Project On Ozone Depletion

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600,000,000 B.C. Ozone layer forms

1865 JeanLouis Soret proves that ozone is O3

1924 G.M.B. Dobson develops ozone spectrophotometer and begins regular

measurements of ozone abundance (Arosa, Switzerland)

1978 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) is launched aboard

NIMBUS7 spacecraft giving global coverage of ozone layer thickness

The concentration of ozone in the ozone layer is usually under 10 parts per
million while the average concentration of ozone in the atmosphere is about 0.3
parts per million. The thickness of the ozone layer differs as per season and
geography. The highest concentrations of ozone occur at altitudes from 26 to 28
km (16 to 17 miles) in the tropics and from 12 to 20 km (7 to 12 miles) towards
the poles.

ozone layer is a deep layer in earths atmosphere that
contain ozone which is a naturally occurring molecule
containing three oxygen atoms. These ozone molecules form
a gaseous layer in the Earths upper atmosphere called
stratosphere. This lower region of stratosphere containing
relatively higher concentration of ozone is called
Ozonosphere. The Ozonosphere is found 15-35 km (9 to 22
miles) above the surface of the earth

The ozone layer is a belt of the naturally occurring gas "ozone." It

sits 9.3 to 18.6 miles (15 to 30 kilometers) above Earth, and
serves as a shield from the harmful ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation
emitted by the sun.

Ozone layer in the earth's stratosphere which containing a high

concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet
radiation reaching the earth from the sun. Ozone is a highly
reactive molecule that contains three oxygen atoms. It is constantly
being formed and broken down in the high atmosphere, 6.2 to 31
miles (10 to 50 kilometers) above Earth, in the region called the

The ozone layer or ozone shield is a region of

Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet (UV)
radiation. It contains high concentrations of ozone (O3) in relation to
other parts of the atmosphere, although still small in relation to other
gases in the stratosphere. The ozone layer contains less than 10 parts
per million of ozone, while the average ozone concentration in Earth's
atmosphere as a whole is about 0.3 parts per million. The ozone layer is
mainly found in the lower portion of the stratosphere, from approximately
20 to 30 kilometres (12 to 19 mi) above Earth, although its thickness
varies seasonally and geographicall.

The thickness of the ozone layerthat is, the total amount of ozone in a
column overheadvaries by a large factor worldwide, being in general
smaller near the equator and larger towards the poles. It also varies with
season, being in general thicker during the spring and thinner during the
autumn. The reasons for this latitude and seasonal dependence are
complicated, which involve in atmospheric circulation patterns as well as
solar intensity.


High up in the atmosphere in a region known as the stratosphere, ozone
filters out incoming radiation from the Sun in the cell-damaging
ultraviolet (UV) part of the spectrum. Without this ozone layer, life on
earth would not have evolved in the way it has. Concentrations of ozone
in the stratosphere fluctuate naturally in response to variations in
weather conditions and amounts of energy being released from the Sun,
and to major volcanic eruptions.

Why ozone layer decrease ?

During the 1970s it was realized that man-made emissions of CFCs and
other chemicals used in refrigeration, aerosols and cleansing agents
may cause a significant destruction of ozone in the stratosphere, thereby
letting through more of the harmful ultraviolet radiation.

The subsequent measures against the use of chlorofluorocarbons

(CFCs), halons, and other ozone depleting chemicals made their
production and emission drop significantly. As a result, the total
concentration of chlorine in the lower atmosphere peaked in 1994. The
long life of those substances in the atmosphere means that full recovery
of the ozone layer is unlikely before 2050.

It was first suggested by Dr. M. Molina and S. Rowland in 1974 that a
man-made group of compounds known as the chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) were likely to be the main source of ozone depletion. However,
this idea was not taken seriously until the discovery of the ozone hole
over Antarctica in 1985 by the British Antarctic Survey.

Chlorofluorocarbons are not "washed" back to Earth by rain or destroyed

in reactions with other chemicals. They simply do not break down in the
lower atmosphere and they can remain in the atmosphere from 20 to
120 years or more.


As a consequence of their relative stability, CFCs are instead
transported into the stratosphere where they are eventually broken down
by ultraviolet (UV) rays from the Sun, releasing free chlorine. The
chlorine becomes actively involved in the process of destruction of

Cl + O3 ClO + O2

ClO + O Cl + O2
Ozone is converted to oxygen, leaving the chlorine atom free to repeat
the process up to 100,000 times, resulting in a reduced level of ozone.
Bromine compounds, or halons, can also destroy stratospheric ozone.
Compounds containing chlorine and bromine from man-made
compounds are known as industrial halocarbons.

