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Kaitlyn Lemaire

Mrs. Frere

English 1010

May 12th, 2017

Illegal Immigration

An illegal alien, or illegal immigrant, is known as a foreigner who has entered or resides

in a country unlawfully or without the countries authorization (Dictionary). In the United States

today, the number of illegal immigrants exceeds 11 million, and continues to rise daily (Allied

Educational Foundation). Not only is this a complete law violation, but illegal immigration

negatively impacts our economy, education systems, American morals, and overall society. Being

that this is one of the biggest on-going problems in America today, there are many steps that can

be and should be taken to solve this. Just a few solutions includes eliminating birthright

citizenship, mandating identification, and significantly increasing deportation.

Birthright citizenship offers U.S. citizenship to babies born on American soil, even if

their parents are here illegally. This allows illegal aliens an excuse to stay, even though they are

violating American laws. By eliminating this policy foreigners will be shifted from this false

sense of entitlement. For example, being born on Japanese soil doesnt automatically make me

Japanese. Next, by mandating identification, illegal aliens will not be able to blend in as well

when it becomes obvious that they have no form of documentation, such as a birth certificate or

social security card. By requiring some form of I.D. for things such as voting, getting a drivers

license, registering for school, etc. it will make life harder for them in the U.S. as illegals. This

should encourage them to go through the process of becoming a legal American citizen.

Increasing deportation efforts should encourage this as well. By improving our Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) workforce, we should be able to search, find, arrest, and deport any

and all illegal immigrants (News).

Just to prove how terrifyingly real this has all become, take a look at these two statistics.

In the U.S. today, there are a recorded 6.5 million anchor babies (Morrison). Anchor babies are

what have become of birthright citizenship. This means that there are millions of illegal

immigrants finding loopholes in our government system all because of this one policy. Imagine

what else they could be capable of. The other fact has to do with the flawed identification issue.

In the last election over 800,000 illegal aliens voted for Hillary Clinton because of faulty voter

ID laws in certain counties (Scarborough). A presidential candidate almost won because of the

support of toxic criminals who shouldnt even be here in the first place, let alone vote. That

should definitely raise red flags.

A big argument against this opinion is the belief of open borders. Open borders allows for

the free movement of people and goods going in and out of the U.S., and very loose border

control. This would mean there is no such thing as illegal aliens because everyone would be

lawfully allowed to be here. The most important reason as to why open borders isnt efficient,

however, is because of safety reasons. You dont sleep with your front door open at night because

of the unknown possibilities, so why would our country do the same? Criminals, drugs, weapons,

disease, terrorism, etc. would easily come in and out of our country because we allowed it too.

In conclusion, illegal immigration is a growing problem. Even though there are many

possible solutions, these few examples could be a good start toward Americas future. Through

some effort and persistence I think one day this issue can be resolved to encourage legal

immigration. However, time will only tell.

Works Cited
"Illegal Immigration Allied Educational Foundation." Allied Educational Foundation. N.p.,

2017. Web. 04 May 2017.

"Illegal Alien." Random House Dictionary, 2017. Web. 04 May 2017.

Morrison, Spencer P. "Illegal Immigration Must Be Stopped: Here's Why." National Economics

Editorial. N.p., 29 Apr. 2017. Web. 04 May 2017.

News, VOA. "Increase in US Immigration Enforcement Likely to Mean Jump in Deportations."

VOA. VOA, 03 Feb. 2017. Web. 04 May 2017.

Scarborough, Rowan. "Trump Argument Bolstered: Clinton Could Have Received 800,000 Votes

from Noncitizens." The Washington Times. The Washington Times, 26 Jan. 2017. Web.

04 May 2017.

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