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The Bauman College

Eating For Health™ Institute

Who is Bauman College?
Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts is dba for the Institute for Educational
Therapy, a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit educational institution. Bauman College was founded by Dr.
Edward Bauman in 1989 to provide professional training and community education based upon his
approach to whole food nutrition called Eating For Health™.

What is Eating For Health™?

Eating For Health™ was designed by Dr. Edward Bauman to provide an alternative to the USDA Food
Pyramid model. Eating For Health™ encourages the use of fresh, local, seasonal, organic, natural
foods, with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices, whole grains,
and legumes with organic dairy, eggs, seafood, and pasture-raised animal foods.

What is the Eating For Health™ Institute?

The Eating For Health™ Institute is a new division of Bauman College, dedicated to bringing non-
biased nutrition, culinary, and self-care practices to the widest possible audience. It aims to pro-
vide local, regional, national, international, and on-line services to teach and mentor people with
premature and preventable illness how to regain control of their health through improved diet,
attitude, and lifestyle practices.

Mission Statement
Bauman College aims to create a sustainable culture of wellness in individuals, in the community, and in our health
care delivery systems by promoting a comprehensive and integrative approach to Holistic Nutrition and the Culinary

We are committed to bringing our Eating For Health™ model to an ever wider audience, advocating the use of whole,
organic foods, nutritive herbs, and appropriate supplementation to promote health, restore metabolic balance, and
support recovery from injury and illness. The unifying Bauman College philosophy of holistic nutrition and culinary arts
aims to change the way people consume food from convenience to conscious eating.

We educate people of all ages to participate in an earth-friendly paradigm shift that supports natural, chemical-free
agriculture, aqua-culture, and animal-culture to feed and heal a malnourished world. Our professional training pro-
grams prepare individuals for successful careers as Nutrition Consultants and Natural Chefs. Personal Growth pro-
grams and public outreach provide practical education in nutrition fundamentals and healthy living.
Eating For Health™ Institute’s
Signature Programs
Kidz For Health™
This program directly targets
childhood and family obesity,
diabetes, learning, and social
disorders, such as violence. The
children of today will be the lead-
ers of tomorrow. Regrettably, the
life expectancy of a child today
is dramatically less than it is for
their parents. This Institute program teaches children age
appropriate nutritional information to help them differ-
entiate healthy and unhealthy food and beverage choices.
Children are introduced to fresh, natural food that is
grown locally and taught how to prepare it for themselves
and their families. This program can be offered in schools, Residential Retreat and Recovery Center™
community centers, and in the homes of families who
For people with serious illnesses, such as cancer, there
would benefit from developing the skills to make deli-
is nowhere wonderful to recover post treatment. Often,
cious, inexpensive, healthy, homemade meals together.
they are disoriented, afraid, fragile, hyper-sensitive, and
need care that is beyond what a family member or home
AgeWell™ health care worker can provide. An illness, such as can-
Seniors are the fastest grow- cer, is life changing. This change can be for better or for
ing segment of our population. worse, depending on the love, care, and nourishment they
Many have time and would receive. Too many times, a patient is released after heart
benefit from developing and/ or hip surgery or a course of chemotherapy and told to
or improving their skills in pur- “eat whatever they like;” that diet has no relationship to
chasing, preparing, and sharing their illness; that medication will keep them alive. This
fresh, nourishing food. With is only a partial truth. After an illness is diagnosed and
age, all too often, come illness, treated, a person needs to recognize that they are in
injury, cognitive decline, social isolation, and despair. recovery, much like a person with an emotional or sub-
AgeWell™ offers an active learning situation, whereby stance abuse problem. They will thrive when surrounded
seniors engage in learning about nutrition, which is by positive people who follow healthy behaviors. Left to
both fascinating and confusing for many due to the their own devices, they will likely regress and resume the
over-commercialization of diet fads and nutritional sup- unhealthy habits that contributed to their illness. Dr. Ed
plements. Learning new recipes to cook and the healing Bauman has been leading residential group rejuvenation
properties of foods is a powerful way for seniors to par- programs for the past 25 years. These programs are both
ticipate in classes that show them how to protect their life and health changing. A full time facility is needed to
health assets, which are their cardiovascular, endocrine, meet the enormous demand for services from the multi-
nervous, and immune systems. Additionally, they signifi- tudes that are injured, ill, and in need of a peaceful com-
cantly improve their prospects for joyful living, cooking, munity setting where they can unlearn bad habits and
and making new friends who want to live well and lon- incorporate a restorative Eating For Health™ approach
ger, with less reliance on pharmaceuticals. into their diet, lifestyle, and attitude.
Edward Bauman, M.Ed., Ph.D.
D r. Bauman received his Masters in Education
from the University of Massachusetts and Ph.D.
in Health Education from the University of New Mexico.
He is the president, founder, and director of Bauman
College of Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts, with
distance learning and classroom programs in Berkeley,
Penngrove, and Santa Cruz, CA; and in Boulder, CO.
Bauman College is a 501c (3) nonprofit, public benefit
corporation, approved to provide professional vocational
training by the California Board of Education, Bureau of
Private and Post Secondary Education, since 1989.