The ozone layer can be depleted by free radical catalysts, including nitric
oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydroxyl (OH), atomic chlorine (Cl), and
atomic bromine (Br). While there are natural sources for all of
these species, the concentrations of chlorine and bromine increased
markedly in recent decades because of the release of large quantities of
man-made organohalogen compounds,
especially chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and bromofluorocarbons.[12] These
highly stable compounds are capable of surviving the rise to
the stratosphere, where Cl and Br radicals are liberated by the action of
ultraviolet light. Each radical is then free to initiate and catalyze a chain
reaction capable of breaking down over 100,000 ozone molecules. By
2009, nitrous oxide was the largest ozone-depleting substance (ODS)
emitted through human activities.[13]

Levels of atmospheric ozone measured by satellite show clear seasonal

variations and appear to verify their decline over time.

The breakdown of ozone in the stratosphere results in reduced absorption

of ultraviolet radiation. Consequently, unabsorbed and dangerous
ultraviolet radiation is able to reach the Earths surface at a higher intensity.
Ozone levels have dropped by a worldwide average of about 4 percent
since the late 1970s. For approximately 5 percent of the Earth's surface,
around the north and south poles, much larger seasonal declines have
been seen, and are described as "ozone holes". [11] The discovery of the
annual depletion of ozone above the Antarctic was first announced by Joe
Farman, Brian Gardiner and Jonathan Shanklin, in a paper which appeared
in Nature on May 16, 1985


Natural causes of depletion of ozone layer: Ozone layer has been found to be
affected by certain natural phenomena such as Sun-spots and stratospheric
winds. But this has been found to cause not more than 1-2% depletion of the
ozone layer and the effects are also thought to be only temporary. It is also
believed that the major volcanic eruptions (mainly El Chichon in 1983 and and
Mt. Pinatubo in 1991) has also contributed towards ozone depletion.

Man-made causes of depletion of ozone layer:-

The main cause for the depletion of ozone is determined as excessive release
of chlorine and bromine from man-made compounds such as
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), halons,
CH3CCl3 (Methyl chloroform), CCl4 (Carbon tetrachloride), HCFCs (hydro-
chlorofluorocarbons), hydrobromofluorocarbons and methyl bromide are
found to have direct impact on the depletion of the ozone layer. These are
categorized as ozone-depleting substances (ODS).


Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Its billed as the most extensively utilized ozone-depleting substance

because it attributes to more than 80% of overall ozone depletion. It was
utilized as a coolant in home appliances like freezers, refrigerators and air
conditioners in both buildings and cars that were manufactured prior to
1995. This substance is usually contained in dry cleaning agents, hospital
sterilants, and industrial solvents. The substance is also utilized in foam
products like mattresses and cushions and home insulation.

In 1985 evidence of a large "ozone hole" was discovered above the continent
of Antarctica during the springtime. This has reappeared annually, generally
growing larger and deeper each year. More recently, fears have emerged
about significant ozone depletion over the Arctic, closer to the more
populous regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

There is no actual "hole" exists. And only a slight thinning occurs

over the rest of the world. So no matter where you stand, you won't find a
true "hole".


The principal impacts of UV on health are mediated through two organ
systems, the skin and the eyes, which receive all of the exposure. These systems
are generally either well adapted to (the skin) or well protected from (the eyes)
such exposures; humans benefit from UV exposures through the initiation of
Vitamin D3 production, and even detrimental effects such as DNA damage, are
normally corrected by efficient repair mechanisms.

Our average day-to-day exposure to UV is generally sufficient to ensure

appropriate levels of Vitamin D. There is some evidence in tissue culture that
Vitamin D has inhibitory effects on tumor cell growth. Such effects have been
suggested as the mechanism underlying an observed increase in breast and colon
cancers at higher latitudes (where solar exposures are less). This linkage is still
conjectural, however. The production of the biologically active vitamin is self-
limiting so that excessive exposures are not likely to be associated with any

New findings with regard to the molecular events underlying UV-induced no

melanoma skin cancer extend the earlier observations that these tumors often have
alterations (mutations) in a particular (p53) tumor suppressor gene that are typical
of UV-B radiation. The recent findings indicate that similar UV-B alterations in a
second tumor suppressor gene (ptc) are associated with spontaneous (non-
hereditary) basal cell carcinomas (BCC). These data provide the most direct
evidence that UV-B radiation contributes to the development of these skin tumors.
Additional studies on the involvement of p53 indicate that the frequency of
such typical UV-B alterations in the skin tumors may decrease with lower dose
levels and spectral shifts toward the long wave UV-A. An additional finding in UV-
induced carcinogenesis comes from recent epidemiologic studies, which indicate
that BCC is not principally related to cumulative UV dose, but as with melanoma,
appears to be more related to childhood and intermittent over-exposures.

