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The Whispering Shadow, Master of Secrets, Herald of Night

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Two snakes in a circle, eating each other's tails
Home Plane: The Shadow Plane
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Potfolio: darkness, shadows, magic, secrets, plots, lies
Worshipers: Wizards, shadow creatures, despots
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, LE, LN, TN
Domains: Magic, Illusion, Shadow, Trickery
Favored Weapon: "Shadowstrike" (dagger)
Clergy and Temples:
Wizard 10/Shadow Adept 10/Shadowcrafter 10/Shadowcraft Mage 5/Archmage 5
Medium-Size Outsider (Evil)
Divine Rank: 13
Hit Dice: 20d8 plus 40d4 (320 hp)
Speed: 60 feet
AC: +13 divine, +26 natural
Attack: +13 divine
Abilities: +13 inherent
Saves: +13 divine
Qualities: DR 25/epic, fire resistance 18, spell resistance 45
Immunities: Transmutation, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, mind-inf
luencing effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, paralysis, stunning,
sleep, death, disintegration, imprisonment, banishment
divine fast healing
divine rejuvenation
see magic
arcane mastery
undead qualities
divine spellcasting
spontaneous wizard spells
know secrets
divine spell focus: illusion
instant counterspell
automatic metamagic: silent spell
extra domain: trickery
possess mortal

WTB: Darkness, planning, baator, domination, Trickery

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