Bank. He also mentioned that something
standing in the way of peace is Palestinian hate. Trump has been trying to find a way to
solve this and one solution he came up with is the outside-in strategy. This strategy
would enlist Arab states in a region with common cause with Israel and come together
and face Iran which they both so not like. But it is not at all clear that Palestinians would
ever accept an arrangement that did not leave them with a state of their own.

3. President Trump Fired his security advisor Michael Flynn because he withheld the truth
about a conversation with Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak. That means that Mr.
Netanyahu has lost his biggest ally against Iran. He then got after Obama for making a
deal with Iran about nuclear stuff. Trump wants to stop Iran from ever building a nuclear
weapon. President Trump and Mr. Netanyahu's plan to focus on peace making the the

Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).

I think that this current event is one of the more interesting ones because we are dealing with
peace between these places/ people and if there is one mess up there is a chance of them
getting screwed over. I say this because we could lose a connection like the Palestinians or etc.
and they could end up turning their back on us and doing the exact same thing we are doing
right now to Israel. Also Trump is making friends with these people so I guess that's another
contact added into the book to help us, which also helps them.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).
This current event relates to the Israeli and palestinian peace process because we just broke
the peace accord between the israeli and the palestinians. It was in 1991 that the peace
process started between them but ended February 15, 2017. The current event and the
historical event both talk about the Israeli and palestinian peace, but the current event talks
about how they ended it, while the historical event talks about how it started and why.

Relate your Event to the a subtheme (at least 3 sentences).

My event relates to the theme politics because Israel and the Palestinians are breaking the
peace accord with each other, this is associatedwiththegovernanceofacountryorotherarea
This peace accord was important because it supported america's role in middle east peace
making. So they are going to be making an agreement on a two-state or a one-state agreement
in response to the breaking of the peace accord. This might lead the Palestinians to become
non jewish and have to switch over to Arabs.
Questions You Have About the Event (4).
1. What did Iran do for us to not like them?
2. Does Trump have a clue what he is going to do if they choose a two-state solution?
3. What will happen if they choose a one-state solution?
4. What is going to happen to Trump and Russia regarding Michael Flynn (Trumps national
security advisor)?
5. What will happen if our allies turn against us?
6. Is it Possible for our allies to turn against us?
7. Does Iran like us?

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