New epidemiologic studies on melanoma for the most part confirm earlier
work. Several studies have suggested that sunscreen use may not be protective for
melanoma and may even be associated with increased risk.

A possible explanation offered to explain these observations is that wearing

sunscreens, while reducing UV-B exposure, provides little protection from UV-A
exposures and that such exposures are important to melanoma risk. Although such
an interpretation is in line with the spectral response of melanoma induction in a
fish model, such epidemiologic findings may be biased by linkages among
susceptibility, exposure and sunscreen use. New work in the opossum model for
melanoma has shown that short-term neonatal exposures to broadband UV-B/UV-A
radiation (of approximately a week) result in highly aggressive (met static)

It is now clear that there are at least three mechanisms by which UV-B
exposures may suppress cellular immunity: DNA damage, isomerization of
urocanic acid and through the active metabolite of vitamin D. Immune effects can
occur both locally at the skin and systemically throughout the body. The local
effects have long been considered important to the development of skin cancer, but
there has been little evidence found with regard to the importance of systemic
effects. Recent observations of an increase in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with
increasing solar radiation have led to the suggestion that UV-B-induced systemic
immunosuppressant contributes to cancer development in this system. The
implications of either local or systemic immune effects for human infectious
diseases are still unknown. Epidemiological studies are still required to explore
these issues.

There is very little new information on UV effects on the eye. A critical lack
is an action spectrum for eye effects associated with chronic exposures, e.g.,

Many crops species are vulnerable to strong UV light and overexposure may
well lead to minimal growth, photosynthesis and flowering. Some of the crop
species vulnerable to UV light include barley, wheat, corn, oats, rice, broccoli,
tomatoes, cauliflower just to name a few. Forests equally bear the brunt of
ozone depletion.


In the recent past, scientific and public interest has focused on marine
primary producers and aquatic ecosystems, which resulted in a multitude of studies
indicating mostly detrimental effects of UV-B radiation on aquatic organisms. The
interest has expanded to include effects in individual species as well as specific
responses and has concentrated on ecologically significant groups and major
biomass producers using mesocosm studies, emphasizing species interactions. In
addition, light penetration into the water column was investigated by several
research groups.
Macro algae and sea grasses are major biomass producers in aquatic
ecosystems. In contrast to phytoplankton most of these organisms are sessile and
can thus not avoid the exposure to solar radiation at their growth site. Recent
investigations showed a pronounced sensitivity to solar UV-B, and effects have
been found throughout the top 10 - 15 m of the water column. Mechanisms of
protection and repair are being investigated.

Controversy still exists regarding the interpretation of data on UV-B effects

in Antarctic phytoplankton. Estimates of the decreases in overall biomass
productivity by different authors range from 0 - 12%. Most recently, shifts in
phytoplankton community structure have been demonstrated, which may have
consequences for the food web.

Bacteria play a vital role in mineralization of organic matter and provide a

tropic link to higher organisms. Recently, the mechanism of nitrogen fixation by
cyan bacteria has been shown to be affected by UV-B stress. Wetlands constitute
important ecosystems both in the tropics and at temperate latitudes. In these areas
cyan bacteria form major constituents in microbial mats.

The organisms optimize their position in the community by vertical

migration in the mat which is controlled by both visible radiation and UV-B. Cyan
bacteria are also important in tropical and subtropical rice paddy fields where they
contribute significantly to the availability of nitrogen. Growth, development and
several physiological responses of these organisms are affected by solar UV.

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) are
degradation products of living organisms. These substances are of importance in
the cycling of carbon in aquatic ecosystems. UV-B radiation has been found to
break down high molecular weight substances and make them available to bacterial
degradation. In addition, DOC is responsible for short wavelength absorption in the
water column. Especially in coastal areas and freshwater ecosystems, penetration
of solar radiation is limited by high concentrations of dissolved and particulate
matter. On the other hand, climate warming and acidification result in faster
degradation of these substances and thus enhance the penetration of UV radiation
into the water column.