Dr. Bauman has been a groundbreaking leader and

author in the field of whole food nutrition for the past
35 years. He developed the Eating For Health™ nutrition
model as an effective way to promote optimal health,
address life changing illness, and discover the joy of
eating fresh, local, seasonal, organic, natural foods.
He is also the director of the Bauman Nutrition Clinic,
where he consults with individuals, families, groups, rest, rejuvenation, and the opportunity to engage in
schools, and businesses to create health and to naturally yoga, meditation, massage, hiking, colon cleansing,
manage chronic illness or organization stress, which and nutrition education classes. These retreats have
leads to diminished productivity and morale, as well as helped people gain the tools to control and, in some
increased medical costs. cases, reverse life-threatening illnesses such as cancer,
autoimmune, cardiovascular, and neurological disease.
Dr. Bauman is the author of the best-selling Holistic
Health Handbook, Holistic Health Lifebook, Eating Dr Bauman is a delightfully wise, practical, and inspiring
For Health™: A Guide to Optimum Health and Vitality, teacher and mentor who makes complex nutritional
Nutrition Essentials for Everyone, Foundations of information easy to digest and put into practice. He
Nutrition Textbook, Therapeutic Nutrition Textbook, and is passionate about expanding the reach of Eating For
the Recipes and Remedies for Rejuvenation Cookbook. Health™ Institute public benefit programs that teach
the value of eating fresh, natural foods and hands on
Ed has written a program for national health promotion cooking skills to youth, seniors, and people with life
called Restoring America's Health!™ (RAH!), with directions threatening illness. He is ably supported by his staff,
on wellness, cooking, and whole food nutrition education. faculty, wife, and dynamic daughter and outreach
Based upon his Nutrition Essentials For Everyone™ course coordinator, Jessica Bauman.
for the benefit of all segments of the population, RAH!
has been submitted to President Obama's Health Reform Dr. Bauman is a remarkable educator who teaches the
Team. Ed is a special advisor to, and past president of, the science of nutrition, the art of cooking, the skill of stress
Board of Directors of the National Association of Nutrition management, the power of love, and intention to direct
Professionals ( healing for individuals and groups willing to assume
responsibility for not only their health, but the health of
For the past 25 years, Dr. Bauman has been leading society and the planet.
Vitality Fasting™ Retreats, wherein participants reside
for 4 days to 2 weeks in a pristine, natural setting and For more information, contact Dr. Bauman at:
enjoy a healing diet of fresh juices, herbal teas, vital Bauman College, P.O. Box 940 Penngrove, CA 94951
shakes, and mineral broths while also receiving ample email:
Call to Action
B auman College has the experience, resources, and will
to promote profound social change. Our nation’s cur-
rent model of medicine is excellent for urgencies and emer-
gencies, but is sorely lacking in person to person programs
and services. Technology is not the answer for a child who is
obese, a senior who is disoriented, or a woman who has suf-
fered from multiple recurrences of cancer, despite repeated
rounds of surgery, chemotherapy, and hormone blocking
medication. Their quality of life is sorely lacking. Eating For
Institute programs will connect people to men-
tors, teachers, and fellow humans who want to take greater
responsibility for their health. It is not meant to replace
medicine, but work in an integrative way to teach people to
eat well, understand the nature of their illness, and be a part
of a functional wholesome, non-exploitive community that
supports wellbeing and is grounded in nature and in love.

We need your generous contributions TODAY to:

1. Bring a full-time program director on board to formulate a
needs assessment, develop a strategic plan, direct market-
ing, fund development, and site selection for our programs.
2. Fund Kidz For Health™ programs in public schools this
fall. We have invitations in four counties.
3. Fund AgeWell™ programs that can be launched in mul-
tiple venues.
4. Develop the plans for a Residential Recovery and Retreat
Center™ and gather the resources to purchase, design,
promote, and manage this state of the art facility.

Your generous contribution may be made

via check, credit card, or wire transfer to:

Life Insurance Services for Charitable Giving (“Lis4cg”) is

Bauman College
aligned with the Institute to discuss current gift and legacy Eating For Health™ Institute
planning contributions with Benefactors and their advisors
on a confidential basis and to educate Benefactors on lead- P.O. Box 940, Penngrove, CA 94951
ing edge financial strategies that can simultaneously benefit (800) 987-7530
them, their family, the Institute, and recipients of Eating
For Health™ education and support. For further information,
please contact Rick Weinstein at: (510) 465-7724.

Financial support will be gratefully acknowledged. Bauman College Eating For Health™ Institute is a division of Institute for
Educational Therapy (IET) dba Bauman College ( IET is a non-profit corporation registered and in good
standing with federal and state regulatory agencies. IET has received a tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service and oper-
ates as a 501(c)(3) public education enterprise.

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