UV effects on aquatic animals have found increased interest. In addition to

effects on larval stages in amphibian, sea urchins were found to be affected by
solar UV-B radiation despite the fact that they have partial protection from
mycosporine amino acids, which they take up with their food. Corals have been
known to be directly affected by solar UV; in addition, photosynthesis in their
symbiotic algae is impaired, resulting in reduced organic carbon supply.

All of the previous studies on UV penetration into the water column were
based on occasional measurements. This will be corrected by a recent project
involving the development of a monitoring system (ELDONET) for solar radiation
in Europe using three-channel dosimeters (UV-A, UV-B, PAR), which are being
installed from Abisko (North Sweden, 68 N, 19 E) to Tenerife (Canary Islands,
27 N, 17 W). Some of the instruments will be installed in the water column
(North Sea, Baltic Sea, Kattegat, East and Western Mediterranean, North Atlantic),
establishing the first network of underwater dosimeters for continuous monitoring.

In domesticated animals, too much Ultraviolet radiation could also lead to skin
and eye cancer.


Materials like plastics, wood, fabrics, rubber are massively degraded by too
much ultraviolet radiation


Terrestrial studies are continuing to examine the influence of enhanced UV-

B radiation on microbial decomposition of plant litter to carbon dioxide and
nutrients. Additional studies have confirmed that litter from plants grown under
enhanced UV-B is enriched in lignin and decomposed to CO2 more slowly by soil

The fate and transport of trifluoroacetate (TFA), a persistent substance

derived from the oxidation of certain CFC replacements (HFC-123, HFC-124,
HFC-134a), was investigated in a temperate forest of North America. The study
indicates that the added TFA was retained in vegetation and soil, especially in the
case of wetlands with organic soils. In addition, biological accumulation was
observed as was a lack of microbial consumption.

Studies of photo degradation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by UV

radiation are continuing and expanding. Several studies published over the past
year have provided additional evidence that exposure to UV radiation enhances the
degradation of DOC to CO2 and ammonium. In addition, low- molecular-weight
organic products are produced and are readily assimilated by microorganisms.
Volatile compounds are produced by aquatic DOC photo degradation and
additional studies of the photo production of carbon monoxide have appeared. CO
is an important trace gas that strongly influences biogeochemical cycles through its
effects on chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Two new studies of marine CO
photo production have resulted in disparate estimates of global oceanic sea-to-air
emissions. These two global flux estimates are two orders of magnitude apart: 10-
15 Tg CO year-1 and 1000 Tg year-1 (1 Tg = 1012 g). Total annual emissions of CO
from all sources, by comparison, are about 2000-2500 Tg year-1 primarily from
fossil fuel combustion and CH4 oxidation.

New modeling approaches are being developed to predict the interactions

and feedbacks between climate change and UV-B induced changes in marine
biogeochemical cycles. Important links exist between oceanic dimethylsulfide
(DMS) production, sea-to-air DMS flux and subsequent changes in the sulfate
aerosol-related atmospheric radiation balance. These alterations indicate possible
consequences with regard to climate and climate prediction, because DMS is an
important source of cloud condensation nuclei over parts of the ocean.


STOP USING PESTICIDES :- Pesticides are great chemicals to rid

your farm of pests and weeds, but they contribute enormously to ozone layer
depletion. The surefire solution to get rid of pests and weeds is to apply natural
methods. Just weed your farm manually and use alternative eco-
friendly chemicals to alleviate pests.
The easiest technique to minimize ozone depletion is to limit the number of
vehicles on the road. These vehicles emit a lot of greenhouse gases that
eventually form smog,. a catalyst in the depletion of ozone layer.


The Montreal Protocol formed in 1989 helped a lot in the limitation of
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). However, the protocol never covered nitrous
oxide, which is a known harmful chemical that can destroy the ozone layer.
Nitrous oxide is still in use today. Governments must take action now and
outlaw nitrous oxide use to reduce the rate of ozone depletion.

Ozone is both beneficial and harmful to us. Ozone Deflection can cause a
variety of health problems in humans, including skin cancers, eye cataracts and
a reduction in the ability to fight off disease. Ozone forming as a result of
chemical reactions involving traffic pollution and sunlight may cause a number
of respiratory problems, particularly for young children Therefore Ozone
Deflection is very big problem.

The ozone layer is not likely to fully repair itself for several decades.
Consequently, we should take precautions when exposing ourselves to the Sun.
The air pollution is main cause of Ozone Deflection. Therefore we can stop the
air pollution. We can stop the air pollution by minimum use of vehicles and the
plantation of trees.


2. CLASS 12th NCRT

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